Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 111 Select All, Draw A! Aberration VS Octopus Army! Deep sea ice!


The low, but long voice echoed throughout the deep trench.

Ye Fei's magic eyes swept across the huge octopus in front of him.

【Ancient Octopus】

[Level]: Level 15 (King)

[Talent]: Deep Sea Call, Dormancy, Fear, Cultivation.

[Status]: semi-petrochemical, dormant



It's no wonder that part of the body of this thing is petrified. How many years does it have to live?

Real old guy!

As for the ability of fear, could it be said that


At this moment, an invisible wave began to spread.


For a moment, Ye Fei felt dizzy.

What's this.

Before Ye Fei could react to check the status of the rest of the people, the extremely uncomfortable feeling passed by, and then the entire battleship began to shake.

Buzz buzz~!




Ye Fei stared helplessly at the already broken water glass in front of him, it broke open completely, and the glass shards shattered all over the table, as if being attacked by an invisible force.

There are so many layers of battleship structure!

Is it such a strong infrasound?

Ye Fei couldn't help being surprised.

Through the perspective of the magic eye, one can see layers of sound waves being emitted from the tentacles of the ancient octopus.

The sound struck and then resonated.

The other party is still constantly adjusting the resonance frequency according to the rebounding sound waves.

The power is constantly increasing!

Ye Fei remembered that he had encountered this type of attack before, but the power was really average, but this octopus took this type of attack to a new level.

The sound wave resonance of different levels was combined by it, and Ye Fei's battleship was shaking.

Just now when the other party adjusted the sound wave, it resonated to Ye Fei's heart, so he felt extremely sick instantly.

Fortunately, Ye Fei was hiding in the battleship, and the other party could not observe his resonance frequency. It was just a coincidence.



At this moment, Ye Fei suddenly heard the sound of weird tentacles wriggling behind him. There seemed to be something on the back of his neck. He turned his head suddenly, but there was nothing.


what's the situation!

Ye Fei looked sideways, not only her, Luo Bing was also trembling all over, much more nervous than him, with a thought, Ye Fei let the seat grow, wrapped Luo Bing tightly to prevent her from moving, and then quickly ate Down more peppers.

It works, but not by much.

The strange sound and touch still appear.

This is truly an amazing ability.

Is it the fear ability?


You have to eat common black-spotted octopus to have a similar effect. Why?

Ye Fei subconsciously felt that it was unreasonable, but after thinking about it, he felt that he was an idiot. This different world is not a purely material world. How could it be as reasonable as he thought?

Immediately he shook his head, no longer paying attention to the abnormalities around him, but concentrated his attention, and immediately fixed all the members.

If it was an ordinary battleship, there would be no other way but to escape at this time.

But Ye Fei is different. His battleship does not have strictly autonomous crew members. They are all part of the battleship. Therefore, it is impossible for the other party to use the fear ability to cause huge chaos on his battleship.

But if this continues, he is afraid that other abnormalities will appear, and if he falls into a deeper level of fear step by step without knowing it, it will be completely over.

what to do?

Ye Fei became nervous for a moment, should he fight or flee?


How could I think of running away?

Maybe the other party has no strength at all, scaring me into this idea!


Why can't I escape? Maybe this is also the influence the other party exerted on me!

For a while, Ye Fei was tangled up. He didn't quite know whether a certain thought of his was produced by himself, or caused by the other party's fear ability.

This alone is very fatal.

I must clearly know my state!

Ye Fei couldn't help thinking hastily.


With a quick thought, he opened the attribute panel and carefully checked the attributes of himself and the battleship. At the same time, he opened the communication channel and carefully checked the status of the fleet.

With this operation, the strange situation around him suddenly decreased a lot.

Ha ha!

It really works!

No matter how awesome your ability is, can you still compete with the ability given by the laws of the world?

The opponent can absolutely not interfere with the ability involving the laws of the world.

Even, conversely, these two abilities of Ye Fei might be able to directly suppress the opponent's ability!

Ye Fei kept checking the attributes and put things into the fleet warehouse by the way.

Constantly interact with the "ability" provided by the laws of the world to ensure that you are in a normal state.

But this is not safe, Ye Fei has to confirm that what he sees is the real attribute.

Confused, he picked up the broken glass and slammed it on his arm, puff~!

A lot of blood gushed out.


