Akame ga Kill! God-level Powerhouse

Chapter 210: Don't say the word death lightly

At night, the moonlight was faint and the wind was bitter, and the whole village was shrouded in silence.

In the cold weather and lack of entertainment, people in the village rested at night. Even in the room where Ikuya and others were, the lights were dimmed for a long time, and a pair of eyes were kept in the dark for a long time. The scouts of the Hyena Killer Group quietly began to move. .

"Sure enough, mice will always choose to act at night."

Ikuyo, dressed in a black shirt, walked out of the dark place under the eaves. In the darkness, a faint light of blood shined through his right eye, like a magic eye in hell, staring at the black shadow sneaking away from the village.

"We, come back."

This is the message conveyed to the time avatar of Ikuyo. Gradually, the time avatar of Ikuyo is hidden in the dark place under the eaves of the big village. A dark red cavity appears under the feet. The whole person is slowly swallowed in, and the other suspicious people are stopped. Stalking.

Only Izayoi himself, like a dark shadow, followed the black shadow that left the village in front of him.

The black shadow quickly left the village and rushed to the north of the village, which was the direction of the depths of the extremely cold land.

After a while, the dark shadow came to a small forest where the trees were extremely tall and shaped like needles.

"Hyena, hyena, are you there?"

"Hyena, hyena, here."

The dark shadow who entered the village in the center of the small forest shouted, and suddenly, behind the big tree responded, and a man in black walked out slowly.

The black shadow of the village looked at the black man in front of him, and immediately reported the intelligence.

"A total of five prey, one male and four females, appeared at the first observation point."

"I will report to the organization immediately."

"Then I will go back first."

"Remind you, the enemy of this organization is very difficult, remember not to show any footwork."

"I understand."

After a brief information transfer, the shadow of the village quietly returned to the village, and the man in black immediately rushed to the depths of the extremely cold place.

It's a pity that they didn't notice that there was Sixteen Nights hidden in the depths of the darkness, silently staring at them like ghosts.

"I have caught a fish, let me see where this fish can lead my fishing line."

The man in black braved the wind and snow, and rushed to the extreme cold place with ease.

About an hour later, the man in black came to the iceberg area and went directly to the iceberg in the middle of the deepest point.

At this time, Sixteen Nights opened the writing wheel, braved the wind and snow, used the moon step to walk in the air, and looked down at the black man below from the sky. With his current strength of level 7, he could bear it. The current cold wind is bitter.

With the help of the super insight of the writing wheel eyes, Ishikuye scanned the entire iceberg, and immediately noticed the top of the iceberg in the deepest center. On it, fortress-like buildings and silhouettes of people can be seen.

Presumably there is the headquarters of the Hyena Killer Group.

"Using the polar regions of icebergs to hide, with wind and snow and extreme cold as a barrier, it is really hidden, and it can even be described as both offensive and defensive."

In the following time, Sixteen Nights' silent actions were not prepared to stun the snake. He sneaked around like ghosts to collect information, and used the writing wheel to copy everything around here, various terrains, guarding conditions, investigation points... …And so on.

After a period of time, Sixteen Nights collected the corresponding intelligence without arguing and rushing back to the village, and began to prepare for the strategy opportunity.

When Sixteen Nights quietly returned to the house arranged by the village, he suddenly found Doya, Leo Nai, Shirley, Mayin, and the four girls ready to go.

"Welcome back, the information has been collected?" Shirley said first.

"It's roughly all collected." Sixteen nights responded.

"So can you start?" Doya asked.

"Naturally, they are going to act. They have just obtained our information, and now they can come to a surprise attack on their unpreparedness." Sixteen nights said.

"I'm ready to go on a big fight." Leo Nai used the King of Beasts to transform the lion king, and the whole person was like a little lioness.

"Then I will arrange the task, Main you are responsible for covering, Leo Nai you are responsible for protecting Main, Doya, Shirley, you stand at the forefront with me." Sixteen nights said.

The four women nodded their heads.

Next, Ikuya quietly stunned the scouts of the village hyena killer group, but did not kill them. The main reason is that this person is also a member of the village. The impact of killing this person on this enthusiastic village No, after the hyena killer group has been dealt with, the person will be handed over to the people in this village to deal with.

Immediately afterwards, Sixteen Nights led the four women and left the village quietly. After a period of time, they came to the iceberg area of ​​the Extremely Cold Land, where the Hyena Killer Group headquarters was on the edge.

At this time, in order not to startle the snake, Sixteen Nights and others hid.

In the first step, Sixteen Nights picked up Ma Yin, making her face very red. He immediately used moon steps to walk in the air, and sent her to the highest point of an iceberg closest to the Hyena Killer Group headquarters. Here is the passing He carefully speculated and selected the best sniper point.

In the second step, Izayoi picked up Leo Nai and brought her to Mayin's side.

At this time, Ma Yin set up his sniper rifle, dressed in a cotton-padded jacket, lying in the snowdrift, and entered a sniper state, observing the enemy inside the iceberg-like building on the opposite side through the scope.

"Hua Xin Dai Carrot, this sniper point is good, with it, I will assist you with all my strength behind it." Ma Yin said to Ikuya, holding the sniper rifle tightly.

Hearing this, Sixteen nights said: "I believe in you."

The sniper spot here is good, but there are huge factors such as wind, snow and extreme cold, which will greatly affect her sniper ability, but she did not say these things. She believes in her shooting ability, and she believes that she can overcome difficulties. Only in the most difficult environment can she grow quickly. If she can't overcome even the snow and extreme cold, then she is not worthy of being called a shooting genius.

"Leonai, her back is handed over to you." Ikuya said, looking at Leone in earnestly.

"Don't worry, unless I die, no one can hurt her." Leo Nai said without a doubt.

"Don't say the word death lightly. I actually hate this word because I don't allow you to die." Shiliuye said seriously.

Upon hearing this, the two women were taken aback. ..

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