Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Horror: I Have a Monster Editor Chapter 818

The little boy turned his head in despair.

He suddenly widened his eyes.

He saw the ferocious and ferocious sword pointing demon, already killed in front of him.


The little boy cried out in fear.

"Be careful!" Ye Fan shouted, but neither the little boy nor the woman could hear it.

The big mudra of the palm he sent out was useless at all, and it went directly through the sword finger demon and the wall, and disappeared without a trace.


The sound of things breaking through the air came.

At the critical moment, the woman sensed the fierce attack of the demon, and her eyes suddenly became very firm.

She turned around, opened her arms, and stood in front of her son.


A large stream of blood sputtered from the woman's chest and from behind.

The five sharp claws of the sword pointing demon pierced the woman's chest impressively.

Ye Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He couldn't change anything, so he clenched his fists.

In my heart I only felt extremely depressed, suffocated and angry.

"No, Mom—"

The little boy looked at this scene in disbelief, and cried out with a cry.

"Sure enough, women's skin and muscles are softer!"

The Sword Finger Demon said fiercely.

The cruel and bloody demon pupil burst out with a greedy and fierce light.

The woman gritted her teeth, her eyes extremely firm.

She endured the intense pain that her body was torn apart, and slammed towards the Sword Finger Demon in front of her and pounced.

bang bang bang-

The woman didn't know where the strength came from, but she threw the sword pointing demon to the ground.

Then, with his forehead again and again, he slammed the sword pointing demon's teeth, demon pupils, and face heavily.

Even if he hit himself with blood all over his face, he didn't stop.

The woman's mouth even shouted loudly: "Run!"

"Amin, run from the door!!"

"Hurry up and run!!"

The little boy looked at his mother with great struggle.

His clenched teeth clenched his lips apart, blood oozing out.

He cried bitterly and ran towards the door.

When he was about to go out, the little boy looked back.


There was a dazzling blood red in front of him.

His mother's body was torn apart on the spot by the sharp claws of the demon!

Ye Fan's eyes widened slightly, looking at the scene in front of him, his eyes were frozen, and he was silent.

at this time,

All the scene suddenly froze.

The little boy who was about to rush out of the door was turned into a bubble.

Then his figure condensed beside Ye Fan.

The little boy's voice sounded slowly.

"Later, I ran to the basement under the corridor, I was hiding, and the back became what it is now!"

"You, understand my feelings? Big brother!"

"My mom, she...she's dead!"


"She's right in front of my eyes... dead!"

"My dad... beats me every day, he... he was so selfish until the last moment!"


"It's him... it's him who killed my mother!"

"I know he...was killed by demons and ghosts!"

"He should be damned... these monsters and ghosts should be damned too, woo woo woo-!"

"Why...why did I become like this!!"


The little boy with the real body of the shadow ghost stood beside Ye Fan, revealing the ghost body.

He was like a walking corpse, his eyes were dead silent, he was talking to Ye Fan, and he was talking to himself.

The childish voice of the little boy, from the hysterical grief at the beginning, to the resentment from the heart.

at last,

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