Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 1344: Teach people

The seven mountains and rivers joined forces to fight against the cold, but the cold was only moved through the footsteps, so that the attack of the seven people was messed up, and they continued to fight each other. For a while, the scene was quite For the excitement.

Jiang Qiaoling couldn't help but be surprised. To say that Ling Han's luck is good, it is impossible to hit the Universiade again and again. But the strength of Ling Han is so strong that she does not believe it.

When Ling Han didn't have a strong point of strength, second, if he was a strong man, why bother to rely on her beggar?

But the fact is that the red headscarf is getting more and more chaotic. Finally, you hit me with a punch. I blew you a hand. The most serious one was even cut a knife, and the stomach was broken.

Now, they are afraid to shoot again, but they are too afraid to look at Ling Han, only to feel that this young man is too evil.

"Don't play?" Ling Han Yan Yan smiled.

"Why don't you play, of course you have to play, you have to play big!" Jiang Qiaoling immediately saw it, and if he could take this opportunity to completely scare Ling Yuefeng, then she would have to be more clean.

The seven red headsmen shook their heads again and again. They didn't want to play anymore. They didn't see them being beaten and bruised. The worst, even the intestines flowed out.

"Go to the rescue!" The red headscarf kicked a kick on the side.

"Yes! Yes!" The man nodded quickly and ran away.

"You have a kind of don't run!" The red headscarf is a radical approach. He is afraid that Ling Han will slip away, so even if he moves to the rescue, he can't help but cold. After all, Yang Taizu's pulse is also very powerful.

"Of course not running, afraid of anything!" Jiang Qiaoling put his hands in his waist. "Come and call Ling Yuefeng to see how my uncle taught him to be a man!"

Ling Han simply did not speak, Ren Jiang Qiaoling as his spokesperson.

After a while, the rescuer came.

This is the existence of three great mountains and rivers, which exudes a strong atmosphere.

"Liu Shixiong, Zhao Shixiong, Ma Shixiong!" The red headscarf was overjoyed and quickly greeted the three people. "This is the kid, dare to despise Ling Shao!"

"Oh?" Liu Shixiong walked a few steps before, and his eyes swept over the body of Ling Han, and he could not help but reveal the disdainful color. He snorted and said: "You are not even the same person, but also the three of us?"

He swept the seven red-heads, all of them were colored, and the color of the unpleasant was thicker.

Every sect is definitely assigned, as they are all Ling, and Ling Han and Jiang Qiaoling are obviously Yang. Now the people of the Lingpai are beaten by the Yang faction, and they naturally feel that there is no light on their faces.

"Liu Shixiong" red headscarf weak and authentic, he also felt quite wronged, obviously the strength of Ling Han is really not very good, but just under the feet, let them become a pot of porridge, saying it is shame.

Liu Shixiong waved his hand and stopped the words of the red headscarf. No matter what, since the people of Lingpai were beaten, he naturally could not stand by.

"You, kneel down!" He pointed to Ling Handao, full of condescending oppression, "give you a chance, just for three days and three nights, I will spare you once."

"Liu Dongdong, what are you bullish, thinking that you are very amazing?" Jiang Qiaoling couldn't help but start to slam the fire. "Uncle, don't give me face, fight, fight even his mother doesn't recognize it!"

"My name is Liu Dongming!" Liu Shixiong spoke loudly, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped out.

"You don't think Liu Dongdong is more nice?" Jiang Qiaoling's face is innocent, but whoever believes in her innocence must be deceived.

"Damn!" Liu Dongming couldn't help but shoot and grabbed Jiang Qiaoling.

How smart is Jiang Qiaoling, and since she is in a hurry, how can she not be prepared? She has been staying on the edge of the cold, Liu Dongming shot, she immediately went to hide behind Ling Han, perfect to make Ling Han a shield.

"Flash off!" Liu Dongming shouted.

Ling Han did not answer, but did not let it open. This is naturally a provocation in Liu Dongming's view. One palm pressed the past to Ling Han. There were four rounds of rivers and rivers on his body, which turned into terrible pressure.

Outside the mountains and rivers, enhance the power of attack.

Ling Han has a side step, and then he took a palm casually, but both the timing and the strength are controlled just right. It is obvious that there is not much power to promote, Liu Dongming is involuntarily rushing forward, slamming Also came a dog to eat.

The red headscarf almost laughed. You just said that I am a waste, and I don’t want to end up with myself. But they are all in the same camp. In the face of foreign enemies, they can't turn their elbows out.

Jiang Qiaoling didn't have such scruples. He laughed loudly and raised his hand. He said, "Uncle, you are so good, now I believe that you are my friend, because you are as insidious as me!"

Is there such a comment on your own boss?

Ling Han could not help but shake his head, and he and Jiang Yuefeng did not have a common point in character.

Liu Dongming climbed up and looked at Ling Han with a stunned look.

He didn't understand, Ling Han's blow did not use much power, and the speed was not very fast. Why was he shot in the palm of his hand and fell out involuntarily? He put himself into the cold, but he didn't think he could do it.

It is such a puzzle that he is afraid to shoot again.

His idea is correct, and it is impossible for any mountain river to achieve the weight of the cold. Because Ling Han is not using power, but rules, higher-level rules, can easily smash a mountain river situation without power.

"Fast, please go to the reinforcements!" Liu Dongming said to the red headscarf.

The red headscarf is not so cold, how familiar is this sentence? Didn't he just say to the younger brother before him? Now that people have changed, the words have not changed.

He quickly turned and ran to move to a stronger person.

Even if the perfection is not an opponent, then you can only go to the elders of the Sun and Moon.

"How do you call it?" Liu Dongming asked quietly.

Ling Han waved his hand and said: "You still don't know!"

Liu Dongming was almost inflated, and he would further become the top of the Sun and Moon. He could be waved and shouted, as if he had nothing to do with the A-cat and the dog. How could he be overwhelmed?

Wait, wait for the masters of Lingpai to come and don't want to suppress you into a dog!

After a while, the red headscarf followed a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man has a red sun on his head and looks very proud. In Tianjian Palace, the sun and the moon are the strongest, and pride is normal.

This person's surname, the name, belongs to the faction of Lingjia.

"Which one is!" Cheng Yuan was not too slow at first, but when he glanced at Ling Han, he screamed when he could not help but blurt out.

How is this comet!

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