“Third party forces? You mean…”

Hearing this, Chen Jiaying’s face showed doubt.

Obviously, I don’t understand the meaning of Qin Feng’s words.

After all, today’s three eastern provinces have long been occupied by the Kwantung Army, in this case, where do the third-party forces come from?

Could it be a puppet Manchu government?

But they are only governments in name.

The real control power is still in the hands of the Kwantung Army Headquarters, how dare to meddle in the affairs of the Peace Hotel?

And just when Chen Jiaying was curious.

Finally, Qin Feng made a move again.

The fingers of the right hand dipped in the red wine glass, and immediately outlined them on the table, and a moment later, three words appeared on the wine table.

See here

Chen Jiaying followed the trend and looked over.

Originally, she still didn’t care, but when she saw the content of those three words clearly, her face was shocking.

“Ministry of Foreign Affairs?”

“You mean, there are people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in this Peace Hotel? Who is it? ”

When this information is known.

In Chen Jiaying’s heart, he felt a little shocked.

Of course, at the same time, there are still some surprises.

After all, if there really is a Ministry of Foreign Affairs in this Peace Hotel, then the assassination of Xiangzhi Jin’an may not be able to calm down smoothly.

You know,

In the Japanese army, the contradiction between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Kwantung Army can be described as well-known.

Of course, or more accurately, this should be the contradiction between the emperor and the Kwantung Army.

Since the Kwantung Army successfully entered the three eastern provinces and directly established Manchukuo, the Kwantung Army headquarters obviously did not put the emperor in its eyes at all, and even, directly disobeyed orders on the battlefield and did not abide by the emperor’s unified strategic plan.

In addition, he repeatedly contradicted the emperor.

And threatened to establish, belonging to the country of their Kwantung Army!

And in this case, the emperor naturally also wanted to restrain the Kwantung Army.

This Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of its means.

Just didn’t expect it,

The internal contradictions between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Kwantung Army are already so fierce, and in these three eastern provinces, there are actually monitoring sites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

If this matter is exposed.

That would definitely cause an uproar in the Kwantung Army.

And at that time, it doesn’t matter who killed General Xiangzhi Jin’an.

Then the headquarters of the Kwantung Army will definitely take this opportunity to directly remove the stations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the three eastern provinces. And the emperor will naturally not agree, so the two sides will inevitably be at odds.

In this way,

Xiangzhi Jin’an’s death does not seem to matter.

That’s why

When she heard that there were people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Peace Hotel, Chen Jiaying would be so happy, but she still felt a little unsure.

After all,

In the three eastern provinces, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has set up sites.

Monitoring the army’s every move, this kind of news, is really shocking.

Therefore, Chen Jiaying continued to ask.

After hearing her question, Qin Feng did not mean to speak.

Just look straight at another corner of the banquet hall.

And following his gaze, Chen Jiaying just happened to see the Ito couple sitting in the corner, obviously, the answer was already quite obvious.

“You mean, Mr. and Mrs. Ito are from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?”

“That’s right!”

Qin Feng nodded with a smile.

“So that’s the case, no wonder, they can always live in the Peace Hotel!”

And after hearing Qin Feng’s affirmative answer

That Chen Jiaying was suddenly realized.

In fact, she originally had doubts about the identity of the Ito couple.

After all, according to the Ito couples, their job is only to compile textbooks, but how can the person in charge of this kind of work live in the Peace Hotel all the time?

And if, turn their identity into a spy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Then everything becomes reasonable.

And in this case, then the scapegoat is obviously arranged.

At this moment, Chen Jiaying finally understood.

Why from beginning to end, this Qin Feng was actually so calm, it turned out that everything was in his plan, and those who could participate in the banquet were definitely the elite.

In the face of so many high-level executives,

Even the gendarmerie could not offend and forcibly use torture.

All can only be assisted by the Southern Railway investigation.

And after the arrival of Heiji Noma of the Southern Railway

As a technical consultant of the Southern Railway, she will undoubtedly be used to investigate the case, so that Chen Jiaying can smoothly splash this basin of dirty water on the Ito couples.

And they still have a hard time telling!

If you change it to wronging someone else,

Perhaps, Chen Jiaying will still be a little hesitant.

After all, this crime is a proper capital offense.

However, if it is the people of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who have been wronged, then there is no psychological pressure, as the so-called, dog eats dog, a mouthful of hair, anyway, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Kwantung Army are not good birds.

Just take this opportunity to tear them up inside first!

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