Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Horror: I Have a Monster Editor Chapter 912

Chen Keman took advantage of the situation with a direct KO.


She got off the actual combat platform, took out her mobile phone, and carefully looked at Ye Fan's avatar and information on the Internet-wide announcement.

A happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In a group of resident.

Today, Pang Yutong and Pang Yuwen, the two sisters, did not have a mission.

They are undergoing periodic medical examinations in the logistics department.

When the mobile phone information arrived, and the two sisters saw the above information together, the two beautiful faces with different temperaments were full of shock and astonishment.

The pink and rosy mouths of the two of them could not help but open slightly because of the huge shock.

Pang Yutong's face was shocked, and he could almost stuff an egg in his mouth.

The younger sister Pang Yuwen hurried over and covered her sister's very unladylike image.

The two slowly came back to their senses, looked down at the phone, and whispered in surprise.

From Pang Yutong's mouth, from time to time came a teasing laughter.

Pang Yuwen's face was already blushing.

This news, as well as Ye Fan's appearance and job information, also quickly spread throughout the country.

This is for Ye Fan to easily call the strategic resources of various provincial and municipal base cities when he is out on a mission.


The whole country of the Dragon Kingdom, all the base cities, and all the imperial masters were shocked and boiling!

In the 80 years of the Horror Calendar, the youngest eighth-sequence doom-level powerhouse was born! !

This news is undoubtedly very exciting.

For the first time, the name Ye Fan had a preliminary impression in the minds of the spiritual masters of the Dragon Kingdom.


This initial impression is already amazing enough!

In the magic capital base city.

The rebuild progress is well done.

With the supernatural combat power of the Spirit Master, the effect on the infrastructure is very amazing.

All the damage caused by the previous Demon City battle has been repaired.

The inner and outer double 100-meter-high walls are rebuilt and stronger.

Some nodes of the defensive magic array have been specially reinforced, and special arrangements such as additional guards have been made.

The top floor of the Demon City Exorcism Bureau.

Inside the Director's Office.

He Yunfei stood in front of the large and bright floor-to-ceiling windows.

In his hand, he held an A4 paper faxed resume.

It is a national announcement newsletter for the new eighth-sequence doomsday-level powerhouse!

The picture above is Ye Fan.

He Yunfei glanced down and smiled in relief.

He looked in the direction of the Martyrs Cemetery, and murmured with some emotion in his mouth.

"Dragon Bureau, your vision is as precise as ever!"

"Ye Fan, has become the youngest eighth-sequence doomsday powerhouse in our Dragon Kingdom for 80 years!"


When all the base cities in the country were shocked by the name of Ye Fan, Ye Fan had already returned home.

Night fell, and after dinner, Ye Fan chatted with his mother and Linger for a while, and then went back to their rooms.

He lay comfortably on the deep blue soft and fragrant lap, and began to check Hei Chou and Xiao Zhuyan's demon spirit panels.

[Author's digression]: The 11,400-word update, brothers and sisters, today is a lot, I beg for more votes, more support, bow and thank you! ! Thank you [White Deer] for your brother's golden ticket, thank you for [M] for your brother's golden ticket, thank you for your brother's golden ticket, thank you for your brother's golden ticket, thank you for [Ghost] brother's golden ticket, thank you for [ゞ Looking for her 灬 has not returned so far╰→ 】Brother's golden ticket, thank you [MZSN] brother's golden ticket, thank you [td152961347] brother's golden ticket, thank you for your support, thank you! !

Chapter 216 The Second Royal Spirit Inheritance [11098 words...

Ye Fan returned to the room, lay comfortably on the deep blue soft and fragrant lap, and began to check the demon spirit panels of Hei Chou and Xiao Zhu Yan.

Close your eyes.

The conscious body sank into the demon spirit space.

Heiqiu's demon spirit space has turned into a noble and majestic purple-gold.

As soon as Ye Fan's thoughts moved, he turned into a figure of consciousness and swept into the realm of the underworld.

His mental power scanned the surroundings.

The territory of the underworld and the underworld has become wider.

The earth is not as bare as it used to be.

Instead, there is a towering and heavy, 999-meter-high Ghost Gate Xiongguan, and a dark yellow Huangquan Road that is 1,000 meters long behind it.

At the end of Huangquan Road, clusters of purple-red flowers on the other side swayed in the wind.

To this vicissitudes of life of the underworld, embellished with a bright purple color.

In the air of the entire underworld domain, Ye Fan also felt that the concentration of the underworld air had become higher than before.

When he stood in the void and scanned the entire field, there were hundreds of thousands of ghost soldiers below, with a pair of dark souls, sensing the aura of Ye Fan's arrival, and a dark purple fire suddenly appeared.

Qi Brushes towards Ye Fan's direction, kneeling on one knee very respectfully.


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