Although the first contest was Lin Shuying, it was the first, but Ling Han was the most dazzling.

When everyone's rankings are determined, they enter the second round of the test, or identify the medicinal materials, but the difficulty is improved, it is to identify the mixed medicinal materials to cut a large number of medicinal materials, mix them together, and tell them which medicinal materials are respectively .

This is going to be done 30 times, and about 200 kinds of herbs are mixed at a time.

Ling Han is still the fastest answer, but he suffers from the loss of only 400,000 of the basic medicines, only half of them, so he only answered half of them correctly.

This kind of accuracy is naturally not high, but only the speed of answering, but he is more than twice as fast as the second fastest Lin Zhiying, showing how terrible the talent in his identification of herbs.

After 30 answers, Ling Han's results are not excellent, but they are also squeezed into the top ten. After all, there is still time limit. If you let go of the time, it is estimated that Ling Han will fall to 100.

This time, Lin Shuying first, for the Beisha branch to win another hundred percent, the total score reached two hundred high.

The second was replaced by Lin Biao, but he did not expect his appearance to be extremely rough, but his mind was extremely delicate, and it really was a human appearance.

Ling Han scored 97 points in the first round, and the second round was 91 points, which is not low. Han Xinyu is going to be much worse. The first round is 11 points, the second round is 14 points, and the sum is only 25 points.

The third round of comparison, splicing herbs.

Not a strain, but a few hundred herbs mixed together.

Ling Han is still the fastest, but the old problem is still there. This time, he ranked eighth and got 92 points. The first is still Lin Shuying, and all three trials are the first.

Lin Yuqi is full of confidence. Don't look at Lin Shuying has won three games in a row, but the scores of the four contests are different. The fourth game is the big one, accounting for 50%.

Therefore, as long as Ling Han won the first of the fourth game, and Lin Shuying played a little worse in this game, then Ling Han will be able to come up later and win the first name!

This thought made her excited, could not help but some of the tender body is hot, I want to be held in the arms of the man, slyly kissed his lips, licking her proud mountain, ****.

Hey, she is screaming, she will be crazy about a man, is she poisoned?

After the third round of the test, everyone had a small half-day break, and alchemy had to concentrate on it, and could not tolerate it.

"Get started!" Still Lin Xin is hosting.

Everyone decides what Dan, and each person decides himself, but in the end, he can go to the first few, and he has to look at the refining Dan drug order. The order is the same, so it is difficult to refine, and the difficulty is equal.

For example, the same is the eighth-order remedy, the wild blood dandan can certainly crush everything, this is the holy medicine in the sun and the moon, only the nine-order remedy can exceed.

Ling Han's eyes swept over. No one in the competition except him reached the star world. Then, in theory, no one can refine the nine-order god.

Of course, there may be exceptions, such as Ling Han because of the cultivation of the polar environment, coupled with the cultivation of the immortal, the gods are powerful, in the peak of the sun and the moon can refine the nine-order immortality.

However, there should be no such freaks here.

Ling Han did not reluctantly refine the Jiujie medicinal herbs, because he had not tried it before, he chose to open the wild **** Dan, which would definitely help him win the first.

Boom, the fire is in the air.

Some people decided to fight in this round because of the poor performance in the previous round. They chose to refine their own abilities. The result is that there is only one chance for the explosion. The failure is over.

Most of them were only the fifth-order sixth-order Dan teacher. Therefore, they only completed the refining of the medicinal herbs in two or three days. After five days, only a hundred people were still practicing alchemy.

Ten days later, the number dropped to nine.

As long as these nine people can refine their success, then the top nine must be them.

Very simple, the longer the higher-order medicinal refining takes longer.

It is a pity that after the twelfth day, some people still blew the furnace, and they gave up their efforts. They regretted that he vomited blood three liters and almost passed out.

After half a month, the remaining eight people have completed the work, and they have all completed the refining of the medicinal herbs.

Each of them is full of confidence, and they believe that their refining of the drug will bring themselves first.

From the time of refining, it can be concluded that the eight medicinal herbs are all eight-order, so it is difficult to refine.

"Lin pull the knife, successfully refining into the virtual Dan!" Lin Xin announced.

When I heard this, there were three people who suddenly showed their gloom.

Than, but better than that!

Everyone is a Dan teacher. Naturally, I know which kind of medicinal herbs are good for refining, and which one is difficult to refine. Even if there is no referee, they only need to look at what others have refined, and they know whether they have lost or won.

However, Lin Shuying, Lin Yang, and Zhang Feng did not change their colors, and they still had great confidence.

"Lin Yang, successfully refining the yin yin!"

When the voice fell, Lin Biao and Lin Yang looked at each other and looked like a sword, full of meaning.

The refining of these two kinds of medicinal drugs is quite difficult, so whoever is better will have to look at the quality of the medicinal herbs.

"Zhang Feng, successfully refines the Zhenyan Zhendan!"

Zhang Feng smiled lightly, Li Yanzhen Dan and Cheng Dan Dan, Ming Yin Dan are a level of difficulty, and when it comes to quality, he has been immersed in Dandao for 500,000 years, is it not as good as a few "hairs" Kid?"

"Lin Shuying, successfully refining the 浑天丹!"


A stone provokes a thousand waves, everyone is shocked, and Tian Dan, the refining difficulty can be several times more than that of Ming Yin Dan.

Lin Shuying is proud of laughing, just as she expected before the test, she will win four firsts and become the first deserved.

Finally, Lin Xin is looking at Ling Han.

Ling Han smiled slightly and opened the lid. Suddenly, a **** spot of light flew out of the Dan furnace, which was extremely fast.

Lin Xin’s eyes were fast, and he grabbed the light, and the old face suddenly showed a shocking color.

This medicinal medicine... has a psychic tendency.

All Danshi knows that it is possible to psychic after the medicinal herbs have to enter the tenth order. Under the tenth order, if the drug can be psychic, then it must be the "Holy Medicine" level.

"What kind of immortality is this?" The old Dan teachers in the neighborhood were all surrounded, and they frowned and were surprised.

"Wild, **** Dan!" Soon, someone exclaimed.

Although this medicinal drug has long been lost, it can still be preserved, but it is known as the "small holy drug".

"It’s really wild blood!"

"God, you can refine the wild blood spirit, indicating that this person's Dan Dao strength has been able to enter the ninth order."

"Can be called a master!"

Like the martial arts, the 9th-order Dan Shi is a shackle. It is extremely difficult to cross into the martial arts. In the view of the high-ranking Dan Shi, the name of the "master" is only worthy of the ninth-order or above.

They all looked at Ling Han and their eyes were hot.

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