After all, Xie Donglai was the genius of Tianjiao. He found that Ling Han’s body was extremely tyrannical and immediately changed his tactics.

Keep the main!

Every time he passes, he will be a strong point, and eventually he will enter the stars, and with his martial arts talent, he will have at least a small pole in the late stage, which can absolutely suppress any day and month, including the sun and the moon. Extreme environment.

And it only takes half a day.

He converges on all forces and defends himself.

But after a few strokes, he was surprised to find that the degree of difficulty of Ling Han was not weaker than the robbery.

How could it be so strong?

He clearly has not reached the peak of the extremes, and it is still impossible to have the power of the stars, but why is it like the strongest of the same star?

This power is completely beyond his imagination.

He naturally wouldn’t know that Ling Han had received two immortal perfusions, which greatly improved the rules he had mastered. This naturally made his combat power increase at least one star. Even if he had not reached the star, it was really a big gap. It is.

"Damn people!" Xie Dong came to gnash his teeth. Not only did the fancy woman be robbed, but even the realm and the fighting power would be surpassed by the country who did not know where to come from.

Can not accept!

He bit his teeth and his hands were raised. It was already a picture scroll. He danced with the wind and spread out. He had a long Zhang, with twelve golden warriors, all wearing gold armor. , holding a spear in the hand.

This is obviously a painting, but it is a smoldering sigh of relief. It seems that it is not twelve portraits, but twelve bloodstains that kill countless battlefields. The masses of millions of people have been cast into the murderous spears in their hands.

"Blood waiter, still not showing up!" Xie Donglai cried out, oh, the scrolls glowed, and the twelve gold armored warriors painted on it actually came out from the scrolls, standing in the air, spears To the sky, the suffocation suddenly rose tenfold and a hundred times.


Ling Han slightly frowns, these twelve gold armor warriors actually reached the star world, although only the small poles in the early stage, but the number of wins, add up enough to rival the small pole mid-term. More crucially, the gas of killing is really terrible. When people with a little bit of will face them, it is estimated that their legs will be soft.

"Damn, actually forced me to use this trick!" Xie Dong came to bite his teeth. "However, if the blood is out, you can't die, I can survive the day, and see how I can clean you up!"

This is the treasure that he gave to his elders after returning to the family after he suffered a big loss. He can only use it once, but he can summon 12 blood servants and fight against the stars!

If you can't drag Ling Han for a long time, he really doesn't believe it!

In his view, this is an assessment of his elders. If he is forced to use this picture, it will naturally fail. However, he has to step into the stars, even if he does not appreciate the elders' appreciation, his status in Xie's family will be greatly improved.

"This is a great star of the family. The elders of the blue sky are made up of the souls of the twelve strong men. They are enclosed in the scrolls. Every blood servant has created a boundless killing. Then refining with the blood on the battlefield, the suffocation is more prosperous!" Xie Donglai said proudly, "This... how do you block?"


A lightning bolt hit his head. Although he had solved most of his power, he still made him feel embarrassed, his hair was sloppy, and it looked a bit miserable, and his pride suddenly disappeared.

Extracting the soul of the soul? Good means!

Although there are many people who die in Ling Han’s hands, they are dead and hate, and this is the end. This Xie home will turn the soul of the person into a treasure, in the view of Ling Han, this is over!

However, it is actually a soul?

Ling Han haha ​​smiled, Tian Wei moved, hey, suddenly, not only Xie Donglai's repair immediately cut off two stars, it is the twelve **** bloody waiters also revealed the fear of color.

What they are afraid of is not the cold, but the Tianwei that he exudes. The souls that lose their flesh like them should not exist between the heavens and the earth, and they will be targeted by the robbers. Therefore, the chilly Tianwei came out, even if this is not the real Tianwei, or let the twelve blood waiters fear.

I, fuck!

Xie Donglai said these two words with his mouth, and he was so surprised that his tongue would spit out.

The blood servant at the level of the stars, actually trembled in front of Ling Han, and the pair met the appearance of natural enemies? It is just a small person in the sun and the moon, even if it is a polar environment, it can be compared with the stars, it is still slag!

He only felt the chaos in his mind, and he was about to turn into a paste.

"Ah!" He screamed and was cut off by two-star cultivation. How could he match the catastrophe? A flash of lightning fell, a wound appeared from his left shoulder, and he split directly into the right rib, almost turning him into two.

"Why is this so!" Xie Donglai yelled at the sky. "You are just a district citizen. Why can you ride on my head? I am a finger that is more expensive than your gold. I can thank a family for a master." Repress you hundreds of millions!"

"Are you finished?" Ling said coldly. From the other party's idea of ​​Tianfeng Goddess, he has already sentenced Xie Donglai's death sentence.

"You, the untouchables, do you really dare to kill me?" Xie Dong came to an impatience. He was already crumbling under the attack of Ling Han and Tian Luo. Now his power has been cut by two stars. How do you fight?

"Don't you think that I am playing with you?" Ling Han could not help laughing.

"You dare not!" Xie Donglai originally disdain to use this trick, but he really has no way at the moment. "Every Xie family has been planted with a mark in his body. As long as he is dead, he can immediately lead to a master of the family. Induction, the murderer's looks and breath are fully displayed! So, if you kill me, my ancestors will be near, and will inevitably shoot for themselves, killing the courage to dare to thank the family!"

is true? is fake?

Ling Han does not care!


He has no mercy, and the fairy magic sword is attacking on its own. The sword shadow is like a blaze, the combat power is terrible, and Ling Han is the activation of the lightning pattern on the right hand, bombarded with the thunder, this attack is extremely terrible. .

Xie Donglai was shocked. He had already told the story about Ling Han. How did this guy still go it alone?

Killing him here, Xie will be the first time to check, with the ability of the Gangesian power, one step can cross this, and then slap the slap to kill Ling Han.

In order to kill yourself, do not hesitate to lose yourself?


It is not that he himself slanders himself. It can be said that the martial arts are talented and the opportunity is strong. Ling Han is indeed far above him. If he changes his words, it is absolutely incomparable. How can he end up with others?

At this moment, he was not only afraid, but even a kind of grievance that could not be said.

Without such a play!

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