Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 1923: Three-story tower

Ling Han did not expect it at all. The "big change" that Xiaota said was actually so big.

The three-story tower is open!

Hey, the Three Boundary Tower floated up and down in his dantian, and the nine-story towers glowed in unison, flowing out of the suppression of the heavens and the endless breath of the ages.


Yongchang Xianwang slightly frowned, just now, he actually sensed a supreme breath, far beyond his level.

Nine important kings!

...maybe, it will be stronger.

How can it be!

His face was astonished and he felt incredible, as if something strange and strange things happened together.

Lu Hairong is a shudder of hands and feet, such a breath, she has contacted!

Is that adult?

Between the mountainsides, Ling Han had no time to see the changes in the Black Tower. He raised his fists to the sky and met the more violent robbers. In fact, he can squat down this knife a little later, so even if the earthquake is anger, at most, it will be another catastrophe, or even directly.

But Ling Han is trying to try, how terrible this kind of catastrophe is.

He has to embark on the peak of the martial arts and must surpass all the arrogance. Therefore, he must also defeat some opponents that are impossible to overcome in Tianjiao.

Besides, there is a congenital peach refinement. If such a robbery can't be spent, he is too wasteful.


He was against the catastrophe, just a bang, he felt a little numb in his arm, which made him a little shocked, to know how strong his body is, it is difficult to hurt the strong soul, but now Actually, it was numb with a blow.

However, cool!

Ling Han's body is full of terrible power. This is the inexplicable change in Dantian after he opened the world. He no longer took the aura from the heavens and turned into Yuanli, but he turned into a star.

Before, he built the stars of the heavens, but it was just like a sign. It only saved the power, but now it is different. These stars become real stars, and there is infinite power to feed back.

It is no wonder that the Wuyi is so strong that it can match the strong soul of the soul. This is a brand new realm.

He can break the sky!

Ling Han shouted, and the Thunder battle, a punch and a fist, the source of nine days of fire and Xuan Yin mother water is wrapped around his fist, forming a avenue symbol, also in the process Strong.

The origin of heaven and earth is destined to reach the kingdom of the king. It can not be a heavy heaven, two heavens or eight heavens, and nine heavens are not necessarily, so Ling Han must constantly temper them.

On the other hand, the Queen’s catastrophe is coming to an end. She did her best and did not prematurely slap the fifth scorpion. Instead, she waited until the last day of looting, and she took out the fifth knive.

In this way, although the earthquake was angered, she also had nothing to do with her.

Since the two men were robbed at the same time, the Queen’s day was over, and the chilly was of course finished.

The two groups of Thunderclouds were scattered at the same time. Ling Han and the Queen looked at each other with a smile.


From this moment on, they finally entered the ranks of the top Tianjiao, and did not let Yanxian Road and the same season of the mountain special beauty.

"Kids, don't be proud, even the five 斩 also have the same strength and weakness." The small tower warned.

Ling Han nodded, take Yan Xian Road, Shan Ji Tong, Lao Song three people, it is obvious that Yan Xian Road is stronger, perhaps not strong enough to be a star and a half, to the mountain season and Laosong teamed up to fight.

Achievements are five, just stepping into the threshold, but I can go far but have to look at my own efforts, but not once and for all.

Cultivation is always like sailing against the water. If you don’t advance, you will retreat.

"Black Tower, the remaining three floors are open, what has changed?" asked Ling Han.

“It can be used to accelerate the flow of light.” Xiaota said, “The catalytic effect on the fairy medicine is up to a hundred times higher, and if it is confined to a small area, it can reach a thousand times.”

Ling Han was shocked first, then overjoyed, said: "That is, I am alchemy in the black tower, can you increase the speed by a thousand times?"

"Yes!" The little tower nodded.

Ling Han could not help but smile. If you understand, it is better to reincarnate the tree, but it is only the acceleration of the mental state. If you want to add the flesh, it must be the acceleration effect of the black tower.

"In addition, you can also understand the time, space and killing rules." The small tower continued.


This time, the Three Boundary Tower is full of power.

"In addition, you can also extract the power of the Black Tower and apply the power of time, space and killing power. You will slowly ponder it." The little tower said, "Okay, don't bother me now, I have to improve." Take a look at yourself and adapt to new abilities."

This arrogant tower, obviously it is his own, actually turned to him.

However, just know, just ignore it.

Ling Han smiled at the Queen: "Let's go."

Although they spend more than ten days, they may not be able to compete for the first. Because they have not been on the summit for ten months, it can be seen how high the mountain is, and the waste of ten days does have an impact, but it will not be too big.

For example, no one has caught up with it now. This is proof.

Of course, other people may not have taken this road. It is not only this one that leads to the top of the mountain.

The two held their hands and walked side by side.

The clouds are haunting, and immediately there is a new memory of the immortal king, but this time it has become a level of the soul!

Sure enough, the sympathy of heaven and earth will be adjusted because of the different realms of each person. Therefore, there is no advantage in the realm of the realm, but the strength of the same-order war determines the speed of advancement.

"Come on!" Ling Han laughed, trying to try the new ability of the Black Tower.

He finally had limited use of the Black Tower, which made him very curious about how far it could be achieved.

The Sanjie Pagoda is at least a treasure of the Jiu Xian Xian Wang level. If it is completely prosperous, it will now be able to rival the Xian Wang. So what is the limit?

Ling Han and a derivative body fight, just parry and not fight back, so as not to accidentally blow the other party, and then communicate with the black tower, how to use the secret of time, space and killing.

With his understanding, and the black tower was originally in his body, he quickly revealed a touch of color, and pressed the past toward a deriving body: "Receive!"

The degenerate body suddenly glowed all over the body, and there was no sign of change.

"Can't take it away?" Ling Han was amazed. He wanted to receive this derivative body directly into the black tower, but it failed.

"That's changing." He laughed, and pressed it again, "Cut!"

Brushing brush, countless wind blade cutting out, toward the evolution of the body, each wind blade is only a ruler length, but there is a boulevard symbol beating, stimulating the power of the heavens and the earth, blessing to a terrible point.

The wind blade swept, and the derivative was immediately cut into slag.

This is done.

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