Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2095: Lu Hairong

The two major sources of strength are against each other. There are not a few people who can watch the battle on one side, and they will not leave.

The small bone is only a passive defense, except for the practitioners of another system, he will not kill anyone.

However, his combat power is not weak. It is useless to attack Yu Wenxin. If there is a mountain, it will not fall.

Just in the midst of this fierce battle, two terrible breaths appeared.

In the sky, a pair of men and women came out. Although they appeared together, it was obviously not a group. The distance between the two people was enough to ensure that the other party suddenly had trouble and had enough time to respond.

"Jinwu teaches stone cross."

"Yunlang Valley Aiyu."

The two men and women were self-reported, and all of them were very proud.

They are all rising sources!

Even in the Western Fairyland, the Shengyuan can still be called the top powerhouse. On top of them, there is only the king of the king, but how many can the king of Xian?

"Shi brother, Ai Xianzi." Fei Qiang bowed his hand to the ceremony. Once they heard the two people, they knew it. They were Yu Huaqing and Zhu Huizhen.

"I taught the saint to be killed, and this seat was ordered to come and take the culprit." Ai Yu said, the gods spread out and enveloped the entire Bailong City. "One person is unknown, holding a small bow in his hand, one person is Ling Han, seven feet tall, hanging like a stone."

...and is it over?

Ling Han’s mouth is twitching. When everyone mentions him in the future, must he say that it’s as big as a stone?

Shi Heng did not speak. He met Ai Yu in the middle of the road. The goal of both sides was the same, and he wanted to take the nameless and Ling Han.

Since Ai Yu has already spoken, he simply does not speak. Anyway, those people who are just a little bit of a soul, he is too lazy to take a look.

Fei Qiang pointed to Ling Han: "It is him."

This kid is really daring, killing Tianqingyue several people actually do not hurry to run the road, but also to participate in the Dandao test. What is more involved, this kid actually got the first!

Ai Yusen looked at Ling Han and said: "Where is No Name?"

"I am not his nanny, how do you know where he is?" Ling Han spread his hands and hands, the other side is full of momentum, full of hostility, even if he put his posture low, it is useless.

Then why does he have to swallow it?

Besides, after entering the secret environment, it was originally a self-sufficient conscience, or else it came out to mix a fart.

"Sure enough, it is a lawless animal, and I dare to talk to this seat!" Ai Yu's face was cold, showing the killing.

"Less nonsense, take people." Shi Heng impatiently.

Ai Yu looked at him uncomfortably, but did not provoke the battle. She had self-knowledge, and the other party was successful in the promotion of the source, but she was only a big success. The difference between this small realm and the strength was extremely great.

She is really too lazy to say anything more with a small person. When she is about to stretch her hand, she grabs the past toward Ling Han.


Her hand had not been caught yet, and she saw another hand appearing out of thin air. It was as huge as a mountain, and she pumped heavily over her. This big gesture was unstoppable, and I took it back with an attack from Ai Yu.

The terrible smell of the wind, a woman walked away from the distance, clearly not ill, but one step across but it was through thousands of miles.

"Space rules!" Everyone was exclaimed, but then they could not help but hold their heads in their hands, revealing a more shocked expression, "Xian Wang!"

It is possible to shoot the source of the source so easily, and there is no one other than the king of the world. Moreover, the fairy king is special, this woman has four colorful lights to move around, and there are four heavens, which means she is the king of the four heavens.

"Ugly old woman, you are coming!" Hu Niu said. "You are really slow, let the girl wait for a while."

The winner is Lu Hairong.

She heard about Ling Han and Ji Ming’s disappearance of Tian Qingyue and other people. It was not a long time to come over to her in the first time. But the news was passed to her ear but it was already a day ago. .

"I have seen seniors." Ling Han is a boxing ceremony.

Lv Hairong could not help but shake his head, Ling Han is really a disaster, actually offended a few big churches. Although these great teachings are only eight heavens, no one can compare with the Kunming Palace, but now the Kunpeng Palace is flying in the wind and rain, and it is not willing to be more than a few big enemies.

"I have seen adults!" Suddenly, everyone was worshipping the land.

"Adult!" Shi Heng put away the arrogant state and bowed to Lu Hairong. "This son killed me to teach the Son. I don't know what the relationship between the adults and him?"

This means that if you don't have a close relationship, you should never intervene.

Why does Shiheng dare have such an attitude?

That is because Lu Hairong is only the king of the four heavens, and Jinwu is the power of the Eight Heavens. There are seven kings in the king, and three of them are on the four heavens. Naturally, they don't have to be too fearful.

Of course, Lu Hairong can't wait to get rid of Ling Han, but the tiger girl sticks him badly. Secondly, this person is the descendant of that one. He has a considerable relationship with Kunpeng Palace. How can he turn a blind eye?

She faintly said: "What is the relationship between the deity and him? Is there any qualification for your questioning? Since the deity has already taken the shot, it is not retiring!"

Xian Wang did not need to be so forbearing, but whoever has a big enemy in the Kuangpeng Palace, it is really inappropriate to have more powerful enemies.

Shi Heng couldn't help but brighten his eyes. Lu Hairong did not shoot him directly. Instead, he said that he must have a great taboo against Jinwu. Otherwise, do you need to be so tolerant?

He made another glimpse: "Adult, I teach the Son of the martial arts talent is amazing, the original future is infinite, very popular with the Lord of the Lord, now being joined together to kill, the death is difficult to see, and the Master can not tolerate such injustice!"


It is clear that Tianqingyue and the four people have joined forces to kill the cold and the nameless... It’s not true that they united all the people who entered the Shenlong Mountain at that time, isolated, encircled the cold and the nameless, and did not expect the existence of the black human form. They are clever and clever, and almost all of them are killed under the anti-killing.

How is this called unfair? Just because Ling Han and Ji Wu are really strong enough, let them lift the stone and smash their feet.

Lu Hairong didn't know what was going on, but once she couldn't regress, she was even less likely to accept a threat from the source. The pretty face suddenly became cold, and she said: "Where is so much nonsense?"

"Also ask the adults to think twice!" Shi Hengyi in the end, the posture is extremely low, so that Lu Hairong is not good.

"My Yunlang Valley is also the same attitude." Ai Yu has already flown back, her hair is a little scattered, her mouth is bloody, but she has not been hit hard. This is not her strength, but Lu Hairong is merciless.

Lv Hairong murderous and insidious, these two sources of origin actually dare to threaten themselves, really thought she did not dare to kill?

Although the Kuangpeng Palace is now in a great crisis, there is still a nine-day-old fairy king sitting in the town. Even if he is seriously injured, the celestial king who can kill the Eight Heavens can still do it.

"Oh, the friend of the road is still thinking twice and then doing well." In a laugh, a man suddenly appeared, surrounded by four colors of light.

Another fairy king!

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