Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 1935: Anger outbreak

"Kid, come!" The blood shadow old demon swayed the blood shadow behind him, and the pale face floated with an abnormal blush.

His source is a big loss. In fact, it is not easy to delay the remnant. This battle will definitely make him a short-lived Shouyuan that is close to the end.

But he has already regarded this war as the last hope of life, gambling on everything, and naturally does not care.

Take the cold!

Ling Han smiled lightly and said: "Old goods, you only have to be blown up by me!"

Hey, his body shape is killing, it is a punch that has passed.

"You can't do anything!" The blood shadow old devil is proud. Although he has fallen in the realm, it is also the level of the ghost. Even if he ignores the big realm, it is two small realms higher than Ling Han.

He stretched out his right hand like a claw and grabbed it against Ling Han's right wrist.

Hey, Ling Han’s body glows, igniting the avenue, and extracting the power of the rules. A simple rune appears on his fist, which looks a bit like a flame.

This is a avenue symbol drawn from the nine-day fire, the level of the fairy king!

It is a pity that the realm of Ling Han is too low. This avenue symbol is also incomplete and has a feeling of dilapidation. However, an ancient and noble atmosphere is faintly moved and shocked for nine days.

The face of the blood shadow old devil changed slightly, and the power of Ling Han’s attack actually exceeded his expectations.

Can the dust be so strong?

and many more!

He suddenly remembered a legend. It is said that there is no genius to break the **** of the heavens and the earth, and then throw a knife after the four shackles.

Five 斩, can be the enemy soul!

Hey, this guy is actually a legendary monster.

Don't blame the blood and the old devils for their shortsightedness. Although he is a source of rising source, he has always been a lonely man. There is no big education behind him. How can he know too much secret?

It is very good to be able to react, and there are five days of arrogance in the world.


The blood shadow old devil came over and the speed was getting slower and slower. The rune on Ling Han’s fist had already played a role in preventing him from invading. In the fierce friction, his palm burned with flames.

The old goods did not care, but when he looked a few minutes ago, he found that his right hand was so painful.

Burning pain.

It was not because of the fierce friction that the fire was born, but the symbol of Ling Han's condensation ignited the rules of the fire system and burned his skin.

How can it be!

He is discolored, even if the cold is five, equivalent to the strong soul, but he has the level of the soul, how can it be hurt by Ling Han?

"Old goods, you will be repaired to be much higher than me to bully me, not to mention the same level of war, that is, you are two orders higher than me, I can also suppress you!" Ling Han violently The figure swelled and punched out, holding all his anger.

The black curse can indeed sharpen him, but being forced to plant in his body is naturally not a concept.

Don't look at the real time is only a few years in the past, but then count the years he spent in the time training room, but there are hundreds of years of time, but also bear the pain of hundreds of black curses.

At the time of each attack, Ling Han wanted to take a picture of the blood shadow old demon, so that it was added up again and again, his anger was also saved to the extreme, and now it is a painful vent.


After a fist hit, the rules become the essence, and you can see countless symbols appearing, mysterious.

Teng Teng Teng, Ling Han and the blood shadow old devil are a few steps backwards, and they have stood firm.

This blow is equally divided.

The face of the blood shadow old devil is ugly. He now gambles on Ling Han with all his hopes. He wants to take him and threaten a fairy king. But Ling Han is so strong that his wishful thinking will be short.

His life may be a hundred years, and now it is still burning a small number of life sources in battle, maybe slammed directly with the hit.

He does not want to die... don't want to die!

The old goods screamed and banged, and the blood shadow behind him frantically surging, and then turned into a hurricane, and rolled toward the cold. When running a certain distance, the hurricane was actually scattered and turned into a dark spot.

Ling Han's eyes swept over, and I saw that these black spots were actually a worm, flying in the sky and slamming.

Each worm has the same appearance as a mosquito, but the size of the worm is much larger, with a small finger, a long mouthpiece, sharp and sharp, and a metallic luster.

The worms flew in the sky and fell to the cold.

For a moment, Ling Han was full of mosquitoes, one by one with a sharp mouth to stab him, want to **** his blood.

Ling Han does not move, he has to look at these things can not help his body.

The blood shadow old demon showed a sneer, this kid is too arrogant, I do not know that this blood worm is his pressure box bottom exercises, but also with the black curse.

When the blood worm is attacking, he will launch a black curse again.

If you look into the body, you have to be pierced by blood worms and **** blood. These blood worms are actually his separation of souls, and the blood can be fed back to him. Although he will not let his source be repaired, there will always be some benefits.

And if you look outside, the black curse can also kill the soul.

The blood shadow old devil needs to control, don't accidentally push the black curse too much, and kill Ling Han, so you can't go to the fairy king.

"Explosion!" He snorted.

Ling Hanton felt a twist in his heart, and the whole person was so painful that he could not describe it.

"Hey, do you think that the black curse can only be attacked once a year?" The blood shadow old devil said with amazement, "Since this black curse is planted by the old man, the old man can burst out whenever he wants."

"Let's kneel in front of the old man!"


The old goods are triumphant, but they suddenly reveal an incredible expression.

Because Ling Han stood up endlessly, neither showed the color of pain, and none of the blood worms could pierce the other's skin, as if it was not a person at all, and a piece of peerless immortal gold.

How can it be!

"You, you, you, you" blood shadow old devil is really a heart and a heart, one can not believe, the second is that he will not be able to take cold, then he is not far from death.

Ling Han smiled lightly and said: "This black curse, I have already withstood hundreds of times, I can already bear it."

Strange, monsters.

The blood shadow old devil can't believe it at all, how serious and painful is the black curse? This is not the law he created, but the income in an ancient cave house, most likely created by a fairy king.

He used to be used by many people who claim to be like iron. Up to three times, everyone is screaming for mercy and letting the other person do anything.

For example, if there is a person who claims to be a madman, he will kill his wife in the absence of a black curse. There is a Xianfu strongman who is known as a martyrdom. After the black curse, he endures humiliation. Into the brothel, was arbitrarily played by the low-lying Xiaowu.

This made the blood shadow old devil full of confidence in the black curse, no one can resist the pain after the curse.

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