Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 1391: Crazy (crazy)

Ling Han could not help but get a tight pore, and then he would rise up with helplessness.

This is obviously the old man of the human skin. Although he ran all the way, it is obviously impossible to compare with the existence of the rules of space.

The old man stared at the Tianyuan fruit, and looked as if he was reminiscing, but he couldn’t remember it.

This can be forgiven, my mind is gone, and I can see it again when I think about it.

After watching the old man for a while, he suddenly stepped forward and reached out to touch the Tianyuan fruit.

not good!

Ling Han hastened to smash and retreat. This sacred king medicine has the ability to protect the world. Even the sacred king can swear. If he is involved, it will definitely be a smog.

Boom, killing and activation, and indeed launched a devastating attack on the old man, hundreds of millions of light beams are slamming, each of them is equivalent to the great holy level in full force, and hundreds of millions of roads are rushing, and it is true that even the holy king can bombard .

Unless the polar environment is built in the holy kingdom, it will never be unmatched.

Hey, Guanghua was bombing, hey, I saw a figure being shaken out, then fluttering on the ground, thin as a flap.

That is a human skin!

The killings have taken over the power and restored calm.

Huh, the human skin seems to be blown a sigh of relief, quickly plump up, and soon becomes a human form again, the old man reappears, he is full of stunned, as if he does not know what happened.

Ling cold mouth twitching, but it is a peerless killing, even the holy king can be killed, but the old man was just shaken out, the fart injury did not stay.

If this old man is a creation of the world, it must be extremely polar! Even... maybe even stronger.


"My dog, have you seen my dog?" The old man asked Ling Han, and he came again.

Ling Han quickly shook his head and then walked toward the sixth floor. He now has only one idea, that is, sweeping the nine-story space, taking away the medicine as much as possible, and then seeing you forever.

The sixth level, the final test is compared to alchemy.

A Dan Fang falls, but there are only ten chances of failure. If all fails, it will be expelled immediately. The fewer the failures and the less time spent, the better the score.

After Ling Han took Danfang, he glanced at it and found that it was only a fifth-order remedy. It was not difficult, but Dan was completely strange.

With the strength of his emperor, he is a low-ranking immortal, even if it is completely strange, he can refine it at most two or three times. However, Ling Han did not start rashly, but in the mind turned over the characteristics of all the herbs in Dan Fang.

He has now reached the point of Dacheng in tasting medicinal materials. These medicinal materials interact in the mind, and the characteristics and conflicts are revealed one by one, which makes him realize the mutuality and mutual gram.

After a long time, he opened his eyes. Although he did not even try, he was confident that he would succeed and achieve perfection.

Because he completely immersed the characteristics of the medicinal materials, he could completely simulate the process of medicinal materials to medicinal herbs.

He opened the alchemy, and it was done in one go, not only reached the perfect state of ten, but each medicinal medicine also achieved the best effect, without a little bit of essential ingredients wasted.

However, even if he achieved such an achievement, he only had nine extra days. In the Dan Fang, there were only nineteenth.

Obviously this is not perfect enough to get the best reward.

Ling Han was not disappointed, because he still spent half a day, who made this Dan Fang completely strange to him?

The stone room collapsed and there was a sixth floor space in front.

Golden light and silver light are dazzling. This is a world of metal. You can see that there are Jinshan Yinshan everywhere. If a mortal comes here, it will definitely be crazy.

Even the cold is also showing a happy color, because it is very likely to find high-order **** iron.

"My dog, have you seen my dog?" It can be said that the familiar sound is heard, and the old man is like a dog skin plaster that can't be smashed, and appears again in Ling Han.

By the way, if you are finished, why are you staring at me?

Ling Han is very speechless, followed by a human skin, but also powerful, Rao is his daring and can not help but feel cold. He even has the urge to collect the other party into the Black Tower, but he can't guarantee success.

Once it fails, and the old man is hostile to him, it is not fun.

Therefore, since the old man is only awkward, then follow him.

“No!” Ling Han replied, and he began to sweep his body.

"You have a familiar taste on your body." The old man said, accompanying him.

All the way, the old man will be confused from time to time. Once such a thing happens, he will inevitably repeat the question of asking the dog after he wakes up. Then he said that Ling Han has a familiar taste, like a child playing house. I am not tired of it.

Ling Han only feels tired and tired. After being tossed thousands of times by the same problem, he is patient and mad.

But it is not unhelpful. With this grandfather passing by, the monsters here are directly scared to the bottom of the urine, so that Ling Han can easily pick the medicine. But the grandfather also has problems. When he sees high-level medicine, he will reach out and pick it up, and he will not pay attention to it.

This makes Ling Han speechless, all the way, the highest-level magic medicine he has collected is only ten steps, and the other ones are eaten by the old.

I can't grab it, I don't dare to rob it. Don't look at this man who is very good at talking now, and he is confused. Before, he didn't see him killing, and he didn't blink.

After sweeping this layer, Ling Han came to the end of the sixth floor.

Zixin Palace.

Ling Han was pleasantly surprised to find that the three characters were not bleak, but when he wanted to provoke the rhyme, he could not do it at all.

The old man did not urge, but also sat down like Ling Han, the strange things appeared, the three words were spurred, the mysterious power entered the old man's body, but nothing changed.

That is nature, the old man is too strong. For him, this little power is like a small raindrop falling into the sea. Naturally, nothing will change.


Ling Han almost slammed, you said that you are so strong, and still fight with him.

"My dog, have you seen my dog?" As a result, the old man opened his mouth and directly let Ling Han lose his temper.

Now even Ling Han is curious, what kind of dog is this lost, actually let the old man die or not forget.

The reappearance of the Tianyuan fruit is still the same variety, but there are some differences.

The old man rushed up again fearlessly, was murdered and violently bombed, but unharmed, lying for a while and then, and then found a dog, let Ling Han crazy to want to kill.

Can't you change some words?

The sixth level, the test is to restore the medicine, which is too simple for Ling Han, even if there is a derivative medicine is not afraid, successfully obtained a ten-day stay, plus 20 Dan Fang.

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