Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2014: Super Tsunami (four more completed)

Ling Han sighed, he was not a big catastrophe, and he could always recruit any enemy.

Think again, isn't it a natural disaster?

He is very depressed. Isn't he the time to let him take a good trip, eat a meal, and sleep?

Everyone in the boat moved, the upper deck of the upper deck, and the bilge to the bottom of the bilge, all prepared to meet the tsunami.

Ling Han also came to the deck, and the exhibition looked at it. I saw a huge wave that was high in front and slammed in the direction of them. In the huge waves, one can clearly see that an rune is beating and shining.

Therefore, this is not an ordinary huge wave, but a powerful blow to the strong.

"At least the source level." Ling Han stared at the symbols for a while and immediately made a judgment.

It is difficult for him to say how a person who is stronger than himself is cultivated. But the avenue symbol is clear enough to directly reflect the strength of an attack.

This is definitely the level of the source of the upgrade. If Ling Han is so greeted, it is estimated that it will be directly fragmented.

"Fast, together to mobilize the defensive array." Someone shouted on the side.

Ling Han also jumped over, since the boat has been built, it is natural to do a good job when it is dangerous.

There is only one defensive array on the ship, but there are more than a dozen eyes, you can input the force into it, and stimulate the power of the array.

Ling Han did not retain it at all, and did his best.

Oh, this moment suddenly lit up. Hey, the array of eyes lit up one after another, and the defensive array on the big ship was also activated, forming an elliptical mask.

Hey, the waves hit and slammed on the reticle, and suddenly the reticle trembled.

This huge wave is not just the bombardment of power, but the collision of rules.

Hey, the waves are rolling, the rules are constantly colliding, and the defensive mask is getting more and more fragile. Boom, this huge wave finally passed, and the defensive mask was completely broken after a tremor.

Fortunately, if the defensive formations break down a little bit earlier, then they will be badly moldy.

However, before everyone was happy, I saw a huge wave in front of me.

There is still one!

After the people were shocked, they quickly went to the rescue.

Oh, the mask reappears when everyone pushes at all costs.


The big waves were shot, the mask shivered, and the moment was on the verge of collapse.

This time, they were very lucky, and the defensive formation collapsed after the big waves.

After this huge wave, there is still a third.


Everyone has a time to vomit, and again to rush to send the array.

The third, fourth, and fifth times... This tsunami is simply continuous, one after another, as if it will never stop. After more than 700 waves, everyone is panting. I almost got tired.

Even if everyone is a fairy, they can't afford such consumption. They can think about their own lives, but they have to squeeze themselves out again and again.

There is a medicinal herb that is desperately trying to lick the medicinal herbs, and it is better to restore a little bit of strength.

Eight hundred roads, nine hundred roads, one thousand roads, and huge waves are endless.

Hey, someone fell down, it was because of exhaustion, and directly fainted.

In this way, the rest of the people naturally increase their pressure and have to fill the vacancy of that person.

One thousand two hundred, one thousand four hundred!

啪, 啪, 啪, and people continue to fall, not only this line of sight, but also other eyes.

Ling Han originally wanted to let the Queen three out to help, but immediately dispelled the idea, because the gap is too big, the three women are simply a cup of water, completely unable to change the status quo.

However, there is still a relationship between the source and the power to fight against the tide at the bow. If he has solved some of the tsunami power, the ship has long since disintegrated.

boom! boom! boom! Hey!

After almost 1,500 big waves, the big ship reached its limit and was broken.

Suddenly, everyone was shaken out.

"Sneak into the sea, you can not die!" The strong source of the source shouted.

Everyone hurried down, because the next wave was already an urgent shot.

Ten feet? not enough. Baizhang? Still not enough. Thousands? Reluctantly.

Some people didn't have time to sneak into such a depth. When the huge waves rolled over, they were instantly shaken into the end of the blood. The wave containing the rules of the rising source level was terrible.

Fortunately fortunately, this is only the level of the promotion, if it is the level of the fairy king, then everyone is instantly wiped out.

Which one of them dares to take the lead, on the contrary, all of them are trying to dive as far as possible. The deeper the dive, the safer it is.

One day, three days, ten days... After a whole month, the tsunami finally slowed down.

Slow down, not stop.

The power of the tsunami has dropped to the level of dust, but the scope has expanded, and there is no law. It will come from the left side, from the right side, and then from the bottom.

As a result, everyone has been dispersed.

Hey, Ling Han emerged from the sea, only to see that there were only seven people in the surrounding area. It was a coincidence that Qin Wei who took him on the boat was among seven people. If you look far and wide, you will find that there are also a few people in the far distance, but the number is not much smaller than the original number on the ship.

Obviously, most people have been photographed in distant places by the waves.

Ling Han grabbed a broken ship board, and the endless waters were very special. It would be extremely difficult to swim here, and no one would be willing to pay for it if you had no choice.

The same is true of others, because the number of ships is not enough, and some people use one together.

After the continuation, some people gathered together. When the situation was really calm, there were only 34 people in total. Others did not know where they were, and maybe they died. Maybe they merged into a second big group.

The ship is not without it. It is necessary to sail in the endless sea. It requires a special vessel, otherwise it will easily be overwhelmed by the big waves.

Therefore, no one took out the ship to waste, so he squatted on the ship's board, and followed the waves and moved by the waves.

If you want to swim to the end of the endless seas by your own strength, then it is just a talk. What everyone can hope for is that another merchant ship will pass and rescue them on board.

Ling Han has another hope, that is, Lu Hairong, she is now looking for Hu Niu everywhere, and finding him naturally means finding Hu Niu.

After a few days, the wind was blowing on the sea, which was too big to describe, so that everyone could ride the wind and break the waves faster than when they took the boat.

Seven days later, there was a black shadow in front.

"Not a sea king class?" Someone trembled.

It would be terrible, encountering the beasts of the king level, extermination they are just between the hands.

"No, that is an island!"

"Oh, I seem to have seen the building."

"Great, we can fix it there, and the trees growing in the endless sea can be used to make ships. You can cross the sea by simply carrying out some simple rushing methods."

"Yes, as long as there is no big storm, this is enough."

Everyone was excited, and they forced their hands to move toward the island.

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