Since the publication of the newspaper in the Spring Ilbo newspaper,

In just half a day, the story of a certain agent’s assassination of Xiangzhi Jin’an has spread throughout the streets of Gaolan City, and it has shocked countless forces!

Of course

This also means that Qin Feng has officially entered the field of vision of the Japanese army.

I believe that the future headquarters of the Kwantung Army will definitely spare no effort to dig him up.

You know,

If it is just an assassination, a senior general of the Kwantung Army, it will not hurt, although it will be angry, but there are many commanders in the entire Kwantung Army, as long as you just find a top one.

But Qin Feng directly called and reported to the newspaper.

So that they lose face,


Because of this, the Kwantung Army would not let him go no matter what, of course, Qin Feng did not care about this, after all, with his systematic body, he naturally would not be afraid of the so-called pursuit and killing.

And now he can’t care about this at all.

In contrast, he had something more important, which was to seize a dozen valuable diamonds from the Jews.

Ride a rickshaw after crossing the streets.

Finally came to the neighborhood of the Jewish Quarter,

“Sir, here it is, thirty yuan.”

The coachman said, put down the car, or rubbed his hands and smiled.

And Qin Feng got down from the rickshaw and gave the money.

Then I walked into the neighborhood, and compared to the street near the Peace Hotel, the Jewish quarter was obviously less crowded, but it was normal.

After all

Jews are a well-known business race.

Therefore, no matter where they are, they live in the villa area.

Therefore, ordinary people naturally would not come here, but it was precisely because of this that it was even more difficult for Qin Feng to find the home of Karinsbah with the diamond.

You know, you want to find one of the houses in so many houses.

This is simply, impossible to accomplish.

Not to mention, on the streets today, there are still people from the gendarmerie patrolling, so his time is limited,

If you say that you have been going around the streets.

It will definitely be noticed.

Therefore, he had to think of a way to find Carlinsba’s home as quickly as possible, and while thinking about it, Qin Feng noticed a house not far away, of course, what attracted his attention was mainly the door number in front of the house.

It says ‘Street Household Registration Office’.


This is supposed to be the place in charge of population registration in Jewish Street.

Therefore, Qin Feng’s face showed a smile.

After all, in this way, there is a way, as long as you enter the household registration office, and then, you can find out where Carlinsbah lives?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng hurriedly walked over.

When I came to the door, I saw that at this moment, there were several Jewish security guards patrolling here, and if I wanted to enter through the main entrance, I would definitely pass through their line of sight.

Therefore, the main entrance is naturally not allowed to go.

Therefore, it could only be the idea of hitting the window, thinking of this, Qin Feng went around to the back of the house, and only saw that on the second floor, there was an open window.

Enter from here and you shouldn’t be noticed.

Therefore, thinking of this, Qin Feng immediately began to act, he was flexible, he easily climbed to the top of the building, and then followed the window, that is, jumped in, the whole action flowed, but it was not discovered by anyone, but it was normal.

After all, now he is fused, Yan Shuangying’s attribute template.

And with such skills, the household registration management office of the district is naturally not a problem.

After sneaking into the office building, Qin Feng began to check, the surrounding environment, I have to say, this time was really lucky, actually slipped into the toilet, and there was still no one around.

In this way,

Naturally, there is no need to worry about being discovered.


As long as it is found, the office where the family registration documents are stored can be found.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng immediately began to act, pushed open the toilet door, walked outside, and then swaggered and checked it out in the corridor.

But after reading it several times, I did not find the words of household registration management.

Therefore, Qin Feng couldn’t help but feel a little anxious.

After all, although the attraction of the Japanese army has been diverted, if he is not in the Peace Hotel for a long time, who knows what will happen?

Therefore, you must not delay time here!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was ready to go out and look for it door to door.

But at this time,

Suddenly, from the stairs on the first floor, there was the sound of footsteps.

“Oh! For! For! ”

The footsteps are getting closer.

And along with it, there is the voice of speaking.

“This Li Zuo is probably too unlucky, right? The gendarmerie is looking for him as if crazy! ”

“Who says it isn’t? I don’t know what happened, but it should be not small, otherwise, the Japanese army would not be so desperately looking for him! Haven’t you heard? I can’t wait that the entire gendarmerie is dispatched. ”

“Forget it, don’t care, anyway, this matter has nothing to do with us, let’s go, after putting the file back, it’s time to leave work.”


The conversation between the two came to an end,

At the same time, he finally came to the second floor, and at the moment when these two arrived in the corridor, Qin Feng flashed to the third floor, and still poked his head out and looked at the whereabouts of the two.

After all

From what they had just said, they could hear it.

They should be going to the place where the family register is kept.

Therefore, as long as you look at where the two of them entered, they could naturally find it, but for Qin Feng’s gaze, the two women were not aware of it, and still walked straight towards the corner of the corridor.

Finally, push open the door on the left.

Then walk in and come back out in about a few minutes.

And after seeing the two women leave, Qin Feng came down from the third floor, and then came to the corner, pushed open the door where the archives were stored, and sure enough, the Jewish household registration was placed here.

On that shelf, it’s all archives.

Seeing this, Qin Feng quickly began to rummage, and five minutes later, he finally found Kalinsba’s household registration file in the corner of the expanse, and then, he opened it and looked up, and when he remembered the location of their home, Qin Feng left through the back window again. _

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