Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2022: Qianyuan Green Gold

In the midst of the cold thoughts, he came to the west bank of the island.

Once here, he was immediately shocked by the scenes he saw. The tens of thousands of creatures in the sea are coming to the island, some are close, and they are launching a storm.

For example, a walrus with a height of a thousand feet is striking the island with a huge body, just a collision, the whole island is a tremor, as if it is to be broken by life.

For another example, a large lobster is swinging on the shore with a pair of tongs, and there is a piece of road sign on the pliers.

However, the island has long organized the first line of defense, blocking the invasion of these sea creatures. Moreover, don't look at the number of sea creatures, the size is large, but the quality is uneven, and there are few strong ones.

Therefore, strictly speaking, they just ran to death.

The inhabitants of the island slammed into the air, and the black flames boiled, killing dozens of sea creatures with one punch. Someone crossed a sword, and the black sword was full of air, and the blood was flying, and the sea creatures fell into pieces.

Of course, there are also powerful sea creatures, such as a golden big frog, a spit in the mouth, a golden light, turned into a golden arrow, and slammed down, immediately causing many island residents to be hit hard.

"I am coming!" In the middle of a drink, I saw that Lan Tianyu had killed and stopped the big frog and started a fierce battle.

On this West Bank, there is a fierce battle everywhere.

The strength of sea creatures is very different, but there is also a strong level. There is a big scorpion in the fairyland, a scorpion shell, which forms a terrible hurricane and can destroy everything. There are six-legged green crocodile, and the mouth is spit out a character, which can be broken.

There is a fierce battle everywhere, no one can sneak, and the terrible thing is that there are endless sea creatures coming from the depths of the sea.

It’s like... The people on this island have killed their dragon kings and dragons. They are now taking revenge, desperate.

Just one day, the shores of the islands are full of dead bodies, and the blood is reddening the nearby waters. However, the deaths are basically sea creatures, and the mortality rate of human beings is still zero.

However, like Qin Wei and others have already lost their power, and they continue to use the power of the rules, their souls are also exhausted, and the fighting power may fall from the peak to the bottom at any time.

The intensity of the battle is too great, otherwise it will accumulate with the strength of the immortal, at least for more than half a year.

I think that when I met the tsunami before, I knew it, only a few hundred times. Some people were sucked up by the array, and the force fell.

On the other hand, in terms of the old castle, it is a singularity of all people, and there is no such thing as a lack of support.

Is this the beauty of another cultivation system, or is it the benefit of the "Fa Ling"?

"Hey, the power of sacrifice!" The little tower suddenly opened.

"Sacrifice?" Ling Han brow wrinkled, he naturally heard of the sacrifice.

For example, if a certain place is fierce, the sacrifice may be eliminated after the sacrifice. In the ancient times, Emperor Zhou also arranged a large-scale sacrifice in order to take the nine robbery swords, in order to eliminate the suffocation of the nine robbers.

Here is also a sacrifice?

Of course, these sea creatures are offered. What is the sacrifice?

The little tower no longer speaks, but runs the black tower. Suddenly, a majestic force surging, supreme, actually let all the sea creatures tremble and stop the attack.

In the endless seas, the creatures have almost no enlightenment, and they are in the original state.

The more primitive they are, the more sensitive these creatures are to a powerful being, and the black towers are supreme for them.

However, it was only a moment, the power of the Black Tower swayed, and the sea creatures resumed their ferocity and re-launched.

" kid, although it is a disaster star, but luck seems to be surprisingly good!" The small tower opened again.

"Do you want to praise me or praise me or praise me?" Ling Han smiled.

"Your skin is really thick enough."

"Ha ha."

The little tower paused and said: "Under the island, there is a source of heaven and earth."

"What!" Ling Han was shocked. "Really?"

Of course, he would not doubt the small tower. Although this guy is proud, it seems that there is no precedent for jokes, and he will not lie to him.

"What type?" he asked quickly.

"Gold series." said the small tower, "Qianyuan Green Gold."

Gold system!

Ling Han couldn't help but move. He already had three sources of heaven and earth, namely fire, water and wood. Now he still has a source of gold and earth. Then he is close to completing the soul of the nine heavens and the earth. .

"Wait, you just said the sacrifice."

"Is it difficult to sacrifice, is it to get the green gold?"

"Gold's nature is sharp, so if you want to collect this source of the world, you must first eliminate the sharpness of the green gold. Otherwise, this is equivalent to the violent momentum of the king, and it is impossible to resist the source. ""

"And, people at sea have never heard of the beast, but here it suddenly broke out."

"this means……"

"This beast is most likely caused by man. The purpose is to get enough sacrifices."

"Although it has not been confirmed, if there is a natural source here, and it is still metallic, then such a speculation will not be wrong."

Ling Han stopped his thoughts and flew to the small tower: "Was it now that the origin of the world can be collected?"

"Come on," said the little tower. "This kind of sacrifice lasted for at least a hundred thousand years. The gas of Hao Rui has already fallen to the bottom. Maybe this time, maybe two or three more times, you can charge it."

"However, if you can't succeed, you have to look at luck."

Eliminating the arrogance, this is only the first step, winning the opportunity to show your face in front of the world, can not be charged at all. There is no chance to show your face, so there is no possibility of charging.

"Listen to Lan Ruojun, they have come to the island for only a few million years. So, it is very likely that they first discovered that there is a green gold here, so they will settle here."

"Then, after many years of research, I came up with the idea of ​​offering sacrifices."

"Although I haven't seen the island owner yet, from what he has done, it should be a wise man who will move afterwards. Moreover, this other set of cultivation system may be strange, and it can collect the origin of the world. maybe."

"I was going to make a big noise. If it could destroy the island owner and collect the green gold, even if I collected it myself, that would be good."

When Ling Han’s eyes are bright, he can’t stop this sacrifice. Although the emperor who divides the soul is very strong, he still can’t beat the fairy house, not to mention the other side’s strong source, even if he takes out the spot. The poisonous fruits of red and green bamboo can not be built.

Then, it is better to push the waves and help yourself to collect this source of the world.

That's it.

Ling Han shouted, when the fighting force was fully open, I saw a man suddenly jumped over, it was a sword to cut him.


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