Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Horror: I Have a Monster Editor Chapter 838

These four ancient characters, between the transition of the brush stroke and the outline, have the characteristics of the ancient seal, the ancient script, the ancient bronze script, and even the ancient Qi script.

At first glance, it looks like a hodgepodge of mixed together, which looks very different.

But if you look closely, you will find that in these four characters, the four ancient fonts are perfectly integrated.

It is like a new font, and it seems that these four characters should be used in four ancient fonts in order to express the real meaning.

Looking at the path, although it is only two meters wide, it stretches straight into the depths of the forest, and it seems that there is no end in sight.

What is even more surprising is that this forest path is not a hardened dirt road, but a paved bluestone road.

The strips of bluestone slabs, as if they had been carefully measured, were all the same in size, length, and size.

Each two forms a side, extending all the way to the distance.

The demonic mist in the woods, not long after it dispersed, suddenly!


A strange and cold yin and ghost wind suddenly blew past!

rustling rustling-

Shadows swayed, grass fell.

Under the dark night, the entire dark and deep woods rustled in the dark wind!

From time to time, there is a humming sound from the depths of the jungle, as if something is passing through the forest very quickly!

Yingyingchaochuo, can't really see it!

These sights, not long after, all disappeared and stopped.

rustling --

There was the sound of footsteps stepping on the grass, from far to near.

It was a string at the beginning, but soon, it became a sound.

rustling --

rustling --

There seems to be a lot of people.

After a while, the footsteps stopped abruptly.

The first person appeared at the entrance of this ancient ghost road.

It's an... old lady!

An old woman in simple clothes, about 60 or 70 years old, with a rickety body and a rotten smell all over her body.

It is also an ordinary person who does not have any spiritual power fluctuations or demon spirit aura.

The old woman's old, wrinkled face was sluggish.

The grey-haired head, like a rusted machine, turned to the stone tablet with his body together.

The sight that was originally in a trance without any focal length, the moment it fell on the stone tablet, suddenly a deep green color appeared from the depths of the pupil!

Nether Ancient Road, these four ancient characters seem to have been imprinted deep in the pupils of the old woman at this moment.

Directly let her dull and sluggish eyes ignite two groups of green ghost fires in an instant!

The sound of Zizizi's eyeballs being ignited and scorched continued to come out.

And there is a smell of burnt smell diffused.

The eyes of the living are burning with fire!

At the same time as the green fire erupted, the old woman's footsteps clacked and stepped onto the bluestone road.

Stepping on this step, like a manipulated puppet, step by step is very stiff and walks forward.

Obviously, the old woman still has breathing and vitality, and is obviously still alive.

But at this moment,

The eyes are burning with green ghost fire, the joints of the body are stiff like a rusted machine, and the whole person is like a dead zombie.

Step by step, on this ancient ghost road, walking forward.

When the old woman walked out a distance of about three meters, another figure appeared at the entrance of the path.

This is also an old woman about the same age.

The same eyes began to burn with green ghosts, and they stepped on the bluestone slab and walked towards the front of the road!

When I walked past 1,231 old women in a row, there were old men at the entrance of the path!

Then little girls, little boys, grown women, grown men!

If there is a spiritual master here, you will find it.

The order of this flow of people is impressively arranged according to yin and yang, and also according to the strength of vitality.

From the weakest, the most deadly old woman, to the last, the strongest, the most angry adult man.

This long, strangely arranged queue of people doesn't know how far it stretches out.

One by one, as if possessed by demons, and as if they had been guided and driven, they all embarked on this ancient ghost road.

blah blah-

blah blah-

Under the dark and deep night, the footsteps on the ancient road were extremely neat, and every three meters there was a living person who was stunned.

They all walked towards the depths of the ancient road.

The first old woman didn't know how far she had walked in or how long she had walked.


The ghostly wind began to blow.

The infiltrating cold wind was mixed with the strong and fragrant corpse odor wafting out of the dense forest on both sides.

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