The chariot continues to move forward, and the dream is constantly coming.

This is the road to the growth of Ding Zi, but it is only branding the year-end test of each year. This should be his most profound and painful memory.

Ding Yaolong is still dazzling, and soon entered the sun and the moon, and the ranking of the family test is getting higher and higher.

Ding Zizhen is still at the bottom, and every time he is ridiculed by the people, there is no improvement.

Year after year, when Ding Yaolong was sixteen years old, he no longer participated in the family test, because he entered the star environment, Ding family has regulations, Stars can not participate in such a test.

But he is still dazzling, and is liked by many young girls in the family. Among them are the girls who are really secretly.

Ding Yaolong was very romantic, and he did not refuse the beautiful women in the family, and soon made a lot of people's stomachs. But he did not intend to marry one, because he is the star of the Ding family, it is inevitable to marry a person who is the right person to the door, as for the women in the family, play only.

The girl that Ding Zi really liked also got a big belly. After she was rejected, she chose to end her life.

This made Dingzi really angry, went to find Ding Yaolong desperately, but even if the other side's face was not seen, he was beaten by the followers of the other side, and almost died.

This allowed him to lie down on the bed for half a year before recovering. After the injury, Ding Zi really left the family and began to travel around the world. Because he knows that if he stays in the family, he will never be able to surpass each other.

After thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, Ding Zizhen was still a waste material. He was cultivated from the early stage of the small pole to the medium term, and he gradually entered the middle age. The small pole was only 100,000 years old.

But at this moment, Ding Zizhen finally came to work. He followed a group of people into a monumental adventure. When he was in crisis, he was only one of them. He finally got a god.

He served God Dan, not only got an extra life, but also improved his body and talent. This is a change.

When Ding Zizhen was still in the mother's womb, he was severely wounded. Therefore, only the spirits and seas were born. Unlike other ethnic groups, they were born with a virtual environment. This is a congenital deficiency. It almost broke the road of cultivation, and even entered the realm. Relying on a big man in the family to force up and improve.

After serving this god, he made up for the innate defects and began to rise strongly.

The previous efforts have turned into a thick and thin hair, just a short period of ten years, he has risen from the middle of the small pole to the great completion of the sun and the moon.

His footsteps did not slow down. It was a hundred years later. Ding Zi really entered the starry world. After another thousand years, he became the strongest in the Ganges.

When I got here, I counted the tens of thousands of years before, and Ding Zi still can be called a genius, and it is still a top genius.

Only 50,000 years, Chengheng River!

But this is not the most exaggerated. After another 10,000 years, he became a saint.


Shi Huang and others reawakened from the dream again, everyone with a strong shock.

In the dream, Ding Zi really left the family very early. Therefore, Ding Yaolong, the super genius, reached a realm later. They are all unclear. However, in 60,000 years, they became saints. This is a shock to the world. Unparalleled in the world!

"My father was the embodiment of Tianyun Stone. He was born with the wisdom of the heavens and the earth for nearly 10 billion years. After that, he also spent 200 million years to finally enter the world." Said.

"My teacher ... 300 million years of enlightenment." North Emperor also said.

This comparison is very clear, Ding Zi is really a monster!

“Did we have a saint in this star field, and then I was buried here?”

"Or, what kind of means does he have here, will there be mountains and rivers, the existence of Riyue Valley?"

With doubts and expectations, they continue to move forward and return to dreams.

After reaching the Holy Throne, Ding Zi returned to Ding Jia and challenged Ding Yaolong again.

This time, he is no longer a follower of Ding Yaolong, and he finally handed over to the other side. The two men fight, each show their magic, but Ding Yaolong's years of secret law, Ding Zizhen suddenly lost even if he also mastered such a terrible spell, even itself has been eroded by the years, less than a billion years of life.

Ding Zi is really powerful, but Ding Yaolong is the real king.

However, this Dingzi was really defeated, but he also received the family's attention, was focused on training, and booked a marriage for him. The woman's family is very strong, can be tied with Ding, and his fiancee is also a genius level. .

The two agreed that when Ding Zi really went further, let them get married.

Going further?

Everyone woke up again, and they were shocked and speechless.

Ding Zizhen... It’s already a holy king. How can I go further?

Ling Han is completely affirmed, Ding Jia is the power of Xian Tian, ​​then naturally there will be a strong person above the creation of the world, and born is a broken, a few years to a **** level, which also becomes Accepted.

After all, the tiger girl is even more amazing, and it is sanctified in five years.

Everyone kept on driving, and they wanted to know if Ding Zi had actually passed, and what the realm was after the saint.

This time, even if Ding Zi really did not break through such genius, Ding Yaolong was more talented and also fell into silence. These two people, now known as Ding Jia Shuanglong, represent the future of Ding Jia.

After more than a billion years, Ding Yao’s eye broke through and went for 30 million years. Ding Zizhen also followed a new world.


This is the cheer of the Ding family in the dream, just 30 million years ago, Ding Jia has even two two ancestors, so that the strength of the Ding family has been greatly improved.

The dust is divided into four small areas, which are also small, medium, large and large. It is said that it is necessary to break the dust and read it four times in total. Heaven and earth live together, and the universe is withered.

Ding Zizhen was closed to death this time. After the dust, he traveled to the world. This is the single line before marriage. After that, he will take the family and take on the responsibility of his ancestors.

However, when he was traveling, he accidentally met a woman. The two fell in love at first sight, but Ding Zizhen’s fiancée was known for his arrogance. Ding Zi did not dare to bring this woman back to Ding, but only lived together.

This residence is more than 30,000 years. Ding Zizhen did not return to Ding, but chose to hide his name and name, and retired with the beloved woman to enjoy the peace and quiet.

Four thousand years later, his wife gave birth to a daughter for him, named Ding Wei.

But at this moment, his fiancee finally found him and found that he had abandoned his marriage contract, married another woman and gave birth to a woman. He was so angry that when he was out, he personally took his wife and The daughter killed.

Everyone woke up again, and all of them burst into tears. It was not their emotions, but they were really affected by Dingzi. They couldn’t help but feel great pain and sorrow, as if the heart had torn.

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