Alchemist Sword Sect

Chapter 529: Cultivating Poison Attribute Power

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Chapter 529: Cultivating Poison Attribute Power

However, although this girl was injured, she still had a mid-stage Xuantian Realm cultivation, so it would be very difficult to kill her with simple martial arts, not to mention, Qian Yuan and the others were chasing him closely.

Therefore, Lu Chen displayed Jianao without hesitation.


The Longyuan Sword was raised high, and there was a wave of sword stings immediately above Lu Chen's head, and a huge sword shadow with a length of hundreds of feet was formed, which joined the Longyuan Sword and fell down with a bang. The whip was chopped off on the spot and fell on the woman surnamed Luo.


This time, the woman surnamed Luo was like the two yellow-faced youths just now, uttering a desperate cry, she didn't want to die, she wanted to live, but when Jianao fell, her plump body was directly submerged.


A mist of blood swept out, and the woman surnamed Luo had no bones left.

With a big wave of Lu Chen's hand, he hurriedly grabbed the storage ring in his hand;

There are more than a dozen eggs of the human-faced spider king in it, and Lu Chen is the only one thinking about it.

Then, he glanced back at the Qianyuan trio who were chasing after him, and urged the turtle-snake step to the extreme, and with a swish, he shot out like a spirit snake, and he actually opened the distance from the Qianyuan trio .

The three of Qian Yuan didn't expect that Lu Chen's speed would be so fast, they were slightly taken aback, looked at each other, and accelerated to chase, but after chasing for a cup of tea, Lu Chen was no longer in front of him.

"Damn it."

Both the young man surnamed Chen and the young man surnamed Nie looked very angry, with extremely gloomy eyes.

Qian Yuan's face was also extremely ugly. He didn't expect that in the end, all the benefits would be taken by Lu Chen alone, but he still wanted to say: "Don't worry, two senior brothers, there are still forty days to open Taixu Valley. Find him before then."


The two young men surnamed Chen nodded their heads as soon as they heard the words, and then returned to the forest;

Seeing the blood all over the ground, and looking at Long Xiao who was sitting cross-legged on the ground healing his wounds, the three of them looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Didn't catch up with him?"

After a cup of tea, Long Xiao finally opened his eyes, and stood up, overflowing with aura, his blood-stained clothes became white again, spotless, looking at Qian Yuan and the other three, his face looked extremely gloomy.


Qian Yuan and the others nodded their heads hard, even Qian Yuan had to bow his head in the face of this Tianjiao.

"Forget it, you guys recover from your injuries first."

Long Xiao waved his hand, seeing Qian Yuan and the others frowned, a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "As long as Lu Chen is still in Taixu Valley, then he will never leave alive."

The three of Qian Yuan nodded hurriedly when they heard the words, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, especially the two young men surnamed Chen.


To the west of the interior of Taixu Valley, there is a dense forest, which is full of towering giant trees, each of which is half a foot tall.

In it, a broken dead tree stood, the inside was hollow, and Lu Chen sat cross-legged inside, while the Lingbao mouse gnawed on the Lingshi on the other side, eating with relish.

After glancing at this gluttonous little guy, Lu Chen shook his head helplessly;

Then, he turned his hands over, and two fist-sized blood beads appeared in front of his eyes, which were the other two beast pills of the Three-headed Wujiao.

Looking at these two beast pills for a while, Lu Chen couldn't help showing lingering fear on his face;

To get the corpses of Yuyanghua and Three-headed Wujiao this time, it really has a lot of luck in it;

Otherwise, with his strength, let alone competing with Long Xiao, the three women surnamed Lu alone would be enough for him to drink a pot.

"Lu Chen, are you planning to refine these two beast pills?" Suddenly, the ancestor Lu Jie in his body asked.

"That's right." Lu Chen nodded. The three-headed Wujiao possessed the cultivation base of the late stage of Xuantian Realm, and the energy contained in the beast pills can be imagined. Contains powerful poison.

Therefore, Lu Chen intends to use these two beast pills to cultivate poison attribute power.

He was able to cultivate the power of the poison attribute, which was because he refined the beast pill of the strange beast in the underground world of Devil's Ridge, but because the time was too short, the power of the poison attribute was still very weak.

And these two three-headed Wujiao beast pills are just enough to make up for this, making the poison attribute stronger and becoming a great help for Lu Chen.

Seeing this, the patriarch Lu Jie didn't say any more, and fell silent again.

He just woke up and needs rest.

Immediately, Chase Lu began to run the poison attribute power.

His breath became cold, and a dark poisonous gas appeared in front of him;

Driven by him, the poisonous gas wrapped the two animal pills and began to refine them.

"Chi Chi Chi", after a cup of tea time, the two beast pills began to split, and strands of pure poison spread out, which was inhaled by Lu Chen.

At the same time, the poison-attributed power from the dantian flows out, and in harmony with this poisonous power, it moves in the way of the big circle in the tendons.

Soon, there was a buzzing sound in Lu Chen's body. It was like a trickle at first, and after a while, it was like a lake with a sluice opened. The tendons turned black and were contaminated with poison.

In a blink of an eye, three days have passed.

Lu Chen finally refined the two beast pills completely, and the poison attribute power in his body soared by more than three times, almost equal to the power of the five elements.

Soon, he attributed the poison attribute power in the tendons to the dantian, and this force immediately occupied one side, making a small piece of pitch black existence in the dantian.

