Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 1632: Deep in the thundercloud

Ling Han killed to Lei Yun.

boom! boom! boom!

The lightning giant had a total of 50 sects. The catastrophe was only maintained at such a scale, and it did not increase any more. But with the rush of the cold, the heavens and the earth seemed to be irritated, and oh, it was a flash of lightning and a new one. Lightning giant.

More than one, hey, lightning, and the number of giants is increasing, some are thundering spears, some are running electric swords, others are direct punches, and they are blazing lightning.

Ling Han fearless, the power of the thunder of thunder is circulating in the black tower, so that he also seems to be integrated with the rules of the thunder system, assimilation, this lightning attack hit, but it did not hurt him.

At this time, the cold is equivalent to the incarnation of the rules of the mine system, but it is above it.

Because the rules in the black tower are obviously higher than the gods!

"How is it possible!" All the kings are exclaimed, even if Ling Han can smash all these lightning giants, they will not be so shocked, but now this scene is too shocking.

Who will give face to the robbery?

But Ling Han rushed into the deepest part of the robbery and provoked the world.

Hey, the catastrophe becomes more and more violent, this is the power of heaven and earth, and no one can be provocative.

The number of lightning giants has increased through the teaching, reaching more than three hundred.

At this time, even the holy kings are chilling, even if they change their face to face more than three hundred great shrines, only those peaks of the holy king can be fearless. But if they are replaced by them, the power of the robbery will skyrocket and become the peak of the Holy King who besieged them.

Ling Hanyong went straight ahead, maybe he only had one chance. This is the first time that Black Tower opened the sixth floor, and a lot of lightning rules have been poured into it, so that he can ignore the catastrophe for the time being, but he will definitely not repeat it again in the future.

He sneaked into the thundercloud, black and black, and if there were blazing lightnings, he almost doubted that he had entered a certain Jedi, and his five senses were closed.

Ling Han continued to advance, and the strength of the lightning giant was raised in terror, no longer using the amount to press him, but in the realm.

The King of Lights giant appeared.

If there is no help from the Black Tower, Ling Han can no match this opponent, but now he is directly ignoring, and how the other side is bombing and bombing, he is free and easy.

No one in the outside world can see what happened in Thundercloud. I only know that since the thundercloud does not scatter, it means that Ling Han is still not dead.

Ling Han stepped up his footsteps. It has been a long time in the past, and he must hurry.

The front suddenly slammed openly, and Ling Han stopped in shock, and there was an altar in the deepest part of Thundercloud!

Is it that man is a man?

As he approached, he kept shaking his head. This altar was not built artificially, but was born like this, and there was a force in it that shaped it into such a shape.

Perhaps all the altars between heaven and earth were built to be so affected.

The altar is very simple, high, but the material is difficult to argue, but there is a groove in the middle of the place, you can see the liquid rolling, exudes an indescribable fragrance.

"That is the thunderbolt." The little tower said, "Your kid earned, the black tower opened the sixth floor, let you temporarily resonate with the Leizhi Avenue, and you can break into this place. Otherwise, you will only become the holy king." Only qualified to get the thunderbolt in this world."

Ling Han nodded, the ancient world has the limits of the ancient world. The strongest force in this world is the holy king. Therefore, when he becomes the holy king, he can sweep all the holy kings with his strength, and he can also hardly enter the thunder cloud. At the office.

However, this is limited to the ancient world. If he breaks through the holy king in the fairyland, it will be different.

"What are the benefits of thunderbolt?" asked Ling Han.

"Let you get the road to the thunder." Small tower.

"Is there a thunder rule in the black tower?" Ling Han is strange.

"That is not the same. It is the rule of the Tianzun Caixian domain. It is that I can only use it. You want to use it to understand that there is no difference between the rule of Lei and the direct contact with Xianyu. It will not bring Any effect is improved." Xiaota explained that Xu is a black tower to open another layer, so that its mood has become much better, actually not for a long time.

Ling Han stunned, while walking quickly toward the altar line, hey, a statue of the Lightning Giant appeared, and finally reached the peak of the Holy King, to kill the cold.

"Hello, robbery, goodbye!" Ling Han laughed, shuttled, such as the law, the lightning giant's attack did not affect him.

He came to the edge of the altar and quickly took the thunderstorm in the groove and took it into the black tower.

This is too precious, and the chances that I can get in this life are only two or three times.

In the ancient world, you can come again to the Holy King. His defense is too strong. Then he will become the Nine Kings in the future. He can also be invincible and take another Thunderbolt. But at that time, does he still need a thunderbolt?

There are not many thundering liquids, so it is about one liter. The blue water is like the sea water, and it smells like a scent. You can see that there are boulevards in the tumbling, as if there are ancient heavens.

Ling Han didn't look much. This can be studied slowly later. He stared at the altar. There are also countless avenue symbols on it. This is definitely related to the formation of the robbery. If he can understand, then he is not guilty of punishment. The power?

He looked carefully, but after a while, the altar disappeared mysteriously, and the thunderclouds around him disappeared. Ling Han found himself in the stars.

Half a day has passed and the robbery has dissipated.

what a pity!

Ling Han couldn't help but feel sorry. If he gave him enough time, he could engrave the avenue symbol on the altar. It wouldn't matter if he couldn't comprehend it at the moment.

"Ling Han, what did you find in Thundercloud?" Many of the holy kings were surrounded. They were all very curious. Some people were even excited and incoherent. It was an unprecedented thing to enter the depths of Thundercloud.

Ling Han naturally can't spit, it's just an alliance. He can't let these people know the secret of the thunder.

"Just more days," he said.

Although the Kings of All Saints do not believe, they are helpless. Ling Han said so. If they ask again, they should risk the evil with the cold.

Who knows if he still has a card in his hand?

Even if you don't, as long as you can't kill him, it's not easy for Xiaosheng to escape. Moreover, once such a enchanting person moves into the saints and the great saints, the sacred king can be easily slaughtered by his own strength.

Therefore, without the grasp of a single blow, who wants to fight with Ling Han? To be continued

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