Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 1624: Sanctified

The Tianfeng goddess won the inheritance of the three-headed phoenix king, and raised the bloodline to the top level of the gods. There is also the supply of medicinal herbs in the cold, and the enlightenment under the reincarnation, there is almost no bottleneck in cultivation. Can this speed be unpleasant? ?

If they have been in the underworld for more than a decade, she can go this step faster.

Now, she has accumulated a lot of money and finally broke through.

She just smiled at Ling Han, and immediately went to the starry sky with her feet.

If the sage is robbed here, it is estimated that the entire wooden figure will be destroyed.

Of course, Ling Han also entered the starry sky. Although he could not help, he had to look at it.


A thundercloud was created in the cold and dark universe, shrouded in the head of the goddess of heaven and phoenix, and the first lightning was eager to kneel down.

The Tianfeng goddess opened two pieces of light-shaped wings that were thousands of miles long, and they came out against the lightning and engaged in fierce confrontation.

Just for a moment, the ten golden avenues have been paved, and the strong people such as Xingsha Dasheng have appeared. When the people who saw this robbing were actually Tianfeng goddess, they were all shocked to the extreme.

In addition to Xingsha Dasheng, Jiusheng went to the original apprenticeship meeting. Which one of them had optimistic about Tianfeng Goddess? If the memory of non-sages is so good, they won't even remember that such a talent can only be said to be "flat".

Indeed, in the Xingsha martial arts where the king gathered, the original Tianfeng goddess really can only be called qualification.

But who can think of such a "qualified" person actually wants to be sanctified!

That is, Xingsha Dasheng has some blushing. At the beginning, he picked up the ancient road as a disciple, but when he wants to come, the ancient road will take at least a million years even if he is sanctified. How long has it passed, the woman has already arrived. This step.

It seems that people related to Ling Han are monsters!

"In three years, it is incredible to have two sages out of the way!" Ten Saints are feelings.

Ling Han Qi, two saints?

He walked over and said, "Who else is sanctified?"

"No phase." said the rainy saint.

Oh, no phase and sanctification!

Ling Han is not strange, people have a complete sanctification of understanding, plus now the body of the five elements, the immortality is unlimited, naturally faster than the Tianfeng goddess. Only after this, the incompetent saint has no experience to follow, and the speed of advancement will plummet, and will surely be followed by Tianfeng Goddess.

Even the Queen, Ling Han, they will catch up.

"What about others?" Ling Han asked, did not see the saint appear.

"A month after the sanctification, he left. No one knows where he went." The sage of the rainy rain again said that he could not dare to put on the spectrum of his predecessors in front of Ling Han. Just kidding, even Star Sands is also talking to Ling Hanping. If he wants to make another statement, he is not going to ride on Master’s head.

Ling Han brow slightly wrinkled, he knows that there is no obsession in the heart of the sage, to find three counter-official liquidation. But the sages have said that after so many years, the three apprentices have great possibilities and have entered the holy world.

If he goes this way, he may not be able to win the game.

It’s just that people are gone, and Ling Han’s worry is useless. I can only hope that this saint is okay. If you don’t want to fight, it’s hard to stay. under.

Raging, horror, this is a saint robbery. After entering this step, you will be recognized by the heavens and the earth. In a sense, it is acting on behalf of the heavens and the earth. Therefore, this step is also extremely difficult to overcome.

Fortunately, the Tianfeng goddess got the inheritance of the three holy kings, and the fighting power far surpassed that of the past, it is also a good fight against this day.

Half a day later, the day was robbed, and Tianfeng Goddess drove a golden light to the side of Ling Han. Although he was still hurt, it was completely painless.

"Congratulations to the Taoist friends!" Jiu Xiaosheng said to the Tianfeng goddess, since they have achieved a holy position, they are on an equal footing with them.

Tianfeng Goddess held a nod to smile, she is not as proud as the Queen, and still very polite to others. She is like a bird in the cold, and she is envious of the sanctuary. It is not easy to sanctify myself, let alone find a companion who is also a saint.

Ling Han is destined to be sanctified, this husband and wife are holy, rare!

"Ling Han!" The Queen's voice also rang.

Ling Han could not help but look strange, this will not be so smart?

"You have to break through?" he asked with a god.

"Yeah." The Queen nodded.

It really is!

Ling Han handed a hand and passed the Queen from the Black Tower.

The Queen did not say a word, a step, has come to the place where the Tianfeng goddess was robbed.

Rumble, the dark clouds that just scatterd again.

Xingsha Dasheng: "..."

Nine little holy: "..."

Is the saint of your family wholesale, and one after another?

I thought that when they were not through the precipitation and accumulation of countless years, this was a thick accumulation of hair, breaking through the barrier of creating the world, and finally becoming a saint! But now it’s good, these young people seem to have played chicken blood, and they broke through in just a few decades.

People are better than people, mad!

"This!" Xingsha Dasheng suddenly stunned, Tianfeng goddess's robbing is normal, but now it is not right, this woman's catastrophe is too horrible, so that he has a feeling of cold in his heart.

Nine small saints are involuntarily retreating, and the robbers have not yet fallen, but they have already let them fall.


The first lightning fell and turned into a humanoid **** of war. When it appeared, it was waving the spear in the hand and attacking the Queen.


Nine little saints are all amnesty: "This blow will kill me!"

How they existed, it is very difficult to do it in a sacred battle, and it must be a great holy! It is no wonder that even the Stars of the Sands are exclaimed. This day the robbery is actually a great holy level.

Heaven, is this really a sacred man who just broke through?

If they encounter the Great Saint, then they can still run, but the robbery is a test of heaven and earth. Who can hide in the past?

Xiao Sheng hard to attack the Great Saint level, it must be only one dead end.

The Queen is fearless, and she has been swaying in the middle of the hand. She has played a sacred sect, fighting against the ravages, and she has not fallen.

This shows that the sanctuary is speechless. You have just broken through. This little saint can fight against the great holy attack. Is there any reason?

They just thought that they had looked at the biggest genius of Tianfeng Goddess, but now they know that there is such a genius when they are more eye-catching. The ancient road is not comparable to shooting horses.

Hey, when the roads are looted, there are more and more people in the lightning. Everyone has the strength of the great holy level, and they can't be completely destroyed. If they break up, they can be reorganized immediately. It is completely dead.

When the number of lightning people reached 50, it eventually formed a qualitative change, pressing the Queen.

"Hey!" The Queen's phoenix looked awkwardly. Hey, there was a glimpse of the human body in the body. It was her nine-point body. Suddenly, ten queens were enemies.

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