Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Horror: I Have a Monster Editor Chapter 617


The Falcon is down!

The flames of the airship's explosion directly devoured the last hundred or so demons and monsters, all wounded and disabled!

And more than 400 people who fled desperately, finally ran the last 100 meters, rushed into the anti-magic cave, and successfully closed the explosion-proof door!

Those more than 400 people, under the slowly falling explosion-proof gate, faced the three groups of blazing wreckage and flames of the airship, bang dong dong, weeping and kowtow!

Some people die, some people live!

The sacrifice of some people in exchange for the survival of others!

Is it worth it?

does it worth?

No one can answer!

But at a critical moment, they, wearing the uniforms of the Demon Slayer Bureau, undoubtedly made the most heroic and fearless decisions!

Ye Fan was fiercely confronting Sanmu, and seeing this scene, his wide eyes were full of grief!

Holding the right hand of the Soul Chopping Blade, he was so angry that he trembled and roared violently.

"Three-eyed monkey, I will definitely hack you to death!!!"

At this time,

Ye Fan, who saw this sacrifice scene in his eyes, suddenly burst into a mass of memory in his mind.

This is the memory of the black hatred being triggered!

The kaleidoscope-like image finally stops on a bridge!

A humble wooden bridge!

The blood-yellow river flows under the bridge!

on the bridge,

The tops of the bridge pillars are burning with groups of ghostly fires!

Ye Fan knew that this was the Naihe Bridge in the Underworld!

A mysterious and mysterious enlightenment flooded into his heart just like before!

Life and death!

No matter what!

No matter what!

What a knife!

Cut off! !

Sanmu is rushing to kill in big strides, and the demons in both hands are full of energy, tearing open countless claws of demons!

It is about to smash Ye Fan into ten thousand pieces!


He saw Ye Fan flutteringly slashed with a knife!

The knife was silent.

But in an instant,

Sanmu felt where he was and changed the location.

The surroundings suddenly plunged into deep darkness.

Under his feet is a very simple wooden bridge that seems to be broken at any time!

"Sigh Naihe on the Naihe Bridge, but with one knife, there are countless previous achievements!"

Ye Fan's voice resounded leisurely from all directions!

A purplish red knife light fell from the sky!

The three eyes felt that what erupted from Ye Fan's body had locked his unparalleled murderous intention!

Sanmu struggled to burst out all the demon qi, and tried to block it!

But suddenly there are countless past events in my mind, and my eyes are psychedelic!

He sinks in!

The purple-red sword light penetrated the three-eye qi without any hindrance, and in the dull and dull eyes of the latter, it fell on the Naihe Bridge!


The bridge is broken!

Three eyes fell into the abyss of the endless river!

In reality, the spiritual soul was deeply immersed in the three eyes of the Nai He illusion, and Ye Fan was stabbed in two in an instant!

Three-eyed ape demon, die! ! !

Ye Fan sucked hard!

After the death of Sanmujin, the demon's resentment was swallowed up by the black hatred!

The purple-red Shura Ming Qi became stronger again!

Ming Gang stretched out his big hand and took out the head, heart, and spine keel of the three-eyed ape demon and stuffed them into the storage space!

After everything was done, Ye Fan flew to the inner city gate in the south!

There are more than 300 demons and ghosts that were crippled by the bombing, howling in pain, moving their bodies and crawling out in the flames of the airship in the air!

As long as they are given a certain amount of time to condense the demonic and ghostly energy, they will be able to recover the demonic body and the ghostly body again!


With a flash, Ye Fan stepped into the void twenty meters above the ground.

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