Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Horror: I Have a Monster Editor Chapter 815

Either crisp, or dull and depressing thumping sounds, kept ringing.

bang bang bang-

blah blah-

There are not many furniture, but also scattered everywhere.

From time to time, tableware and dishes fell to the ground, making a crisp sound of frying!

In a cramped storage room.

Ye Fan clenched his fists, the anger in his eyes almost turned into substance.

"This damn scum!!"

His voice seemed to be forced out word by word from the gap between his teeth.

The murderous aura all over the body gushed out, and the forest was cold!

But no matter how Ye Fan pushed the door in front of him, or launched an underworld attack, nothing changed in front of him.

Ye Fan knew that this was the real boy of the ghost ghost, the previous memories and scenes.

He can only watch, but cannot change.

The mental power released by Ye Fan also sensed the little boy's state.

At this time,

He hesitated slightly and turned around slowly.

Ye Fan saw that with the sound of slaps outside, the little boy's drooping head was buried in the arms, and buried lower and lower.

The thin body was also trembling.

Every thumping sound from outside made his body twitch and tremble like a conditioned reflex.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan felt a deep sense of sourness in his heart.

He approached the little boy.

His lips moved, trying to speak.

But Ye Fan knew that no matter what he said, the little boy couldn't hear it.

He reached out his hand, but felt empty.

Ye Fan also couldn't touch the little boy's body.

In this spiritual world, he is just a powerless bystander.

at this time,

Ye Fan suddenly sensed a thick ghostly aura coming from outside.

His eyes narrowed.

The mental power wants to be released even more.

But when it hits the wall of the house, it cannot extend.

He could feel that there was a very strong demonic spirit outside the house, which was bursting out like boiling water, filling the surroundings.

infiltrate the room

There are monsters and monsters!

Even an army of monsters and monsters!

Ye Fan thought to himself.

The man in the restaurant who was beating his wife also stopped.

The demonic aura that surrounds it is so strong that ordinary people can perceive it.

The man with a face full of flesh just felt like his whole body was falling into an ice cellar.

The icy and cold demonic qi seemed to penetrate into the body from the pores all over the body.

He shivered uncontrollably.

The woman on the ground, with nosebleeds and swollen cheeks, had been beaten and temporarily lost consciousness.

Immediately the whole person passed out in a coma and fell to the ground.

The man with a face full of flesh seems to have sobered up a lot from the alcohol that was stimulated by the demonic spirit.

He didn't know what he heard, and the whole person trembled in fear.

The man's panicked and frightened eyes, trembling, looked everywhere.

When he saw his wife on the ground, he immediately regretted it.

He hurriedly came to the woman's side, held up the woman's head, and kept flapping and shaking.

"Wife, wife!!"

"Wife, wake up, wake up, wake up!!"

"Uh-" The woman frowned tightly and said in pain.

The slightly swollen eyelids slowly opened with difficulty, his eyes focused, and he became a little awake.

The man was overjoyed when he saw his wife sober up.

He hurriedly shivered and said in a frightened voice, "Wife, outside... there seems to be a monster outside!"

"It seems that there are... monsters, ghosts and monsters, enter... enter the base city!"

The man spoke with a trembling voice.

His pupils were dilated, and he was at a loss.

The man's tyrannical and ferocious aura just now disappeared without a trace in front of even more powerful monsters.

Ye Fan immediately frowned when he heard the man's words.

Sure enough, there are monsters and monsters coming in!

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