Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2106: Dark secret technique (four more finished)

Yang Xiao is not in contact with the mystery. Some secret techniques can explode three or four times of the fighting power, but that does not require self-harm, or cause great sequelae to the future.

But ten times the increase in combat power... Too much, no secret technique can do it.

"Four brother, are you kidding?" Yang Xiao said, if there is such a secret technique, it is too arrogant.

"Small journey." The bear four stroked beckoning.

Immediately, a young man came out and arched his arm to the bear: "Four Lord!"

The bear nodded four times and turned to Yang Xiaodao: "Do you know Xiao Xiao?"

Yang Xiao nodded. Xiao Cheng was the one who had conflicted with him many years ago. Although things have passed hundreds of thousands of years, he is still vivid.

"Oh, let's talk about it." Xiong Si smiled.

"Yang Shao, please!" The small step back a few steps, opened the posture.

Yang Xiao showed a smug color. At the beginning, he just entered the four squats, and Xiao Cheng did not know how many years he stayed on the four gongs. He violently slashed his strength, but how is it, not defeated for him!

Because he is the king, the same level is invincible.

Now he has reached the peak of the four peaks. It is even more impossible for his opponent to be his opponent. He only needs ten strokes, no, three strokes and three strokes to suppress the opponent.


There is a possibility in his heart. Is it that the secret technique of the increase in the strength of the bears is also taught to the small one? This is how this is possible?

Xiao Cheng, this kind of goods can also learn such a deep secret, and there is no reason?

He thought about it and slowly opened his posture: "Then have come two tricks."

Hey, Xiao Cheng immediately shot, punched out, without any rules to move, but it seems to be swallowed by the darkness, with endless power.

"What!" Yang Xiao was shocked and quickly rushed to meet.


The two men's fists collided together, and a shock wave slammed from the fists of the two men and swayed toward the hall.

The bear smiled and the right hand pressed out. Hey, a huge black ball appeared, and these shock waves were trapped in it. Hey, the energy was raging, but the black ball was not bad.

He is a strong soul, and it is a small meaning to resolve the battle fluctuations of the four-level level.

Ten Teng Teng, Yang Xiao and Xiao Cheng are all retiring seven steps, and then they have stood up.

This hit, they spelled a split.

Yang Xiao is shocked. How is this possible? There is no change in the other side's repairs, or it is the peak of the four peaks, and it is impossible to become the capital of the king at once. If there is such a talent, he must have been accepted as a disciple by a big party, no more than here. When rogue bully is good?

But why can he only tie his opponent?

As early as hundreds of thousands of years ago, he was able to suppress the other side. Now he has reached the peak of the four peaks. It should be easy to defeat the enemy. Why did he become a tie?

Ten times the increase in combat power?

Oh, this can make ordinary warriors become kings!

Then if he learns, can he change from a king to a king?

He is so heart-wrenching that if he is the emperor, he will become a core disciple, and if he is a little more aggressive and leap into the emperor level, then he is expected to become a saint!


When he thought of these two words, he was so excited that his scalp was numb, and which disciple did not want to be a saint? This is a symbol of status, and it also represents the supreme glory, but also the affirmation of strength.

Anyone who is a saint, as long as he can live all the way, no one does not make the king of the king.

Hey, Xiao Cheng killed it again.

Hey, the two are constantly fighting, and Yang Xiao is surprised to find that the small course has indeed increased ten times, no, more than ten times the combat power, and that there seems to be no restrictions on the use of general secrets, such as only short Time to launch.

"Stop." Xiong said loudly, pressing his hands, Xiao Cheng and Yang Xiao stopped.

"Xiandi, how?" Xiong Si smiled at Yang Xiao, and he looked at the other party's appearance.

Yang Xiao is very excited, and he does not care about the arrogance of the disciples. He quickly said: "Four brothers, please ask me."

Xiong Si was smug in his heart. Although the four scorpions were not worth mentioning in his eyes, a big disciple put a humble attitude in front of him, or let his heart be very cool. He patted Yang Xiao's shoulder: "Xiandi, what is our relationship, the fourth brother has it, it is yours!"

"Thank you, my brother!" Yang Xiao was really grateful. He never found a rogue leader who could make him look so pleasing.

"Actually, the cultivation of this secret technique is very simple, as long as you believe in a fairy spirit." Xiong Si said faintly.

“It’s that simple?” Yang Xiao naturally didn’t believe it.

"If you don't believe in your good brother, you can try it right away. However, the ugly words are first mentioned in front. The things about this secret technique must not be told to others." Xiong Si said with awe.

Yang Xiao nodded, but he did not agree with it.

Isn't this nonsense? If he has such a secret trick, how can he be rumored? As for the stupidity of Xiong Si, I actually taught people everywhere, is it that my head was kicked and stupid?

"Come, Xiandi, come, the fourth brother will take you down to see the statue of Xianling." Xiong Si hooked Yang Xiao's shoulder.


Yang Xiao went for three days and three nights and didn't come back until the morning of the fourth day.

Chen Shuangshuang naturally wonders where this brother went, but Yang Xiao just said to meet with friends, drink high and forget the time, and explain the past.

Ling Han is also a bit strange. This guy is not already planning the plan. He wants a hero to save the beauty. Then he takes the opportunity to cook the rice and cook the mature rice. How has it disappeared for three days?

He thought that after he came back, Yang Xiao would not return long. If he knew it, his soul should stay there for a while.

"Come, Shimei, I will take you to a fun place, and then we will return to the sect again tomorrow." Yang Xiao smiled, there was a darkness in the depths of his eyes, but it was very well hidden, it was with Ling Han, Empress. Hu Niu’s eyesight was not found.

It is a pity that the little bones are not there, and they are looking for fresh people to learn the tongue. Otherwise, he should be able to see the clues.

Chen Shuangshuang’s enthusiasm for Yang Xiao’s enthusiasm promised to go together. They went to a valley where all the blue mulberry trees looked like a blue sea. It was really beautiful, even the Queen, Tianfeng Goddess and Soft Demon Girl. I really like it.

Hu Niu is of course an alternative, yawning boringly, she would rather eat a few more chicken legs than to waste time here.

What is good looking, isn't it the blue leaves?

At this moment, the mulberry tree was moved, and only seven men dressed in different styles came out of the woods. When they found the Queen and others, they suddenly looked straight.

Beauty, so beautiful!

"Oh, no wonder I heard the magpies when I got up early in the morning. It turned out that there was a happy event today." Among the seven people, a young man in green clothes patted the fan and looked up and down the five women.

Of course, his focus is on the Queen, Hu Niu and the soft demon girl. After all, the three women are the most beautiful and the most distinctive.

Is the rogue coming?

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