Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Age of Horror: I Have a Monster Editor Chapter 919

The muscles in the body also become stronger and stronger.

All parts of the body that belong to the wood formation are being nourished and strengthened.

Immediately after,

Ye Fan felt the power of thunder robbery in water, and it fed back.


The blood all over the body is like a boiling river, lake and sea, rushing violently!

Muscles and blood vessels seem to be swelled and split open.

Even more like an inflated ball, the body began to swell up.

It seemed like it was about to explode in the next moment.

Ye Fan's incomparably tenacious will was reflected most vividly at this time.

No matter what kind of pain he was in, he didn't say a word.

Cold sweat oozing out and dry.

After the pain caused by this water-borne thunder tribulation, the power of the source of this water-borne thunder tribulation immediately fed back to Ye Fan's kidneys, ears, bones, and bladder and other parts of the body that correspond to water travel.

The source power of the Thunder Tribulation of Water and Lightning quickly nourishes and strengthens these body parts.

Ye Fan felt that his bones became stronger and denser, and his hearing became better!

The sound of the wings of mosquitoes and flies coming from outside the window can be heard clearly!

As for the changes after strengthening of the kidneys and other parts, it is naturally obvious.

As the saying goes, if the kidney is good, he is good, and so is her!

Ye Fan's "combat power" was strengthened again by the Thunder Tribulation.

After the origin of the thunder tribulation of water travel has passed, it is the origin of the thunder tribulation of fire and thunder.

Ye Fan felt that the whole person was caught in a sea of ​​high temperature fire, and the temperature inside and outside the body rose rapidly.

The whole person seemed to be cooked, hot and hot.

Severe dehydration throughout the body.

Face, lips, skin, all chapped and peeled.

After being split and replaced, the new skin is stronger and stronger.

After a while, the high temperature subsided, and the power of this fire and thunder tribulation source quickly fed back to the heart, tongue, veins, small intestine and other body parts.

The fire element's thunder tribulation power has nourished and strengthened all the parts of the body that belong to the fire element.

Ye Fan felt that his sense of taste became sharper, and his heart beat more vigorously.

The last wave of turbulent came was the original power of the earth-moving thunder tribulation.

This wave of thunder tribulation power made Ye Fan's whole body seem to be filled with cement, becoming extremely heavy, like a mountain rock.

The whole body became solidified, and then returned to normal.

After surviving this test, the source of this earth-moving thunder tribulation power quickly feeds back to the spleen, stomach, mouth, and muscles and other body-corresponding earth-moving parts.

Ye Fan felt that his muscles became stronger and stronger, and his strength flourished.

The spleen, stomach, and oral cavity are also nourished and strengthened by the source of this earth practice.

The source of the Five Elements Thunder Tribulation was all digested, and Ye Fan's physical fitness immediately soared eightfold.

And the benefits obtained in other aspects are even more beneficial.

Ye Fan slowly opened his eyes.

Everything in front of me became clearer.

The sound heard by the ear is also richer.


Deep Blue's surprise scream sounded.

Ye Fan turned his head to look.

The lovely figure of the little maid leaned in front of him.

A pair of beautiful blue eyes were full of concern.

Ye Fan's eyesight has become sharper now.

He looked at the little maid's face.

The cute little face that is pink and moist is really breakable, and the skin is amazing.

The excellent line of sight moved down even more unconsciously.

Ye Fan didn't shy away from it, and he looked at it with integrity.

My lovely little maid has grown bigger!

He sighed involuntarily.

After the enhanced sense of smell, the pleasant fragrance on the deep blue body can also be smelled more clearly.

This is a scent that is lighter than a floral scent, but a little thicker than a fragrance.

As soon as Ye Fan smelled it, he felt relieved.

I feel very good and comfortable.

Shen Lan naturally felt Ye Fan's sight and movements, and two blushes appeared on her beautiful and cute little face.

Although the little maid was a little shy in her heart, she did not evade her master's gaze, but instead moved closer.

She leaned a little closer.

"Master, are you alright?"

Shen Lan was almost sticking to Ye Fan's face, blushing and shouting coquettishly.

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