Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2087: Alchemy test begins

If Ling Han’s actions today are to be spread out, it will definitely scare people.

Even the people of Gudanta dare to extort and live impatiently?

But Ling Han is doing this. Anyway, he has offended the power of Xian Wang behind Tian Qingyue. So how about another Gudan Tower?

Because of Ling Han's achievements in medicine, his odds have also gone down, even more than Xie Lezhang, only one district lost one, it can be said that it is now the biggest favourite to win.

Three days later, the alchemy competition began.

After the first round of elimination, there are more than 1,300 remaining contestants. This number is still a bit more. Dandan Square in Bailong City does not have so many Danfangs and so many people have alchemy.

Therefore, every 100 people are grouped in batches, and all the games can be completed in about ten days.

Ling Han, Ri Yang Dan Shi and other people were arranged to the last group of appearances, which is based on their achievements in the knowledge of medicine, the better the results, the later the time of appearance.

And everyone believes that the final champion must have been born from the last group.

The time passed quietly. After twelve days, it was the turn of Ling Han.

Ling Han started with three women, and Fu Yue followed them. When they just went out, they saw Xiao Bing coming over.

"Hey, little bones, where have you been during this time?" asked Ling Han.

Although the name of Xiao Bone is a small word, in fact, I don't know how many years old bones exist. Therefore, he naturally cannot enter the Bailong secret. These days, I don't know where to wander.

"Hey, little bones, where have you been in this time?" The little bones imitated the road, and even the tone of voice was exactly the same.

Forget it, still don't ask.

Ling Han smiled and continued to move forward, and Xiao Bone followed them.

Not long after, they came to Dandao Square, which is very large. It is specially prepared for the Dan teachers. It is a regular test of alchemy. Each alchemy room has a time acceleration effect, one hundred times.

Therefore, it is generally possible to refine the medicinal herbs in one to two days.

The refining time of the four-star medicinal herbs is almost six months, but if the five-star medicinal herbs are used, the refining time will suddenly jump to the 10,000-year level, and this is still a celestial celestial ****, and Nine Heavens even needs A long time with the epoch.

At least until now, no one has refining the four-star remedy, so the first few trials were done in one day.

Everyone enters the Dan room one by one, and then there is a Dan teacher and three apprentices outside each Dan room to supervise, in case some people cheated, of course, the onlookers can also play this role.

Ling Han also entered it, sat down, and then waited for the start of the game.

Everyone has to bring their own materials for alchemy, and of course the medicinal herbs are also owned by me.

What kind of remedy is it?

If it is safe, it must be refining the Samsung drug. It can be said that Sun Yang Dan and Wu Zixu are only one step away from the four-star Danshi, and maybe they will break through this Dandao test.

In this way, Ling Han’s leading edge in knowing medicine will be erased. Even if the results are just as good, the four-star Danshi will definitely be able to refine the spirit five times, then the third round of the refining spirit will be tested. Will get a real advantage.

Ling Han shook his head and he did not accept failure.

Then... refining the four-star remedy!

There is a fighting spirit in Ling Han’s heart.

He has not succeeded in refining the four-star remedy. He has always missed the door and always feels that he lacks something.

Will this time pressure become a power?

Ling Han wants to try, fail? If it fails, then it will fail. He hasn’t had much interest in entering the ancient Danta. It’s just to attract Lu Hairong and bring them back to the Pengpeng Palace.

Yuan Tongguang actually threatened him by entering the ancient Danta. It was really wrong.

Ok, then refine the four-star remedy.


Wu Zixu’s eyes have a touch of madness. He intended to refine the Samsung medicinal herbs, and it is still the most difficult to refine the ice dan dan of the Samsung medicinal herbs, but now it has changed its mind.

This should not win the cold.

Four-star remedy!

He felt that there was a layer of things in his heart to break. This is to break through the omens of the four-star Dan. He had been there before, but it was only this time that there was no such strong, so that he had a strong sense of foreboding. Today he will succeed.

Wait, he is the first Dandao genius!


Mr. Sun Yang Dan gently touched his Dan furnace, which accompanied him for tens of billions of years. It can be regarded as a part of his body. He surpassed his lover and children. No one can touch it at all.

Can touch and touch, he suddenly palms, Kakaka, Dan furnace wall immediately appeared a crack, instantly covered the entire body, hehe, this Dan furnace was actually shocked by the hard life.

Dan furnace is rushing to resist fire during refining, so the resistance to combat is very poor.

Who will go to the Dan furnace when they are alchemy?

Sun Yang Dan showed a distressed color, but more of his eyes were firm.

Not broken, not standing.

He did not break through because he had been in the memory and glory of the past for too long, so he never wanted to come out. But now, he has a reason to win, so he personally smashed the Dan furnace representing the past.

Today is a new beginning!

The momentum of the Sun Yat-Sen Master has undergone dramatic changes in an instant, his eyes are sharp, and there is a feeling of personal change.

The road to the four-star master, starting today!


Xie Lezhang’s face with a smile on his face was a real smile. He was a standard big-time latecomer. It’s been a star-studded teacher. It took a billion years to become a two-star Danshi and a Samsung Danshi. It only took a billion years.

Another billion years have passed, and he has enough confidence to step into the four stars, and now is the opportunity to push the door of the four-star Danshi.


Pan Luo Ling was quite satisfactory. She decided to refine the Samsung medicinal herbs, and she was the best-selling phase Dan. It didn't need to be too difficult because she had secret weapons.

"The winner, it must be me!"


Lin Yongchang's face is proud of his color. Who knows that he was already a four-star master 60 years ago, and the strongest Dan teacher here is only Samsung. He is completely bullying.

When he was in the medicine, he actually succeeded in the eighth level. It was only a few minor mistakes that he fell short.

But in the field of alchemy, he has absolute certainty.

He doesn't care about this title and will voluntarily retreat after a blockbuster. What he wants is just the expression of others who are surprised and unbelievable. It will make him very cool after reading it.

Then a gorgeous retired game, it is loaded to the extreme.

"The little Samsung Danshi, I dare to press me, this time let you know what is called a true genius!"


The onlookers are all in place and look forward to the beginning of the alchemy test.

Unlike medicine, there is nothing to see at all. Alchemy is very lively.

"Why, why is the crystal wall in Pan Luoling so vague that I can only see the person's appearance, but can't see the herb in her hand?" Someone suddenly wondered.

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