Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 1307: Is this OK?

The most emotional is actually the **** of heaven and phoenix.

At the beginning of the same realm, she was able to arbitrarily chill, and finally let Ling Han have to embark on the road to find monuments, to improve their own strength.

But now, Ling Han is not only a genius of the king level, but even the king of the king!

What is the answer?

She showed a bright smile and felt that she could not be so strong in the future. It is good to have a strong arm.

"I admit defeat!" Tuodong is not a person who can't afford to let go. As a king, he can better see the gap between him and his opponent. Only by seeing the gap, can he continue to improve, otherwise even the king will slowly fall into the top genius, become an ordinary genius, and even become a mediocrity.

Ling Han could not help but smile, said: "Hey, it seems that after ten strokes." He not only had ten punches.

Takuya East smiled bitterly, although Ling Han not only had ten punches, but every punch was done by hand. He did not use all his strength at all. On the other hand, he was full of combat power, and only a few big moves were not made.

Because he knows that it is useless, but it will make him plunging.

Anyway, he only lost once, and there were two chances to challenge, and he could not die in Ling Han.

He jumped off the platform and went to adjust his interest. Like the moon shadow, he was looking for a "soft persimmon" pinch.

Ling Han sat down and waited for the challenge of others, although this is almost impossible.

The people underneath also took a new round of challenges after the rest of the meeting. This time it was even more exaggerated. More than a hundred talents were on the same platform, and they were about to squeeze the platform.

The ones that were challenged were Yun Yun and Xun Ziyun.

Those who can come here, at least have Samsung genius, so many people together, this is really terrible. However, Yunnv and Xunziyun have perfected the extremes, and at least have the advantage of four stars, which is not enough for more than 100 people to make up.

Generally speaking, ten people can make up for the star power gap, so how much is the four stars? Ten thousand people! And to let 10,000 people attack at the same time, it must rely on the formation of the law, which is more difficult to cooperate.

A wave of offensives is declared invalid, and the king is the king, not by the quantity.

Tuoba Donghe and Yueying were resting for a long enough time to start challenging. One chose Yang Lin and the other chose Tang Ge.

This is another fierce and exciting battle. After a long battle, I barely broke the game. The moon shadow won, and Tuodong was defeated by Yang Lin.

Here, among the nine kings, the gods occupy seven places.

However, Haoyue Ying and Yang Lin are all lacking in long-term combat. Others have organized groups to fight again, but the injured tiger is still a tiger. It is not a few dogs that can be teamed up.

The battle continued. In addition to the four Wang Zhongwangs, such as Ling Han and Chi Niang, the other five platforms fought very fiercely. In order to give themselves a place, they had made a great trick, which made people open their eyes.

Two days passed quickly, and Ge was the first king to be completely disqualified. After a few hours, the moon shadow became the second one. Under this time, the dust settled and the candidates of the nine kings were certain.

No one can shake the position of these nine people anymore.

It is the star-like environment of Zuoquan, which has only a bow in the place. It is repaired to the mountains and rivers. He is not the opponent of the younger generation.

Really so?

Ling Han smiled, he was still waiting, almost half an hour left, he nodded to the Tianfeng goddess.

Tianfeng goddess will know, a fly, and on the platform.

what's the situation?

Everyone is shocked, and there are still people who dare to challenge? Moreover, the person who is challenged is still cold, but it is Wang Zhongwang!

Tianfeng goddess shot, two pieces of phoenix wings open, raging flames intertwined.

"Ah!" Ling Han screamed and suddenly fell from the platform.

Me, rely on!

Seeing this scene, everyone is cold and sweaty.

This has not touched you at all, you screamed? This is too fake, it is deliberately deliberate!

Who is stupid here, immediately guessed that Ling Han was deliberately lost to Tianfeng Goddess, and the three-day period will be full, then the intention of Ling Han is very clear that he wants to give this woman a guarantee for a king. Bit.

However, chance!

When you see Tianfeng Goddess instead, everyone is happy, but the problem is that most people have already used the opportunity to shoot three times. Now they can only look at it.

However, some people did not use the opportunity three times, but their strength should be significantly weaker, they will be willing to be a spectator on the side, here mainly to observe the genius of the fight, to gain insight and inspiration.

They went to war, but Tianfeng Goddess was not a parallel. Although she did not cultivate the polar environment, but Yunfeng blood was activated, she barely had the initial strength of the extreme, and was quite powerful.

She firmly occupied this hard-won platform and waited for the gift that Ling Han gave her.

Ling Han is standing in the audience. He is waiting for the time to pass and can challenge again.

Falling from the platform, he found a black bar on his hand, and there was a black gas hood over him, so that he could not move.

After the semi-column, the black breath disappeared, but the black bar did not.

Obviously, the black breath forced him to hold the semi-column to continue the challenge, while the black bar represented that he failed once. If there were three bars, he could not go on stage again.

Ling Han looked at Zhai Ziyun and smiled.

I, fuck!

Zhai Ziyun suddenly snorted in his heart, and he never saw it. He saw that Ling Han had already flown in and stood in front of him.

At this moment, the psychological shadow area of ​​Xunziyun is so large that it cannot be described.

He was so easy to keep up to the present, and he was almost done, but suddenly he met Ling Han.

You are too bad, and deliberately lose to your own woman, occupying a quota!

Can be biased, Ling Han has such strength.

by! by! by!

He turned his brain and immediately leaped down the platform. Now there is more than half of the column at the end of the three days, and he only failed once, then immediately admit defeat, wait for the first half of the incense, he It is possible to take the shot to Tianfeng Goddess and regain the quota.

"Oh, why are you so eager!" Ling Han shot, hey, he took him back and flew back.

Me, day!

The voice of the scorpion is twitching, you are too embarrassed, I can't fight it? He screamed: "I admit defeat!" In order to Fuze, he did not mind cutting off some face.

"I could not care!" Han Ling is shaking his head, a fist smashed in the past to Aozai Yun, "I wanted to hit you hit you!"

Hey, Zhai Ziyun had to parry and there was no chance to drop the platform.

Can't lose this?

Everyone couldn’t help but see it. I only realized that the two worlds of Tianjiao would have played new ideas.

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