Ye Fei's face turned pale from the pain.

All of a sudden, sweat came out on his forehead.

Why is this thing so painful!

Looking carefully, it turned out that it was the peppers that were scattered just now, and some of them were scattered on the arm, and now they were stuck to the wound, which was sour.

"I am a big grass!"

Ye Fei complained, shivering in pain.

However, I don't know if it's because of the stinging pain, or because of the direct external application of chili peppers. Anyway, his last trace of auditory hallucinations and hallucinations are gone.

Looking at the attribute panel again, there is an extra minor injury status.

Great, everything is back to normal!

Not affected!

"Die to me!"

After repeatedly confirming that he was in a normal state, Ye Fei brazenly launched an attack.

But this time, instead of rushing up by himself, he activated the flesh and blood lair and began to continuously create mutants.

The opponent can't move, so there's no need for him to take risks.

And the resonance is too terrifying, the closer it is, the more powerful it will be.

The aberrations are completely brainless, and are not affected by the opponent's abilities at all.

All you need is the mouse, um, select all in one mind, and press A to go up!

The next moment, the army of aberrations and the army of octopuses collided.

In the darkness of the deep sea, waves of blood surged.

Some aberrants ignored it and even attacked the ancient octopus itself.


All of a sudden, the hurried low voice sounded again.

Seeing that its resonance ability was invalid, the ancient octopus was no longer so calm, and it began to drive more octopuses around to surround it.

All of a sudden, the front, back, left, and right sides of the battleship were full of octopuses!

Ye Fei snorted coldly, and manipulated the battleship to sink suddenly, and the ten gravitational rings emitted light, boom!

The entire trench trembled as if it had been hit by a heavy hammer, and boulders fell.

With just one blow from the battleship, all the octopuses that wanted to penetrate from the bottom were smashed into a pulp.

After completing this step, the battleship did not stop, but continued to sink, gradually sinking into the rocks on the seabed.

Want to besiege him from all sides? over thinking!

It didn't take long for the battlefield to become a big hole, with mutants swarming out, attacking the ancient octopus up, down, left, and right.

At the same time, this trick also allowed his battleship to hide in the thick rock formations. Here, the sound waves were greatly reduced, and the resonance of the battleship was significantly reduced.

Seeing this scene, the ancient octopus was stunned. It was clearly planning to surround and beat the other party, but now it's the other way around.



The deformed sea monster attacked wildly, grabbing one of its tentacles to pieces.

The ancient octopus angrily pulled out a petrified tentacle, swung it violently, and a large piece of deformed body was directly photographed on the rock wall, smashed into a pulp.

This forced movement made it a huge burden. Its body had long been integrated with the trench here, and it moved violently. For a while, cracks began to spread on the rock wall of the trench.

But seeing the effect of his attack, the ancient octopus was still very satisfied.

However, before this satisfied expression appeared, its eyes widened. This fierce blow did not cause any psychological fear to the enemy, not at all!

Even the slightest pause!

From that hole, there are still such disgusting monsters pouring out continuously.

Isn't the other party afraid of death?

For a moment, the ancient octopus panicked, and it realized that it had underestimated its opponent.

While the hole is surging, from its perspective, it seems that there is a black wave gushing out from the hole, too many!

It roared angrily again, and more octopuses gathered to fight for it!

One gray, one black, two waves collided together.

The entire bottom of the sea was dyed blue.

A few minutes later, Ye Fei actually felt that the organic matter was tight.

This consumption is too terrifying. No wonder the Siren Queen was so big and strong back then, and her aura was not magnificent when she was born.

Ye Fei quickly took out more octopus carcasses from the warehouse.

Fortunately, he had stored a lot of corpses before, and this would just come in handy.

After the battleship digests the food, it can be converted into a steady stream of nutrients immediately, continuously producing mutants.

At the same time, Ye Fei also started to use the tentacles to pull the corpses at the entrance of the cave and around them. The tentacles suddenly sucked in a dozen corpses. These corpses were all digested by the battleship. After a few minutes, the flesh and blood could be "reorganized" again. It is a deformed siren.

One's own deformed siren is endless, while the opponent's octopus is losing all the time.

I eat, I eat!


Here are a bunch of big ones!

In this way, combat has become a relatively novel "strategic activity".

