The people in the old castle are all shocked.

They are full of confidence in the practice of their cultivation and the fairy spirit they believe in, and the facts have proved many times that their cultivation system is so high.

I thought they were the first people to come to the island? Wrong, I don’t know how many batches I have, but after I came here, no one has ever left.

But now?

An outsider, Ming Ming is not as good as Xiao Jun, but it is pressing Xiao Jun.

You know, Xiao Jun is the best of their talents.

Even if Xiao Jun is defeated, no one in the same rank will be the opponent of Ling Han.

This subverts their long-standing sense of superiority, leaving their confidence in a crease, and the belief in their fairy spirits has been shaken.

Xiao Jun roared and tried to pull back the disadvantages, but all this was just futile.

Ling Han is stronger than him. Although he is not strong enough to reach their level, how can he get a star and a half?

When the battle reached nearly a thousand rounds, Ling Han kicked out, and Xiao Jun was kicked out and slammed into the wall.

"Ming brother is really powerful!" Xiao Jun touched his uncomfortable chest and barely squeezed a smile.

Ling Han smiled lightly and said: "Carrying!"

He did not listen to the small tower, and directly killed the other side, because this is on the other side of the site, there are several strong people in the Xianfu level, the island owner who has been retreating is more likely to be the source level. .

Killing people is completely tearing your face, there is no way out.

When I heard Xiao Jun personally admit defeat, the people of the ancient castle side were all in vain. The fairy spirit that had been believed for a long time collapsed almost instantly, making them unacceptable.

Xiao Jun didn't care. The smile on his face was even stronger. He said: "Ling brother's martial arts talent is really amazing. If Ling brother is willing to change the practice of my teacher, I can guarantee the strength of Lingxiong. When you get to the next level!"

When everyone heard it, they nodded.

Before, who and who just believed in a certain fairy, the combat power suddenly rose four or five times, and the same reason can also be used in Ling Han, how strong will he be?

Because of this, the people of the castle also regained their confidence.

Yeah, what is the conflict between Ling Hanqiang and their fairy spirit? As long as Ling Han converts to their gods, then Ling Han can be stronger. Doesn't it mean that their choices are not a bit of a problem?

Looking at the twins that became more fanatical, Ling Han could not help but shake his head. What he had just done seemed to be in vain.

First, these people are too fascinated. Second, Xiao Jun’s response is really in place. Otherwise, as long as he is angry and angry, then the suspicions in the hearts of the people will be intensified, and it is not the scene now.

Interesting, it is an opponent.

Ling Han’s mouth showed a smile. Although the small tower was very scary, but wanted to shake the foundation of a heaven and earth, I don’t know if people can reform the exercises. Is it now thirty people?

drop in the ocean.

Then come and play, let him make a big noise, it is best to wait for Lu Hairong to come here, a flat push swept here.

For their world, the people of the castle are equivalent to locusts, which will affect the existence of the heavens and the earth. Although it is now a tall building, it is not something that can be destroyed by a few small locusts. But if you don’t rush to death, who knows? Where will they grow and grow?

For example, today more than 30 people were tempted by Xiao Jun, how many people will turn to embrace?

This pest should be destroyed immediately.

"Xiao Shao, ask for the fairy law!" someone shouted.

"Let's ask the fairy law!" More people called.

Xiao Jun’s face showed a slight smug color. The situation that might have been a mess was back on track on his way, so that he couldn’t help but want to cheer for himself.

"You don't have to worry, the family teacher has the great wish to pass the world, and will never be self-satisfied." He smiled and looked very sincere.

This makes the outsiders feel very impressed. I only feel that the island owner here is the best person in the world. The magical method is selfless and can't find a second person like this.

Ling Han is a sneer in his heart. He was somewhat strange. Why Xiao Jun had to teach the teacher outside the door, but after the Xiaota explained it, Ling Han knew it. This is an invasion.

Once successful, it is a disaster for the entire fairyland, no, for the fairyland, the ancient world and all the small worlds.

According to this, what island owners are retreating and cannot decide whether to allow them to slash, is actually fake, and the purpose is not to let them leave the island.

"People who are willing to practice my teacher's exercises, please come with me!" Xiao Jun said with a loud voice, suddenly, screaming, almost everyone followed.

In addition to Ling Han.

Ling Han was amazed, even Qin Wei was tempted?

Soon, the people here are all gone, except for the cold, only the beautiful and charming woman of Lan Ruoyi is sitting in a graceful posture, arms stretched out on the back of the chair, let the chest It looks even more prominent.

There is a smile in her mouth, and all the eyes are challenging.

Ling Han is not like other people, it is easy to hook up, which makes her interested, to personally pull Ling Han into their side, and after success, she will harvest the seventeenth nephew.

Yes, she likes to play with men, and as long as she is seen by the man, how can you resist glamour?

"Ling Shaozhen is very powerful. On this island for so many years, I still saw the master defeated in the same battle for the first time." She said softly, the voice is like ****, very nice.

Ling Han smiled slightly and said: "People like me have less than a dozen and twenty in the Dongxian domain, and the Xixian domain is even more."

If he has it, let him blow it first.

Lan Ruojun is a charming smile: "Ling Shao, just now the master asked you, would you like to enter my teacher, there is no magic method to teach, so that you can at least ten times the strength in the realm of the realm!"

"Isn't it to say that you have the wish to have a law, how can you join you?" Ling Han smiled.

"The law is common law, but the real magic method is only the most core part of the person can be awarded, Ling Shao you say it?" Lan Ruo slammed his upper body, when it was not, she used her fingers The chest is gently positioned.

Under the tight cloth, her rounded peaks are revealing and tempting.

Ling Han turned a blind eye and said that her appearance was not comparable to that of the Queen and Hu Niu. She said that her temperament, the Queen’s swearing at her hundreds of streets, said that she was charming, and that she was not able to see her.

Even the soft demon girl, he is not tempted, let alone this kind of goods?

Ling Han’s heart is turning, and it is totally unrealistic for him to destroy the power of the island by his own efforts.

Then there are only two ways in front of him.

First, wait for Lu Hairong's arrival, and then flatten it here. Second, he first succumbed to the snake, then took the opportunity to ship and left, and later came back to destroy it.

Anyway, he can't face each other now.

Therefore, Ling Han thought for a moment and said: "I am interested in it now."

(Today's six more, tomorrow is also six more... Changed a new bed, actually fell asleep, I fell)

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