The fog dissipated, and there was a scorpion that was the size of a mountain.

At this point, there is nothing surprising about the people. After all, they dreamed before, knowing that Ding Zi really buried her daughter, and that they were going to make Ding Yu reincarnate.

Where is the dead buried in the funeral?

It’s just that this sputum is too big. It’s a thousand feet tall and has a length of three thousand feet. It’s said that it’s a mountain.

On the other side of the hustle and bustle, there are four people standing, each separated by some distance, but each person exudes a very strong atmosphere, and where to stand, it seems to be the center of the universe.

Tianwang, Guangxing Yuwang, white-faced scholars and wolf-headed strongmen, those who are strong in the Ganges.

Sure enough, they set off one step earlier and naturally took the first step.

More importantly, their courage is not small. Not everyone dares to enter the dream repeatedly. If you can never wake up? When the spirit is taken off, the flesh will slowly dry up and eventually die.

"Oh, come here, rely on the means." Everyone got off the bus.

"Small Hanzi, have time to play in the Pu Dao Xing domain." Shi Huang said, "Yes, for another hundred years, the Xingsha Wuyuan of the Quartet will enroll students, and the geniuses in hundreds of stars will come. Fight for a hundred places, and hope to see you at that time."

The North Emperor is also smiling at Ling Han, he is very optimistic about Ling Han.

Don't look at the two of them are saints and children, one is a saint, but the hope of sanctification in the future is infinitely close to zero. It is not difficult to sanctify. Sanctification is almost impossible.

The higher the realm, the older the older generation will not be able to teach a descendant who can stand by themselves, let alone transcend.

And Ling Han, but there is a great hope for sanctification.

Therefore, as the two of them are still very kind to Ling Han, and there is no shelf for the stars, and there is no shackles after the saints. This is a deliberately lowered posture.

"Xingsha Wuyuan?" Ling Han revealed a sudden loss.

"Xingsha Wuyuan is run by the saints of Xingsha. His old man is Dasheng, and the Xingsha martial arts has been running for eight billion years. A total of eight saints have come out!" The Northern Emperor explained, "The number of days is nine. Even the saints of Lianxingsha said that he would not accept the disciples after receiving another pro-disciple, because he could not teach the tenth saint."

"So, now all the arrogance is sharpened and the head wants to enter the Xingsha martial arts, worshiping under the door of the saints of Xingsha, becoming its ninth disciple, achieving the holy position!" Shi Huang continued.

Yang Lin, Yun Nv, and Moon Shadow are all heard clearly, and they are not exposed to the color of action.

Great Saint!

Don't look at the marble saints, the Qinghai saints are also saints, but they are all small saints, although they are proud of the world, but compared with the great saint, it is really heaven and earth.

If you don't let the following children, I am afraid that Yunshi and Qinghai saints are willing to worship under the door of the Xingsha saints. Maybe they have the opportunity to step into the Zhongsheng level. Otherwise, they will only stop at Xiaosheng for the rest of their lives.

No way, at this step, the practice has long since been broken, and martial arts has reached its peak. Any problem can only be solved by itself. No one can ask, that is, a billion yuan of life will also be spent.

If you can become a disciple of the Star Sands saint, it is really flying into the sky.

Ling Han slowly nodded and said: "Well, within a hundred years, I will definitely go to Xingsha Wuyuan."

"That's time to see you again." Shi Huang laughed. "But, this opportunity, I will not let you!" He slammed the chariot and flew toward the top of the ancient scorpion. This level of vehicle certainly has a flight. Ability.

Having this chariot is his greatest strength, and he is not afraid of the four powerful Ganges.

Hey, the chariot was on the top of the ancient urn and disappeared.

Ling Han and others have also dispersed, looking for the secret of this ancient scorpion from different angles.

This dead person must be in the middle of the shackles, and want to raise the dead, of course, must also bring people out of the shackles, so the first step is how to open the coffin, or how to get in.

Ling Han naturally and Tianfeng goddess together, they walked around the ancient gongs, I saw a dense symbol on the body, a bit like a pattern, and a bit like the sacred will form the **** pattern.

It can be turned around in a circle, and there is no clue where you can open your body or enter the coffin.

Is it on the top?

Ling Han wants to climb up. In this weird place, he has not been able to jump and jump to the top of the ancient scorpion, but as long as he borrows a few forces on his body, it is a small matter.

But when he leaps high and is about to step on his body, it is a strong chill from his heart. It seems that if he kicks out, he will be robbed!

He hardly took his foot back, his body fell, and he smashed a pit in the ground.

"How?" Tianfeng Goddess asked inexplicably.

Ling Han has not answered yet. He only heard screams from afar. One person is like Ling Han. He wants to climb up the ancient shackles, but he has just pressed one palm, but it is directly shattered into pieces. Blood flutters and there is blood.


Although the man is not a peerless powerhouse, but also the existence of the sun and the moon, actually died at the touch?

This is dangerous!

At the same time, there was a violent sound in the sky. I saw a chariot descending from the sky. It was Shi Huang’s ride, but now, Zijinniu actually has one less corner, and the side of the chariot is also missing a board. A.

Ling Han could not help but change color. It was all holy material, but it was actually destroyed. The power of this ancient scorpion can be seen.

Ding Zizhen is a fairy!

In this case, what is so strange about the collapse of the holy material.

"It’s miserable, I have to kill me now!" Shihuang screamed, of course, this chariot is not his, but he secretly opened it in order to pull the wind.

When he wants to come, he just ran a glimpse of the stellar trail behind the martial arts. Of course, it is impossible to make the chariot damaged. There is no saint in this star field. It can be done well, the saint does not, and the people of his family have immortals, even more powerful.

The chariot is now damaged, and it is irreparable. It will inevitably affect the power. When he returns, he will have to be miserable by Lao Tzu.

Tianfeng Goddess is afraid of it. If Ling Han didn’t close his foot in time, it must have been blown into blood.

Didn't see the holy materials are not reliable?

Ling Han frowned, and said to Tian Feng Goddess: "Take me up."

Tianfeng goddess nodded, opened the phoenix wing, and then grabbed Ling Han and danced.

The two came to the top of the ancient urn and looked at it carefully, but this pair of ancient cockroaches seemed to be one and the same, and there was no gap between the cover and the body. And even if there is, who dares to reach out and uncover the cover?

Strange, there is no way to enter, how can I help Ding Zi’s daughter reincarnate?

Ling Hanyuan thought that this can see the passage of the entrance, but with his sense of sensibility, he can say with certainty that there is absolutely no entrance.

Otherwise, Shi Huang will not be tough, and even the holy chariots will collapse.

This... what should I do?

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