Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2011: Go to Xixian

"Ling Han, you are so good!" Hu Niu jumped over and squatted on the back of Ling Han, constantly moving his little hand.

The Queen also converted and looked like a rippling face.

From the moment when it appeared, it was like an insurmountable mountain. Even the super emperors of them could only look up, but now Ling Han actually blocked the namelessness by himself.

Can you not let them be excited?

"I want!" The Queen made up to Ling Han's ear and gently uttered two words. The fragrance of the fragrance slammed into the cold neck, warm and hot.

Ling Han suddenly hit a spirit, the Queen in front of him is like a spring water, charming and unspeakable.

"The girl wants it!" Hu Niu refused to suffer, and the little hand was touched in Ling Han’s chest.

"Noisy!" Ling Han quickly made a big roll, the three women are all included in the black tower.

He threw the tiger girl and the soft demon girl aside, and leaped away while holding the queen.

"Smelly cold! Smelly cold!" Hu Niu screamed, why did this stinky guy refuse to give birth to a monkey?

The soft demon girl is also a wink-eyed woman. She has already been conquered by Ling Han. When she thinks about the picture of Ling Han and the Queen's limbs, she can't help but be red-faced. She only feels that her body is hot, as if something is coming out of the body.

"Dead family!" She cut her legs, eyes sorrowful, so that the stone people will be heartbroken.

One day later, Ling Han took the three women out of the black tower and continued on the road.

The Queen is moisturized to radiant, more glamorous, and Ling Han is also refreshing, they have been looking for Yang Soul Stone for hundreds of years, did not expect that.

"Bad cold! The girl hates you!" Hu Niu pique.

Ling Han comforted it, took out a few pieces of barbecue, and the aroma was in the air. Hu Niu immediately drooled and threw the jealous things into the clouds.

After another month, they finally returned to the entrance and went up the channel.

Hey, the splashes of water, the four people out of the water, the long-lost sunshine fell, a blue sky.

The Yangshen Sea is undergoing dramatic changes, and the rainbow lights have all turned white, and now these white lights are constantly shaking, as if they will break at any time.

Once the rainbow breaks down, it represents the closure of the Yangshen Sea, and the next opening is 100 million years later.

Therefore, people who have not come out at that time mean to stay in the sea of ​​souls forever.

After waiting for seventeen days, the white rainbow light also disappeared.

Ling Han’s statistics showed that there were 752 people when he came, and there were only 421 people when he went back. Among them, 74 people broke through as souls. The rest of them broke through and failed. Can wait for the next time.

This will come to the soul of the sea, in addition to a limited number of people are tormented by the heavens, must break through, otherwise the Shouyuan will be annihilated, others are enough to grasp, will come here to take risks.

Of the more than 700 people, less than one hundred have successfully broken through, and it is difficult to see how the soul is divided.

The battleship was launched and returned to Dandao City.

Hu Niu ran to tell Ling Han, in the past seven hundred years, once there was a fairy king sent out to take Ling cold is the six emperors killed by Ling Han in Sanhua Valley, the power behind them May be easy to give up?

The emperor, it is also difficult to cultivate the power of the king, at least it must be more than five days.

Now being slaughtered, naturally let the king of the king have to ask.

However, everyone was rushed back by Lu Hairong. She never showed up, but she always guarded Hu Niu in the vicinity. By the way, she solved some "small troubles" for Ling Han.

It’s no wonder that there’s no trouble for the king of the king to come to him. It’s all blocked by Lu Hairong.

"First return to Dandao City, then... go to Xixian!"

It took more than a year for them to return to Dandao City.

After dealing with the chores, Ling Han worshipped the Zicheng masters, and then took the four women and Shi Lei, Shi Yu brother and sister, and headed for the waters of Dongxian domain.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Ling Han felt a little emotion. He had to go to Xixian domain as early as nearly a thousand years ago. However, because of the two great battles, the innocent spread to him. As a result, he went to Dandao City and all kinds of things happened. .

Now he finally has to set off again to Xixianyu, and this time, there is a four-day fairy king sitting in the town, should be ten-nine?

Hey, Lu Hairong's figure flashed and finally appeared on the battleship.

"Entering the endless seas, I will be honest with each one," she said awkwardly.

"Predecessors, you are the king of the four heavens!" Ling Han was surprised, even the four kings can not be in the endless seas?

Lu Hairong snorted and said: "If you want to die, you may wish to try."

"Ugly ugly, don't talk to the girl's Ling Han!" Hu Niu jumped up first.

Lu Hairong couldn't help but speechless. Hu Niu was so desperate for this man that she couldn't do anything.

"There are many primitive creatures in the endless sea." Hu Niu explained to Ling Han, "The first days of the heavens and the earth have become the king of the gods, but not all the spirits of the creatures have been developed."

"In the endless seas, there are many powerful creatures. They are like the lowest level beasts. The meaning of living is just survival."

"If you accidentally break into their territory, it is very bad!"

"But the girl likes it!"

Xiao Shantou sneered and laughed, a pair of fears that the world would not be chaotic.

Ling Han nodded, the evolution of the East and West Xianqu is relatively fast, most of the creatures have opened up the wisdom, but the creatures in the sea are slower and still awkward.

Nearly four months later, the warship came to the end of the Dongxian domain, and in front of it was the endless sea area. After crossing the past, it was the other world with a higher level of martial arts and Dandao.

In that world, there are parents of Ling Han, who have his face, and even his son.

Ling Han couldn’t help but tide over it, but he didn’t want to get there, but he was very excited when he thought about it.

If the son walks at the pace of normal people, now the sons and grandchildren should be multi-generational?

I thought that I had to be a grandfather, even my grandfather, grandfather, and Ling Han could not help but have some cold sweats.


Lu Hairong will be a handful of volumes, and the battleship will accelerate toward the sea. The power of the fairy king is too strong to describe.

Ling Han and a few women are watching at the bow and admiring the scenery all the way.

There is no day or night change in Xianyu. If there is a sun and a moon, it is generally the sun and the moon that have been refining the power of the source or above. In the endless sea area, naturally there is no one who can eat enough and nothing to do, shaping the sun and the moon here.

Therefore, here is a piece of originality.

However, there are stars in Xianyu, and countless pieces are dotted in the sky. It will shine all night and night. Of course, this endless sea area cannot be dark, just how to be bright.

The scenery between heaven and earth seems to never change, the top of the head is starry, and the bottom is the sea.

Boom, all of a sudden, a giant hand appeared out of thin air and patted the battleship.

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