Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2079: Dandao opponent

"Fu brother?" Ling Han looked at the stagnation of Fu Yue.

Fu Yue’s body is stiff, and Ren Ling’s wave in front of him is unresponsive.

After a while, I saw that Fu Yue jumped up and seemed to be stepped on the tail. He was three feet high and then grabbed the man who had spoken before: "Are you sure he is Ling Han?"

The man was shocked, but the repair of Sanchao was naturally impossible to resist the power of Fuyue. He quickly trembled: "This big and small, are you talking about the two fierce people who killed Tianqingyue? ?"


The man was sprayed with a slobber, but he couldn’t even dare: "Yes, yes, that person is called Ling Han. It is said that he is seven feet tall, his arms are over his knees, he is as big as a stone, and he is fierce... ”

Ling Han suddenly felt amazed, this said that his height is seven feet, it can be considered, can be as big as a stone and what kind of ghost?

"Ha ha ha ha!" Hu Niu laughed and held the belly. "Ling Han, do you have seven feet high? The arm is not very long."

Even the Queen is a bit of a man who can’t help but be too ridiculous.

"Ling brother, is that what you did?" Fu Yue let go of the man and asked Ling Han.

"Tell you, you don't believe it." Ling Han smiled.

"My goodness!" Fu Yue holding his head, "You are just a soul!"

"so what?"

"What is it, when you reach the soul of the heavens, not even Xianfu can be slaughtered!" Fu Yue shouted, he thought that the fierce people who killed the Tianqing month must be the soul level. It is just more enchanting than these four people.

Unexpectedly, his imagination is not enough, such a enchanting is actually a yang soul.

"Oh, how do you know." Ling Han shook his head.

The gap between the soul and the fairy is too big, and it is bigger than the difference between the dust and the soul. The emperor like the dust can match the soul of the sun, but no soul can be the opponent of a strong.

However, if he can have nine souls and raise the small realm five times above the soul of the heavens, is it possible to make up for the gap with Xianfu?

This is only when I see it.

The five people said, together on the second floor, leaving the two before they were open-mouthed, and they were stupid.

The young man just now... is the savage person who has slaughtered the sky and the moon?


On the second floor of the box, Fu Yue couldn't wait to ask about their battle between Ling Han and Tian Qingyue. Ling Han had to compress and told this curious baby. He never liked to boast of himself, so he said it was an understatement.

This is the case, Fu Yue still listened to the air and sucked up the air, the excitement even jumped up and danced.

"Ling brother, you are a cow!" He gave a thumbs up and sent his admiration without reservation. "Yes, it is time to start the Dan Dao event. It is said that this time not only many great Danes who have been famous for many years. Teacher, there are many younger generations who are famous."

"Ling brother, if you want to squeeze into the top three, it is very difficult."

"Come, I will give you a glimpse."

Fu Yue began to count with his fingers: "First talk about the older generation, this time there is a Japanese sect, he was already Samsung at tens of millions of years ago, and it is said that he also achieved four refinements in the refining spirit. It is expected to become a master level."

"In the younger generation, it was really too much that day."

"Wu Zixu of Luoyun City, the genius is absolutely fascinating. When he was less than 10 years old, he became a Samsung Danshi. Not long ago, he reached the four refinings. Although the time has passed, it is not so long, but this kind of genius adds time to the practice room, at any time. May become a five refining."

"Xie Lezhang of Baihua City, although not as stunning as Wu Zixu, but his progress is extremely stable, it took a whole billion years to move into a star. At that time, no one took him seriously, but ten After 100 million years, he became a two-star Dan, and after a billion years, he entered the Samsung Master."

"This time, it happened to be another billion years after he became a Samsung Danshi. Everyone is speculating that he is very likely to become a four-star master."

"Pan Luoling, who chased the city of Japan, is a beautiful woman. It is said that she has a memory of the ancient Da Dan division. The Dan Dao level is a thousand miles away. This time will definitely become your enemy."

"No, she should have already set a quota."

Ling Han was a bit strange, saying: "The trial has not yet begun. Why do you say this?"

"Oh, that's what you don't know. This time, among the several Dan teachers who came out of the ancient Danta, one of them is the grandson of the elders of Yuan, called Yuan Tongguang. I saw him staying with Pan Luoling a few days ago. Enthusiastically."

"You said that with the support of a long-term grandson, Pan Luoling won a quota is not an easy task?" Fu Yue said.

Ling Han couldn't help but smile: "You are a man, too dark."

"You don't believe it, then you are walking." Fu Yue shook his head. "But Ling brother, you killed Tianqingyue, but you have a big hole. The forces behind them are never easy to spare." Passed by you."

Yan Hanzhan Yan Yixiao: "The bigger the trouble, the better."

When things got too big, Lu Hairong could hear about their news and then rushed to pick them up. Otherwise, I don’t know what to expect from the Kunming Palace.

Fu Yue can't help but be speechless. I only feel that Ling Han is too daring, and I have been so embarrassed.

Unlike the Bailong secret, the Dandao test can be watched all the time, so this has become a hot spot in the city, so many people have bet and pick the ones who are most likely to be the top three.

Sure enough, if you look at the odds, you know that the odds of Sun Yang Dan, Wu Zixu, Xie Lezhang, and Pan Luoling are only about two. Compared with some people who have lost more than forty, the gap is astonishing.

Ling Han naturally belongs to the object that is not valued. His gambling rate has reached a loss of ten and is not too high. It is because when registering, you need to fill in your current Dan Dao strength, so Samsung Danshi added four refining. It is impossible to make his odds too high.

In addition, there are a few new people who are highly valued. The odds are quite low. Although they are not as good as Wu Zi, they still reach the level of losing three and one for four, showing that they are still very optimistic.

Of course, every time there is a dark horse in the Dandao test, for example, the Dan Dao genius was sealed last time. Before that, it was not optimistic. The result was that it was triumphant and won the first place.

“What is the first reward for this time?” asked Ling Han.

Feng Yue opened his mouth and couldn't say a word.

This has not started before the test, and just told him that there are many geniuses, which one has the strength to win the championship, you actually did not mind?

He shook his head and said: "The first prize is said to be a map that leads to an ancient mystery. There is probably a billion-dollar medicine!"

100 billion years of medicine!

This is very amazing. Generally speaking, if the fairy medicine reaches tens of billions of years, it can be regarded as mature. It can be used as medicine. The 100 billion-year-grade is not as simple as ten identical medicines, and the value will be increased by 100 times or even thousands.

Ling Han suddenly moved.

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