Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 1997: Yangshuo Haikai

Ling Han could not help but shrink, and the namelessness became stronger, and it was not a star or a half.

Now let him play against each other... I am afraid that he is more likely to fall behind.

It just falls on the downwind, but with the temperament of his body and the metamorphosis of recovery, as long as he has been fighting, the person who laughs at the end must be him, not the nameless.

A little bit stunned, and then the gold and silver eyes brightened, turned into two small suns, his war is like a song, killing the past again to the nameless, this time, between the hands raised, there are countless air blades.

One hand controls the time, and the other hand controls the space.

The unnamed expression has not changed, and it is still so calm and unobtrusive.

Boom, one finger crushed, the air blades are crushed.

"It's really a good force of the fairy, I received it." Ji Wuming shouted, and finally took the initiative to push the past.

He went all out with such a hard work, and he was at a disadvantage.


Everyone saw the hair straight and the scalp was numb.

How powerful is the difference, everyone can see clearly, even the defeat of Luo Shengyuan, Shi Bin two great emperors, can be played with the nameless novice has fallen to the disadvantages, such a contrast, can be seen in the nameless metamorphosis.

“Is it true that the madman’s defeat to Ji’s name is true?”

"...Is it really possible, he is too strong!"

"How can there be such a terrible monster at the bottom of the world?"

Everyone is exclaiming their heads, which refreshes their understanding of Tianjiao. Some people can be strong enough to make the top emperors only desperate.

Only Shu Yarong’s face is proud. This adult was the Nine Kings of the Year, and to become the Nine Kings, how strong was it in the dusty world?

It can be said objectively, don't look at Ling Han, the difference is now very powerful, and will become a fairy king in the future, but in the end you can reach a few days but you have to ask a question mark.

It may be four or five heavy, maybe seven or eight, and it is extremely difficult to achieve the nine-pointed king.

It can be said that Ji Wuming has the same strength as Ling Han and Xiao in the dust of the previous world. But the key point is that Ji Wuming chose reincarnation and rebuilt the realm of the dust with the experience of Xian Wang. What height can it reach?

No one knows, no one can imagine.

Different nature is an indomitable person. The stronger the opponent, the stronger his resilience, and the amazing power.

He fell to the bottom, and it’s not a matter of time to be able to defeat him without name.

The rumble, the soul of the sea, or the small lake suddenly boiled up, like boiled boiling water, and the original water is micro-belt blue, but now it is a colorful light.

"The soul of the sea is open!" I don't know who called.

This is no secret. At least half of the people here have already been here, but some people only did not break through the last time. Some people did not break through twice or three times. Some people did not have hundreds of thousands of times. breakthrough.


No name and difference directly into the sea, even if it has been deep into hundreds of miles in an instant, but from time to time there will be a battle aftermath from the bottom of the water, the King has a great lethality.

"Go!" Ling Han came to continue to watch the battle between No Names and Differences. On the other hand, he also listened to Ma Tongguang. Those who first entered this place will get more benefits.

He pulled a few women and jumped into the sea of ​​the soul.

On the side, Yanxian Road is also a leap forward, behind him is Ma Tongguang, after hesitating a little, he also jumped in. Lu Xianming also immediately followed up. He also heard Ma Tongguang's words. If he first entered this place, he might get more gifts from heaven and earth.

Although this is called the sea, it is actually very small. But after nearly a thousand miles downstream, the passage became wider.

Ling Han found that there is no need to force himself. There is an undercurrent that takes him down. If he does not force his resistance, it will make their speed become faster and faster. If there is a sudden emergence of Samsung’s quasi-gold or above. Things, then most people will be smashed and crushed immediately even if they push the defense to the extreme.

He opened his big hand and grabbed all three women. Of course, Tianfeng Goddess had already entered the Black Tower. She didn't even break through the dust. There is no point in this adventure.

Three days later, I heard only the sound of slaps, and then I slammed, and they fell into a sea.

It was a sea, vast and boundless, and above it was a waterfall, which was constantly hitting people.

The entrance to this Yangshen Sea is actually a waterfall!

Unexpectedly, a waterfall does not know how many billions of miles, and the connection is actually a huge underground space, the world is really the greatest creator.

Ling Han and the three women are working on the exercise, stepping on the surface of the sea, and they can no longer raise the height, because as soon as the feet are out of the water, there will be terrible pressure, and they will be forced to fall. In the water.

"This is the soul of the sea." Ling Han looked at it, I saw that many people have already "goed out to sea", stepping on the water, flying all the way, instantly disappeared clean.

It’s just that the aliens are gone, and they don’t know whether they’ve hit a long distance, or they’re temporarily fighting, and they’re all running.

In the distant sky, a rainbow hangs like an arch bridge.

I can't see the light source here, but it is very bright.

To break through the soul, it is very simple. It is to kill the creatures in this sea. The aquatic creatures here will produce something called Yangshen Stone, and the Yangshen Stone will be able to live in the soul. Then it will become a soul.

The soul soul stone has purity and size. Of course, the bigger the better, the purer the better, and the desire to live in the soul, the soul soul stone has size and purity requirements, but not a piece of Yang soul stone. Can be used.

What can I do if it is not big enough and not pure enough?

Nothing, you can refine your own, turn a few small Yangshen stones into a large one, remove the impurities and turn them into treasures.

Of course, after refining, it certainly cannot be formed naturally.

Another point, the Yangshen Stone can't leave the Yangshen Sea, so don't think about it. Moreover, it is useless to bring it out. The "incubation" of the Yang soul also requires the special environment of the Yangshen Sea.

"Come, let's start hunting."

The four started and walked deep into the sea.

The creatures in the sea are everywhere, so you don't need to go to a specific place. It's natural and you want to go where you want to go.

Just for a while, I saw that the color in the sea suddenly changed. It was originally blue, but now it has turned purple. Look carefully. It is not that the sea has changed color, but a large group of fish.

These fish are weird, with long noses, like elephants, and scales are very thick, like crocodile skin.

"Girls come!" Hu Niu will go out, hey, a punch, suddenly watering the sky, and suddenly there is a huge hole in the sea.

The fish were frightened and turned to the downstream.

For a moment, the purple sea water immediately turned back to blue, and Hu Niu’s attack was a waste of effort.

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