Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2003: Deep into the sea

Above the blue quality, there are also twilight and purple.

Generally speaking, yellow can accommodate the soul, but the strength of the soul that is cultivated in this way is limited, certainly not as good as the body. If it is based on the standard of whisky, this should be regarded as barely arrogant.

You broke through the soul, but it is the weakest soul.

Green, to be strong, can be seen as corresponding to ordinary whisk.

Blue, that is the perfect match.

From this point of view, it is very good to use the blue-quality Yang soul stone to break through. There are also 斩 的 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

That is to break through with the twilight and purple soul soul stone.

The problem is that it is completely out of time in terms of time. For each quality improvement, the number must be two hundred times more. Correspondingly, the time should be two hundred times more. So in theory, it takes more than one hundred years to reach the blue quality. How long does it take to reach the twilight? How long does it take for purple?

Perfect, this sounds good, but Ling Han is not satisfied. In his opinion, only the purple Yang soul stone can be called perfect.

And he has to defeat the opponent, but no name!

Blue quality Yang soul stone breakthrough?

not enough!

"Then go to the bottom of the sea." The little tower suddenly said, "Every time the soul of the sea is closed, all the creatures will die, and then slowly develop a new group of creatures. On the bottom of the sea, there will be these creatures. Wills."

Ling Han stunned: "If there is a fairy-level life, there will be a twilight or even a purple soul stone!"

"There is no stupid home." The small tower swears.

Tsundere Tower really can't change the habit of poison tongue.

Ling Han shook his head, too lazy to care about it, no wonder, the opening time here is limited, but can not let the soul of the soul or even the immortal strongman to enter, rely on the dust to fight yourself, how can you get the purple level of the soul stone?

It is impossible to do it without a name.

"It is almost impossible for other people to go to the bottom of the ocean, because the body is too late, even if it is formed with a force, it can always be killed in the sea when it is exhausted."

"But I am different."

"My body will not be weakened at any time and anywhere."

Ling Han said in his heart, and immediately informed the three women.

The Empress and Hu Niu certainly did not have any opinions. They immediately nodded into the Black Tower. The soft demon woman was bargaining. She wanted to get a purple Yangshen stone from Ling Han, but she was thrown into the black by Ling Han. In the tower.

At this time, Ling Han was marching toward the deep sea.

Not far away, the water pressure began to increase, but Ling Han's body is too strong, only in this way, even the nameless can only be followed, said a service word.

Ling Han did not care, don't care about Hu Niu, he naturally has no scruples.

He continued to deepen. After a small half day, he dive twice as much as the original depth, then doubled and tripled. When he got here, even his body was too much to eat.

Fortunately, he has a black tower. If he can't bear it, he will go inside and hide. He will recover his physical strength. Unlike other people, even with space artifacts, he has to reverse it with his own strength and rules. Otherwise, it will definitely be squeezed by the water pressure.

At this depth, the seabed is not far away, probably a few hundred feet away, and the eyesight is attainable.

In this case, you don't have to stand on the bottom of the sea.

Ling Han swims around the body and looks for the remains of the souls on the bottom of the sea.

This depth is absolutely difficult for any other person to reach. The whole sea is like a cemetery. It is not shocking. This makes the visibility very high. When the cold is swept, the large area can be seen. .

The underwater world is vast, with only endless white fine sand. If this is not on the bottom of the sea, then anyone should think that this is a vast desert.

He was swimming near the height of the sea floor, and after a day, he suddenly blinked.

A hill appeared in front of it.

At the bottom of the sea, a white sand, how could a hill appear?

Because this is not a hill, but the remains of a giant sea creature.

Such a big, the soul of the soul must be left behind.

Ling Han runs the fairy law, the origin of the water is launched, and it can exert its miraculous effect in this sea area. At this depth, his body can not be fully supported, and he must rely on the power of rules.

He continued to fall down and saw that it was a giant tortoise. It was a tall mountain. Most of the body was still in good condition, and a small part began to corrode.

Ling Han a sword stabbed, but the fairy magic sword can not destroy the body of this giant turtle.

So strong.

He tried several times and was unable to succeed. He had to go to the place where it began to corrode, and then smashed it through the sword, and it succeeded in getting in.

The shell of the giant tortoise is too thick, that is, the epidermis is not destroyed by the cold, and it can only be entered from the broken mouth.

This is a giant, a foot can rival a mountain, Ling Han in the road all the way through the thorns, spent four days of effort, this finally came to the head of the giant turtle.

"The soul of the soul stone, twilight!" Ling Han could not help but overjoyed, this piece of Yang soul stone in front of him is bigger than his people.

Sure enough, there are adventures here.

Ling Han collected this Yangshen stone into the black tower, and cut some turtle meat into it. Although this giant turtle has died for 100 million years, because the level is too high, the flesh and blood still maintain a very fresh state.

If this giant tortoise is too big to be collected, and because time is limited, it can't be charged too much. Ling Han will never be satisfied with this harvest.

He shared the joy of victory with the three women in the Black Tower and he went back on the road.

The quality of the twilight is not his goal. Even the purple soul stone that is merged is not the natural purple stone.

It is in such a sea that is isolated from the world, sea creatures can grow up, but there are still a handful of people who reach the level of the soul of the heavens. It took ten years for Ling Han to get fourteen pieces of the dark soul stone.

However, the purple soul stone is still in the foreseeable future.

Ling Han calculated the time, calculated in the lowest hundred years, it is a mixture of purple soul soul stone is pitiful, you want to get a piece of natural ... This seems more distant.

Look for it.

Ling Han continued to search. Sometimes he was lucky. He could find two or three pieces a year. Sometimes he was not lucky. He didn’t gain for two or three years. The reason was that he met a powerful sea creature. He has to run all over, how can he find time to find the soul stone?

Time flies, a hundred years is past, and there is no slight change in the sea, as if it will always be in this state.

According to the experience of the predecessors, Ling Han looked at the seven rainbow lights, one of which turned into white, and the remaining six were still the original colors.

When the Yangshen Sea is about to close, the rainbow light will all turn white, and by that time, there will be a buffer period of about one hundred years, and then it will really close.

With this calculation, there are still about seven hundred years left.

In the seven hundred years, is it enough to find one or more purple soul soul stones?

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