Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2299: Intention

The fairy magic sword is in the world, and it is full of horrible fierceness.

Ling Han shouted, and the sword was on the sword.

The big worm didn't know the power of the fairy sword, and it greeted it fearlessly. Its worm shell was really hard, and the same-order warrior couldn't hurt it if he didn't hold the weapon.

Ling Han swings his sword, and the gorgeous sword light rises into the sky, if it opens.


Jianguang did not enter the body of the big worm, and then emerged from the other end, shining like Tianyu.

Ling Han figure swept past, and then saw that the big worm was split into two, the green blood swayed, and the breath of life was cut off.

Everyone is surprised to lose their voice. What is the situation, obviously falling in the absolute disadvantage, can sacrifice a sword to instantly reverse the battle, or even a blow to win, this is too exaggerated.

And think about it again, Ling Han is Liulian and Wuye, but even the Qilian and the Four Leaves can be dropped in seconds. Is it applicable to the boundary barrier in him? The martial law of iron is a slag.

Ling Han waved a few more swords, dismembered the worm, and found a green-green bead in the heart, but the size of the fist.

This is the energy core of the giant worm, which can extract the power. As for the worms, they will not be seen by the cold, unless they starve to think of eating.

"Hey brother... you are simply!" Yunhe fairy is speechless, and the fierceness of this person has reached the point where it cannot be described in words. There is also the sword, and the hard shell is opened, which is also strong.

This sword is incredible!

They all said in their hearts that when the sword was sacrificed, they all felt the inexplicable chill, as if the skin was being cut, and the heart was trembled and the gallbladder was cold.

Ling Han smiled slightly and said: "Now you can go up the mountain."

He took the lead, and the Queens followed them. They used to get used to the enchanting enchanting. As for others, they were thinking and stunned to follow the cold, like a marionette.

Although the Yunhe Fairy is following, he can do it one step at a time but he does not know where to step on.

In her eyes, there is only Ling Han. Although the demon family is extremely ugly and rude like a pig, it is really impossible to deny his talent and power in the martial arts.

The emperor of Liulian and Wuye can fight the seven lotuses and one leaf, and can win at most, but when they encounter Qilian and Erye, they will definitely stop the food. This is the iron law, a suppression of a big realm.

Can Ling Han not only can easily solve the seven lotus two leaves, three leaves, and even the four-leaf big insects are killed by his sword.

This kind of power makes her feel at ease.

How can the Emperor be so strong, and the Emperor Star has not seen which Qilian and Jiuye Emperor Stars can make the Eight Lotus and Four Leaves dry? Not to mention the spike.

She is a princess of the sky, her eyes are very high, and the emperor star can make her tempted, but if she really wants to pursue her, she will still hold on to it and consider what the other person's character is.

However, now the strength of Ling Han is to make her feel hot when she thinks about it. There is an inexplicable heat flow in the body, I can't wait to plunge into the man's arms, enjoy his heavy kiss, rude touch, and even She slammed under her body, vigorously...

She was shocked, she actually became such a female hooligan, it is a demon family, ugly like a pig, you see the red all-pass skin, ugly corners, strong arms, holding her words, will make her full A sense of security.

Hey, Yunhe Fairy quickly hugged his head and actually thought about it!

She sighed in her heart, fearing that she fell in love with the wild man of the demon family.

They headed for the holy mountain, but this road was not very flat. Soon, a golden bear ran out. It was only one foot high. It looked so cute, but it was fierce. When it came up, it waved the bear. The claws and claws are turned into essence, and they are cut off to the crowd like a sharp knife.

However, the realm of this golden bear is not high. It was taken down by the soft demon girl and did not kill, but intended to be accepted as a pet.

Then they met a deer, the body of the deer, from the neck, it was actually a human body, a human head, and a pair of arms, the strength is amazing, it is the enchantment of the enchanted sword Used, or was beaten to escape.

The gap between the realms is too big, and there is nothing wrong with Ling Han.

They had to withdraw. After three days and three nights of escape, the holy deer stopped chasing, fluttering and flew back.

"Smelly deer, the girl must eat your flesh!" Hu Niu wowed, angry.

Ling Han also wiped the cold sweat, the fairy magic sword is not a panacea, the strength of the holy deer is too strong, simply do not give him the opportunity to sweep the sword, it is the magic sword is sharp and useless.

Unless its level catches up to even surpass this holy deer, then after autonomous activation, killing is like slaughtering chicken.

Otherwise, the sharp weapon is just a dead thing.

No way, the fairyland rules in the fairy sword can't work, and the realm is always consistent with Ling Han.

Of course, if there is a fairy sword, they may still escape, but they may die several people and even use a few life-saving treasures.

They took a few days off and had to eat a big meal to replenish their physical strength, and then they continued to rush to the holy mountain.

However, the holy deer seemed to be on the fence with them, and they actually smashed them and let them flee again.

So many times tossed, Ling Han they actually used a small half a year did not enter the mountain, so that everyone is irritated.

If you can't leave here, their longevity may be only 801 thousand years. You really have to use your fingers to count your death.

The imperial and emperor of the six lotuses in the hall will actually die in the reign of Shouyuan, and this death can not be noticed.

They summed up the experience and lessons. In any case, this time, even if they meet the holy deer again, the escape is also going to the holy mountain. Otherwise, they don’t want to go up the mountain for a lifetime.

The idea was decided and they set off again.

"Slow!" Ling Han suddenly waved his hand and heard a little movement.

The long grass in the distance separates and slams out a group of people.

"Rainstorm Jianxiong!" Yunhe Fairy's gaze narrowed slightly, did not expect the other party actually came again.

This is also the time they have been trapped for half a year at this time. Otherwise, if everything goes well, they will have left the secret of the armor.

Ling Han's gaze is staring at another person. This is a one-horned demon family. The body is extremely burly, and a tail twitches from time to time, but the air is all messed up, and there is a chaos.

This person's strength is very strong.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect us to meet again?" Rainstorm Jianxiu laughed, but the voice was cold.

The original storm family did not have much interest in this "old tomb". Although it is said to be the tomb of the ancestors, the ancestors were immortal. Where are so many ancestral tombs under the sun?

Therefore, there will be a torrential rain Jianxiong as a leading figure. If you first explore the situation, if it is really worth developing, then it is not the rainstorm Jianxiong can make it, and will return to the family to move to a larger character.

He was beaten out before he entered, which made the storm family angry.

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