The same is true. In the last session of the Qianyuan University, the sword was shocked and unsuccessful. Not only did it lead the Henglong Academy to easily win the championship, but it also crushed the nine masters without any suspense. The top of the list, the status is solid, no one can shake.

This time, it is said that Huai Shou is already the cultivation of the Eighteen Lotus Leaf Peak. Only after another battle for Henglong College, he will break through Jiulian and be accepted as a disciple by Tian Zun.

Endless people and so on are shaking their heads, no source, they can be ranked in the first place?

Ling Han is very strong, but after all, it’s just eight lotuses and three leaves. It’s just a sword. Can the thousand yards test is to disable all external forces, otherwise you throw a ancestor's decree, I also lost one, that is still better than a fart?

Not only can the external force not be borrowed, but the defensive treasure is also not allowed to wear. This is completely the strength of the military itself.

"Can you keep the top 100?" Seven Frost is not very sure.

The whole aliens in the eight-level level of the emperor are also a hundred, and there is no one to think about these people. The last session was mostly in the five-leaf and six-leaf repairs. It is estimated that they are all reaching the ten leaves and eleven leaves. Therefore, they can only aim at those teams that do not have emperors, and their overall strength should be able to win.

"Get it." Yuan said.

Who let them lose their secluded source? When this super strongman goes, their team loses its core competitiveness.

Ling Han asked: "What is the first reward for the college, and the top of the list?"

If not for the reward, why should he join in this excitement? Of course, eating "chicken wings" is indeed one of the driving forces.

Qishuang looked at him with amazement. Didn't your kid have long ears, or forgot to take his brain out, actually still have the mood to care about the first prize?

"It seems to be an ancient beast." But he still said it. After all, Ling Han is an emperor who is even better than the secluded source. The next thousand-yuan battle is definitely a time when Ling Han’s blockbuster is amazing. The height of the sword is not necessarily the same.

This thought just flashed through his mind, and he immediately shook his head. No one can compare with Huaijian. This is the most likely person to become Tianzun since the era of an alien era.

"The first reward of the college is more of a glory. It is based on points and astrology. It will also give some fairy medicines. Only the top of the list can get the beast." Yuan added, "It is said that It was indeed an ancient beast, but it was discovered by a ancestral king in the secret, and it has not yet hatched."

Seven frosts have just been heard, and can not help but be shocked: "In the legend, every ancient beast can become a ancestor, and will never betray after the blood is recognized by the Lord!"

"So it's tempting!" Yuan shakes his head and his face is full of emotion. They can't touch the side of the ancestors in this life, but some people have the pets of the ancestor level. If there is no contrast, there is no harm.

"It is said that the ancestors did not hatch the beasts themselves because they received the will of a certain god. The purpose was to give Huaijian a great creation." He added another sentence, the color of envy is heavier.

Huai Sword, a person who inherits the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth, is above all the stars, and it is a misfortune to be born with him in the same era.

Ling Han is a smile, such a powerful war pet, then he may wish to close one, not for anything else, pull the wind!

Which fairy king and ancestor have you seen as a servant?


Those who can move into this realm are already level with the heavens and the earth at the height of the rules. Which one is not arrogant and will be willing to condescend to be a servant?

Only the war pets are different. Before the hatching, the blood is directly drenched to make it recognize the Lord. Then, when born, it will never betray.

He decided to accept it.

"Huaijian?" Ling Han revealed a raging warfare, a super arrogant that all the stars are stepping on the foot, the evolution index should be close to or even reach eleven, right?

He is eager for a fight.


Just then, there was only a huge movement coming from the door.

"Yuyuan, come out and fight with me!" Someone is jealous.

Everyone was out of the hall, and I saw a young man standing in the courtyard. This is a demon family. It is black and black, with long heads and double horns. The body is full of feet and the two arms are exposed. Rune, not like a person, but a cast soldier.

"Sen Ping!" When I saw this person, the people in the College of Warfare were all shrinking, revealing the color of jealousy.

Sen Ping, the pride of Huaping College, is also an emperor star. In the last session of the Thousand Yuans, he was defeated by Yuyuan, and his team stopped here. .

He has been dissatisfied, so he did not wait for the start of the Thousand Yuans battle, he ran over and couldn't help but learn from the source.

Sen Ping’s eyes swept over and he was dismissive of everyone. Even the two strong men of Jiulian and Sanye were not seen in his eyes. He snorted and said: "When is the secluded source a tortoise!"

"Hugh to rest!" Seven frosts screamed, bang, voice shape, and went to the town of Senping.


Mori Ping slammed out, and the sound was suddenly shattered. He said proudly: "Isn't it?"

"Eleven leaves!"

Everyone saw it as an exclamation. Even if the seven frosts did not use all the power, could the Jiulian strongman take the shot, and what is the lotus that can be blocked? Unless ... eight lotus eleven leaves, breaking the barrier of the realm, with the strength of Jiulian, this can resolve the attack of Jiulian level.

Sure enough, the last stars of the empire were all made a leap forward and entered the height of the eleventh leaf. Under such suppression, how can the emperor match?

Even if there is no end, how can the hurricane repair the seven leaves and eight leaves, the gap is like the heavens and the earth.

Seven Frost endured the anger in his heart and said: "The source is dead."

"Impossible!" Mori Ping changed his face and immediately slammed it out.

This is the object that he is determined to avenge, and he must surpass the enemy. It is also because of this kind of goal motivation that he can fly from the four leaves to the eleven leaves in just a million years. Dreams, but suddenly met with a blue sky.

Yuyuan is dead!

how come!

"It’s dead." Yuan shook his head and said that the five daring and powerful Jiu Lian strongmen had slammed them. "We have already reinstated the ancestors, and I believe that there will be ancestors who will kill the murderer." Take the punishment and let the whole world know that the emperor is immovable."

Sen Ping is speechless, his face is full of lost souls.

Millions of years of humiliation and weight-bearing, but in the end it is a punch, so that he seems to have lost the direction and motivation of the moment.

He didn't know when to go, but shortly afterwards, the news of Yuyuan's fall was spread, so that many teams were sneaked and lost a strong competitor, and correspondingly, the odds of the College of War. It is all the way up, reaching the point of a loss of seventeen, this ranking is almost two hundred or so.

After all, there are boundless and hurricane, so it is not too ugly.

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