Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2296: It’s weird

Ling Han lifted his hands and said: "We are not malicious, but we accidentally entered here."

An old man came out in the crowd, with a column in his hand, his head was bald, and the two white eyebrows were hanging down, and he did not know how many years he had lived.

His eyes are full of wisdom, saying: "Where do you come from, why come?"

Ling Han simply said about his own experience, but there is nothing to hide, to win the trust of others, it is best not to lie, and they do not need to do anything to hide.

After listening to the people in the tribe, they are all surprised.

Outside of their world, there is actually a broader space.

The tribes did not have any worries around them, and they treated them with sincerity. They also returned with sincerity and secretly combined the secrets of this place.

Their stories are actually very simple, they lived here for generations, and their greatest pursuit is survival, because the materials here are particularly poor. If you want to live, you have to hunt and kill the beasts, or compete with the beasts for herbivorous animals.

Everyone in Linghan is amazed. As long as they are in the lotus field of Erlian, the warrior can survive if he breathes aura. If he enters the mountain, he will not die if he is exhausted, but he will become It’s so weak.

But the people here are Wulian Liulian, and they still have to worry about survival. Isn’t it very weird?


The people who listened to the tribe said that Ling Han people also found that something was wrong, and their power actually fell.

“Did we eat too little?” They only ate a meal in ten days, which affected their strength?

This is incredible.

"The aura here... almost exhausted, almost impossible to cultivate!" They exclaimed.

This should be discovered in the first place, but they are not surprised until then, as if there is an inexplicable force that affects their normal thinking ability.

"Rely, what the **** is this?" The people are a little scared. If they don't eat, they may starve to death. It is a big joke to say it, but now it is a real threat.

"Since the lack of aura, how did those holy beasts cultivated?" asked Ling Han.

This is eaten.

Although there is a lack of aura here, it is not without it. It can't be extracted by ordinary means. Only the plants growing on the ground can absorb it. After the herbivores eat these grasses, they are naturally stored in the body.

After these animals are hunted and eaten, they can provide a source of strength for the military.

Everyone can understand this, but why not starve to death without eating?

The people soon learned another very important message, that is, people in the tribe have life limits. The longest life record is the normal death of 800 years, not the beast.

Only eight hundred years!

We must know that Heaven and Man can live for eight hundred years. After entering the dusty world, we will never have to worry about lifespan. As long as we can resist the morals of heaven and man, it is necessary to worry about life and death here.

"It’s like... the heavens and the people here will have an episode every year, so the strongest person can only be killed for eight hundred years." Ling Han made the inference.

This is not impossible, because even the case of starvation has appeared. It is not impossible to increase the frequency of the episode of the man.

Ling Han asked the tribes about the specific situation of this world. However, although the tribe has been moving and moving, the scope of the activity is only limited to two thousand miles. The farther area will not work. It is another tribe's site. It may lead to war.

Ling Han was very interested in their protective gear and asked about the origins of this stuff.

“All the protective gear comes from the holy mountain.” The tribal old man said, according to him, as long as the material is pre-formed into the shape of wristbands, knee pads, etc., and then taken to the holy mountain, placed for three years, can be used back.

These protective gears can enhance their attack and defense capabilities, but they will absorb their blood when they are used. Therefore, each person can only use one piece, one or two pieces, if they are to absorb the blood of life and die in advance.

The most precious thing in the tribe is the protective gear. This is the guarantee for their survival. The second is the food. In fact, the two are similar. Therefore, the tribes will not give them cold protection and no food to entertain. they.

The people of Ling Han didn't feel it at first, but now they are hungry and thirsty, as if they really become ordinary people.

"We should enter the realm of a strong man. It is his rules. So, we will die and feel hunger and thirst." They all inferred.

"But the impact is so great, even rejecting the normal rules of the heavens and the earth, how powerful is this person?"

"Tian Zun?" someone trembled.

Yunhe Fairy immediately shook his head and said: "It is just to exclude the rules in a small area. The ancestors can do it, but the wider the ancestor can influence."

The king of the king is flush with the rules, so it is still possible to rule out the rules of the world.

Can even be a ten-Yang ancestor, can you resist with the strength of everyone?

"Zhu Wang should not do such a thing." Ling Han said, this is too boring for the ancestors. "Maybe, this ancestor has already become a sinister, or has been hit hard, and has fallen into an unconscious state."

He is not too worried. He really has to go nowhere. He can break out of the black tower and force it out. If this is the case, the black tower is estimated to be a waste tower. There is no trace of power.

Therefore, when it is not necessary, he will not use the black tower again.

Ling Han smiled and took out some food from the black tower. Suddenly, not only the tribes were exposed to the coveted color, but the Yunhe fairy and other people were both eyes shining to reach their height. The space artifact would only put some stars and How can there be food for fairy medicine?

"Food change protective gear, can't change?" He laughed. "Don't lie to me, there must be protective gear that has not been used."

The tribes are staring at the food and swallowing.

"Premier guests, you have to know that the metal ore that makes the protective gear is also very difficult to mine." The seniors in the tribe said that this is the rhythm of bargaining.

Ling Han is not afraid of these people asking for high prices, I am afraid that they will not exchange, so he smiled and said: "I can add some food, the key is how many things you can exchange."

The old man smiled, and the wrinkles on his face were all turned out, like a flower.

The two sides bargained for a price. Ling Han exchanged a large amount of food for a set of protective gear. He could be armed from the head to the foot, but was told by the tribe that even if some people are extremely strong, they can only wear two pieces of protective gear at the same time, otherwise they will die. .

Ling Han nodded, he changed a wristband and then lost it to Yu Qin to compensate for his daytime losses.

Then he immediately began to study these protective gear.

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