"Lu Chen, I didn't expect your poison attribute power to be so powerful." Patriarch Lu Jie suddenly praised, "As a swordsman, no one would have imagined that you have cultivated poison attribute power. When you encounter a strong enemy, use it!" This force can definitely have an unexpected effect. '

"Hey, junior, I think so too." Lu Chen said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You little bastard is really insidious." Patriarch Lu Jie also laughed when he heard the words, "However, Patriarch, I like it." '

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help laughing and said: "I can't blame me for this, who said that there are so many perverts in this world, how can they live long and become strong if they don't prepare some special methods?"

"That's reasonable. Anyone who can become a strong man has this." Patriarch Lu Jie agreed.

Lu Chen chuckled, took out the storage ring of the woman surnamed Luo, and scanned it with his spiritual sense, and found that there were as many as 300,000 spirit crystals and no less than 30 pearls of elixir.

The net worth of this woman is indeed not cheap.

However, this is not what Chase Lu wants, what he really wants is the egg of the Spider King with a Human Face.


Lu Chen checked the storage ring all over, and a ruby ​​box appeared in the innermost one. When he opened it, a dozen pitch-black eggs lay quietly in it.

This is the egg laid by the Man-faced Spider King.

Lu Chen took out one, felt a breath of life, and was overjoyed, it seemed that these were still live eggs.

"What kind of egg is this?" Patriarch Lu Jie asked curiously.

"The egg of the spider king with a human face." Lu Chen replied.

"What? Where did you get this thing?" Patriarch Lu Jie asked.

As soon as Lu Chen talked about the matter, the patriarch Lu Jie clicked his tongue and said: "Fourteen eggs of the spider king with a human face, you are really lucky, but it is not easy for you to hatch them. things."

Lu Chen hurriedly asked: "Old Ancestor, how did this egg hatch?"

"It's very simple, first feed them with your own blood for three months, let them become your spiritual pets, recognize you, get close to you, and at the same time constantly water them with the spiritual liquid of the spirit grass and ganoderma lucidum, it may be a year soon, or slow It should be able to break out of the shell in two years." said the patriarch Lu Jie.

"It's so complicated." Lu Chen frowned.

"Of course, this human-faced spider is a strange beast, and its mature body is comparable to the existence of the late stage of reaching the sky. If it can be cultivated so easily, it will not become extinct in this world." Patriarch Lu Jie said.

"Forget it, let's cultivate them after we get out." Lu Chen put the human-faced spider eggs back into the ruby ​​box, and then took the Lingbao mouse out of the dead tree and left the place.

Now that he has found the three main medicines for refining Tian Nie Dan, and awakened the ancestor Lu Jie, Lu Chen has completed most of the purpose of coming to Taixu Valley.

However, he still needs to find another elixir, Kurongvine.

This was one of the two elixir that Master Cheap had asked him to look for, the other was Fish Dragon Grass, which he had already found before.

Then, all he needs to do next is to find the withered vine.

But in fact, Lu Chen didn't have much confidence in finding Kurong Teng, because according to Master Cheap, this medicine has not only disappeared from the outside world, but it is also difficult to find even in Taixu Valley.

Because this medicine has two special attribute powers, the power of dryness and the power of glory, the growth conditions are extremely harsh, and only the soil with these two attribute powers can survive.

The power of dryness and the power of glory are two opposing forces, like water and fire, and it is almost impossible to be compatible, except under extremely special circumstances.

Just like Lu Chen cultivated the power of the five elements, the power of water and fire needs to be balanced with earth and wood.

Kurong Power is no exception. To find this elixir, it is hard to reach the sky.

Therefore, Master Cheap did not force him to find this elixir.

However, he was puzzled, what effect does this elixir have?

You must know that Lu Chen is also a genius in alchemy, he knows many elixir, even Yulongcao, but he has never heard of Kurongvine.

So, he asked his ancestor Lu Jie.

You must know that the ancestor Lu Jie was a great figure thousands of years ago, and he can be called a living dictionary. If Lu Chen didn't ask him, who would he ask?

Sure enough, the patriarch Lu Jie did not disappoint Lu Chen, he really knew the withered vine, only to hear him say in surprise: "I didn't expect someone to look for this elixir."

"Old Ancestor, what's so special about this withered vine?" Lu Chen couldn't help asking.

"Special? It's not as simple as special." Patriarch Lu Jie clicked his tongue a few times, "However, you answer my question first, your master can cultivate Kurong power?" '

"No." Lu Chen replied.

What Wu Lengchan cultivated was the power of water attribute, how could she have the power of dry glory?

"If he didn't use the Kurong Vine to cultivate the Kurong power, then there is only one possibility."

The patriarch Lu Jie suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Strictly speaking, this Kurong vine is not the best panacea for cultivating the power of Kurong, but it has a very mysterious effect, that is, to maintain the human soul."

"Human soul?"

Lu Chen was very surprised when he heard this.

"Yes, you should know that after death, the soul will also dissipate, but there is a kind of elixir that can keep the soul alive." Patriarch Lu Jie said.

"Could it be this withered vine?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

"That's right." Patriarch Lu Jie nodded and said, "A person's soul can be entrusted in this withered vine, so that the soul will not dissipate." '

"How is it possible? There is such a miracle medicine in the world?" Lu Chen was shocked #160;.

"How is it impossible?" Patriarch Lu Jie stared and said, "The power of Kurong is extremely mysterious. Even Patriarch I can't comprehend it. In today's world, there are very few people who practice these two kinds of power at the same time. Strength represents death, and the power of glory represents life, which is under the two extremes, and the human soul is just between life and death, because this withered vine has such a miraculous effect. '

Lu Chen was speechless for a while after hearing the words, because the words of the ancestor Lu Jie really subverted his cognition of elixir.

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