Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2301: underground river

Everyone relayed one by one, Ling Han is not afraid of someone who has seized the magic sword.

First, his strength is the strongest. Secondly, there is his martial will in the fairy sword. At least his strength must be several times higher than his ability to erase his will. Otherwise, the fairy sword will attack automatically.

Everyone is full of praise for the fairy magic sword. Most people think that this is probably the precious metal of the Jiulian class. If you don't dare to think in the direction of the artifact.

Liulian Wuye has an artifact? Just kidding.

After half a month passed, it was just the turn of Ling Han to go down the stone. The sound of slaps came and I saw that the broken stone was not falling in their direction, but fell to the other side.

Ling Han first was a glimpse, then it was a big joy, this mountain belly was hollow, he dug into this area.

He used the sword and the sword to make a few more shots, and cut out the hole that can be passed by one person. He put the knowledge into it first.

The entire mountain belly is completely hollow, huge and incomparable. If you walk forward from the hole dug out of the cold, he will step on the air and then drop the abyss. Even if it is not a sharp stone thorn, it may fall into a broken bone.

Because the gravity here is too strong, this is a sharp edge hanging on the heads of everyone.

Ling Han will tell the situation to everyone, everyone is lost.

He took the three of Hu Niu into the Black Tower and then took the lead and climbed down the cliff.

Others actually want to enter the space artifact of Ling Han, but they can also open their mouths and only climb themselves. They can't enter other people's space artifacts, because they don't know the situation at all. If they suddenly want to come out and see, the results have not yet stepped on the ground, what should I do if I fall to death?

They have not yet trusted each other to that extent.

Ling Han has been climbing for a long time. According to the height, he has gone deep into the bottom for dozens of miles, but the gravity here is too big, his speed is very slow, otherwise the distance of dozens of miles is not a blind thing?

It was dark, but it was impossible to see the place outside Sanzhang with his eyesight, and the gods were also drawn by gravity, and they could not reach too far.

He is hard, other people are naturally more trembled, but fortunately, Ling Han led the way, otherwise their speed will be several times slower, even a dozen times is not impossible.

In the heart of Yunhe Fairy, there is a grievance. Why is Ling Han willing to put Hu Niu into the space artifact, but even asking her is too lazy?

The more she wants to be wronged, the more tears are coming out.

At this moment, I only listened to Ling Han’s cry of surprise: “I’m going to the end!”

Everyone was inspired by the spirit and stopped to look down.

Before they went to the cliff, they carefully put all their minds on it, and there was a lingering to pay attention to other things. Until then, they found that there was a faint glow underneath.

Finally they are going to the end, they are all relieved.

After climbing for the next time, Ling Han was a brow, because he saw it clearly. This is actually a dark river. The light he saw before was what he didn't know in the water, and the stars were a little bit.

The water is silent, quiet and scary.

Ling Han said the situation and then stopped, about a mile away from the river below.

Everyone has come down to such a height, and they are in harmony with Ling Han, but no one is going down the river.

Ghosts know what this river is, and if it is full of poison?

Ling Han didn't pay attention to others. Instead, he took some stones and metal from the black tower and threw them into the river to see if something strange happened.

Hey, these things were thrown into the river, raised a piece of water, and then sinked to the side, washed away by the water, can not see anything different.

Ling Han thought for a moment, and took out a small tree and threw it into the river. The black tower space is so big, there is everything inside.

The buoyancy of the small tree is much greater, and it does not sink to the bottom, but floats on it and goes along the water.

When everyone saw it, it was a big joy. "The boat can be crossed."

Although the Black Tower is large, it is not everything, at least there are no ready-made ships.

They are now holding the cliff and bearing huge gravity. The difficulty of trying to build a ship can be said to be like a sky.

Ling Han directly picked a giant tree and said: "I said to jump, everyone jumped on the tree together."

Everyone is nodding, knowing that Ling Han will definitely throw a big tree next.

Hey, Ling Han raised his hand, and there was a tree in the river. The crown was huge and it could be used as a boat.

"Jump!" Ling Han screamed and jumped immediately.

Everyone quickly jumped out and fell on the tree.

The weird thing is that sitting on the tree does not feel the slightest gravitational pressure. It seems that there has been a huge change in the rules of heaven and earth.

"Will the end of this dark river have a way to leave here?" Someone said that he was really afraid of this place, preferring not to be the secret of the armor, just want to leave here earlier.

"Maybe it is the core of this place, with all the secrets."

Ling Han knows that this is the buried bone of a 18-year-old ancestor. Perhaps the end of this ancestor can be seen at the end.

He is very keen on this because he was inspired by the rain emperor. If he merged the remains of a nine-fold king, it is possible to build a nine-pointed soul.

The Empress and Hu Niu all have hopes to become emperors, but they are limited to the rareness of the heavens and the earth and the rare kings. They can only break through the soul.

But if you get the ancestral bones of this place, then they are not extravagant to become emperors.

At that time, even if the black tower runs out of the last strength, Ling Han will also suppress the ancestral bone.

He let the three girls out of Hu Niu, there is no danger for the time being.

The "boat" went along the water and was very stable, but it didn't last long. After a long time, the water suddenly became anxious, and the trees trembled frequently, making everyone nervous. This would not turn "boat". Right?

Ling Han was trying to re-enter the Hu Niu into the Black Tower, but saw the top of the big tree slamming down and then moving up. A big wave immediately patted it, oh, the sound of the water rang.

Everyone didn't know what the river was like, and naturally wanted to dodge, but they suddenly found out that they couldn't move!

No, it’s not moving, but their speed is so fast that they can only watch this wave.

Ling Han’s heart raised a sense of enlightenment, not because their speed is slow, but because of the flow of time.

Their time flow is not known how many times slower than the outside world, so they will not be able to get it.

and many more!

If his time flow slows down, why can he feel it?

As a matter of fact, because the time flow is too different, then he will not be photographed by the river waves at all, but how can he feel like this?

There is only one reason for this. The time flow of his flesh is slow, but the soul is not.

Hey, the river patted over and drowned everyone, but it didn't cause any impact.

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