"Also eat me a punch!" Ling Han drank, punched out, thunder and intertwined, with his boxing power to fight out.

The red wilderness did not dare to care about it. He also took a punch and took a step forward with his right foot.


The two forces collided in the middle of the road, suddenly forming a terrible shock wave, and radiated in all directions.

This kind of overbearing power is that when the mountain river is full of peaks, it will be shocked, but everyone here is the king of the polar world. The shock wave only blows their clothes.

"Nothing!" Shi Huang shouted, he likes boxing to the hard work of the meat, so that the distance from the distance, it is fierce and makes him feel addicted.

"Haha, try my trick again!" Amazing laughter, a slap in the waist, smashing, flying hundreds of flags in an instant, and inserting them around the cold, each banner is Send a faint light and join together.

Suddenly, Ling Han’s face was full of fog. It’s just that he was only ten feet away from him, but now he can’t see it.

Not only is the red barren, but no face, stone emperor and so on can not see.

Array method!

Ling Han looked around and couldn't help but say in his heart that this red wild is really a means of frequent, first of all, the soul of the soul, and then the curse, and now it is a battle, as if there is nothing he has never been involved in.

This is a genius, obviously has been riding on the martial arts, but it has achieved other results that people can only look up to.

Like Ling Han on Dandao, there is absolutely no one of his peers can match.

He is not shocked, this array can only trap him at most, but to defeat him? Far from enough.

Boom, a monster came out of the fog, shaped like a giant dog, but with three heads, all three big mouths are slobbered with sorrow, and the whole body is entwined with a black flame. Underneath, the ground turned into coke, full of destructiveness.

Hey, the footsteps sounded frequently, and the three fire dogs appeared one after another, surrounded by Ling Han.

These fire dogs are so deep that they cannot be judged to be repaired.

"Human nationality, if you can't even smash this battle, you don't deserve to play against me!" The sound of the red wild sound sounded like an echo, and it was impossible to capture exactly where it came from.

Ling Han faint smile, said: "! With the unworthy, not you say you wanted to hit, I'll beat you up, do not wanted to hit it, kick open!"

After a little bit of ruin, it was cold: "Crazy!"

Boom, three fire dogs burst into flames and launched an attack toward Ling Han.

Huh, the flames spouted, overwhelming.

Ling Han shook his head and wanted to deal with him with flames. Isn't that funny? He was forged in the fairy flame, although it said that there is protection of the black tower, but within the same level, even one or two steps higher, what kind of flame can make him timid?

When the flames came, Ling Han didn't even lift his fingers, and the body turned into a black hole, sucking the flame and turning it into itself.


Ling Han can't see the outside situation, but the people outside can see it clearly. In the encirclement of the banner, it seems to have become a world. Otherwise, it is only so small, why can it accommodate so many three heads? Fire dog?

"Is this a hellfire fire?" After a while, the cloud woman guessed.

"It should be right." The North Emperor nodded. "This array was a shocking squad in the ancient times. It can burn the saints! However, this power is obviously much smaller. It may be a sub-array derived from the Hellfire. ”

The red wilderness was very surprised to see the two, as the two said, this is the deputy battle of the Hellfire, and it is also a shrinking version. He got it from a monument. He did not expect it to be recognized. come out.

These kings of the gods are really not to be underestimated.

But he is proud. Even if this is only a sub-array, it is impossible to kill the saints. If you can go to the outside world, you will be trapped in the stars. Now even if the power here is limited, it can still be invincible.

If Ling Han does not even have this level, what qualifications are he to be his ultimate opponent?

But when the flames were burned, Ling Han didn't hide or sneak, and thousands of flames were sucked by Ling Han, and the red wilderness was very strange.

This even he can't do it!

What a freak!

"Can this guy actually absorb the power of the flame?"

"It is only the power to absorb the flames... or what attributes are you?"

Everyone is shocked, this difference is too big, if the power of the elements of any attribute can be absorbed, then with his terrible body, it is unbeaten within the same level.

Not to say invincible, at least unbeaten.

Originally, the best way for them to deal with Ling Han is to use flames to burn, because the fire of gold, the same level of flame is definitely the best way to restrain the **** iron. But now it seems that this road will not work.

"This freak... How can I tear his defense?"

Everyone is frowning. The easiest thing is to break through the law. As long as the power is strong enough to a certain level, then you are a few artifacts, and I can break it with a slap.

But the people here are all kings!

What is the king?

Invincible in the same order!

Now they want to reach a higher level, use more powerful force to crush the cold, this does not admit that the same level lost to Ling Han.

This is what their pride cannot allow.

They are racking their brains and thinking about countermeasures.

In the array, Ling Han constantly absorbed the flames, until these tall three-headed fire dogs were thinned a big circle, and they couldn't spit out the flame any more. This array of methods is not self-solving.

On those hundreds of flags, the formations are bleak, and it takes a certain amount of time to absorb the aura of the heavens and the earth before they can be re-routed.

At the end of the redemption, he nodded and said: "I have to admit that you are qualified to be my opponent."

"Then do you have it?" Ling Han stepped forward and sighed softly, but the sound turned into a sword, and he smashed toward the red.

"If I don't, who else is there under the sun?" Red Devil also stepped forward, his eyes raging, his eyes turned into a flame fist, greeted the sword.

Hey, the fists collided with the sword and they annihilated.

These people are all repaired to the peak of the extreme, even if the practice of cultivation is different, but the level of Yuanli is really very different. If you want to rely on pure power to decide the outcome, then at least you can fight for a few years. .

It is the rules, secret laws, and bloodlines that enable them to win the game!

"Lonely!" Shi Huang was snoring.

The Northern Emperor also nodded and said: "As far as I know, there is a man in the Seven Frosts... very strong and strong. I once fought with him in the small pole of the Sun and Moon, but he was recruited by him. defeat."

When the words came out, the rest of the people were shocked. (To be continued.)

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