Ye Fei should try to maintain a sufficient number of mutants to put pressure on the opponent. At the same time, he must also maintain the organic matter reserves and not let the warehouse bottom out.


Hiss hiss~!



On the battlefield, there was a roar.

Relying on the characteristic of not being afraid of death, the aberrant keeps pushing forward, and attacking it must save it.

Therefore, the octopus monster can't take advantage of its speed, so it can only come up to head-to-head.

For a time, a large number of casualties.

【Ding! Kill a level 10 black-spotted octopus, gain energy +1400]

【Ding! Kill a level 10 black-spotted octopus, gain energy +1400]

【Ding! Kill a level 6 black-spotted octopus and gain energy +600]

Another feast of energy harvesting has begun.

Ha ha!

give it to me!

Ye Fei was excited to kill, and the magic eye turned again, directing a group of deformed bodies to rush towards a huge tentacle on the side.

For a time, flesh and blood flew.

The mutant's brain is underdeveloped, but its claws are well developed.

Seeing this, the octopus monsters rushed up one after another. For a while, many deformed bodies were torn into pieces.

But the octopus also suffered huge losses.

Not to mention, there are still a large number of deformed bodies rushing up from behind.

Puff Chi~!

Puff Chi~!

A large number of Octopus were killed.

【Ding! Kill a level 10 black-spotted octopus, gain energy +1400]

【Ding! Kill a level 10 black-spotted octopus, gain energy +1400]

【Ding! Kill a level 8 black-spotted octopus and gain energy +800]


The ancient octopus couldn't stand being killed again, and forcibly pulled out another tentacle.

With a sudden smash, a large number of deformed bodies died.

But Ye Fei's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.


This is!

I saw the ancient octopus rolling its tentacles, and a large piece of golden rock surged out.

Ye Fei's heart moved, and he quickly sucked in his tentacles.

Some rocks were sucked up by the sea.

On this rock, there are pieces of gold, and some are silver-gray, showing a square shape.

This is pyrite, which is of little value.

But the other one is a lump of yellow metal. Copper ore!

So many copper mines!

This is a necessary ore for continuing to upgrade the dock in the future!

Definitely a strategic resource!

Ha ha!


This is going to be posted!

For a moment, Ye Fei couldn't help being ecstatic.

There is definitely a copper mine here!

And there is a large amount of pyrite associated with it.

As long as it is mined, the follow-up resource advantage is huge!

For a while, Ye Fei's heart was burning hot, and he was looking forward to the next battle even more.

This huge octopus is very powerful. The octopus population in this area seems to have gathered here.

Their hobby of collecting gold jewelry is believed to bring Ye Fei a lot of extra benefits.

If there is still a gravitational ring.

Puchi puchi!

The moment Ye Fei was distracted, his army of deformed bodies was hit hard. He didn't pay attention to one side of the team, and was surrounded by octopus monsters.

He immediately didn't dare to be obsessed, and concentrated!

Ten minutes later, the octopus monsters finally became thinner, and the powerful octopus monsters were almost killed.

The rest, even if it is the roar of the ancient octopus, is not very able to control it.

The mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood are really too cruel. Their survival instinct makes them want to escape.

Ye Fei also took advantage of this gap to store some of the collected resources in the warehouse.

With these materials and resources alone, he has made a lot of money this time.

If you don't come here, it is absolutely impossible to find so many copper mines.

If you want to upgrade the dock later, you have to find a way to trade around.

At the moment, Ye Fei seized the time and launched an attack on the ancient octopus.

At the same time, he continued to generate currents. There are copper mines here, and copper is very conductive. Therefore, after a long distance, the ancient octopus was shocked by the electricity, and its head began to growl. bubbles.

That's the electric current electrolyzing seawater.

Just as Ye Fei thought so, the bubble exploded violently.

blue light flashes,


For a moment, the ancient octopus was blown up miserably. Huge explosions happened behind it, and the explosions continued continuously. This unexpected explosion even pushed it completely by more than ten meters.

Ye Fei was shocked to see a huge tentacle being blown to the entrance of the hole.

What's happening here?

The explosion is still spreading far away!

After a while, the turbulent torrent passed.

Feeling this strength, Ye Fei was even more puzzled.

What just exploded by yourself?

It is very powerful and produces a lot of high temperature and gas!

Just then, a stone flew over.

Explosion fragments!

Ye Fei looked carefully, and there was ice on it?

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