Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2336: Ranking improvement

Ling Han four joined the ranks of competing for beacons.

Don't look at them, there are only a few people, only four districts, but one is the eleven secrets, and the other two are the ten secrets. Just the three people can open each other, let alone unite together, let alone Ling Han is not the emperor. Star, but the metamorphosis level of the evolutionary index is close to or even eleven.

The four of them walked so swayingly, and they didn't look for places to hide the traces like others. It was equivalent to engraving four huge words on their faces: "Come and grab me."

The people who came to rob them were really a lot. Soon a team came out and surrounded them.

"Hey, how are you four?" Someone whistled. "Is it separated from the team, and a good brother, my brother will protect you."

"Three women and one man, this is the rhythm of a king and three." Some people are more contemptuous.

"The taste is quite heavy. The three angels are equipped with a demon." The males with the angels are jealous. The queens are all beautiful and temperamental. The only male in the ranks is a demon. It can be mad.

Yan Hanzhan Yan Yixiao: "To give you a choice, first hand over the beacon, let me have a good time, or let me have a good time, then hand over the beacon?"

The ten people in the team looked at each other and suddenly they all laughed.

Not funny, only four people in the district, actually want to kill their team?

"We have a third choice, that is, we put you on a meal." A Zerg came out, he had a **** butt, which accounted for half of his body's size, red all the way, cloth Full of stripes, it still has a sense of rhythm.

Hey, he got out.

Don't look at his odd fat, but the action is both smart and fast, just a flash came to Ling Han, and stretched out his two claws and grabbed the cold.

Each of his claws was covered with barbs, and the light of Sen Han was flooded.

Eight lotuses and six leaves, this worm is an emperor.

Ling Han reached out, hey, both claws fell into his palm, and then a fold, and saw the green blood of the blood from the broken limbs.

"吱" the worm first was a glimpse. I didn’t think that Ling Han would be so strong. I was not an enemy. Then I screamed because of the pain, turned into a terrible ripple, and swayed in all directions. Oh, the rock broke and the trees fell.

He also suffered a lot of battles, and he did not panic because of this, but his **** shrugged, and he saw a gray air spurting out, full of foul smell.

This is the life-threatening skill of his family. The stinking fart contains strange poisons. The creatures in the same realm will be dizzy as long as they smell it. The strength will be directly reduced into pus, the strength will be affected, and the fighting power will fall. .

Therefore, this can be used not only to save lives, but also to defeat them.

Ling cold drums, then blow.


A strong wind swells like a hurricane above nine days. During the whistling, all the ash is swept away and reappears.

The worm had just shown a smug smile and immediately fell down.

He shuddered and knew that this time he had encountered a hard idea. The strength is stronger than him. It is not a star and a half, but it is crushed downright.

The first round of competition is prohibited to kill, but no one provision can not storm hit the opponent, this hey who wants a beating, especially in their basic level is the emperor who, in the future will emperor king, leaving a large stain, then the future will certainly be People laugh.

"Escape!" The other nine people quickly ran away, anyway, the companion will not die, only eat the bitterness of the flesh, to keep the beacon is the first priority.

The empress, the tiger girl, the soft demon woman split the sniper, in addition to the soft demon female strength is less, the empress and the tiger girl are all ten secret emperors, how strong is this combat power?

As long as the Emperor of the 11th Secret does not come out, who is fighting?

The team of ten people actually could not escape, but was surrounded by the four people.

This is a bit ironic. At the beginning, the ten people came over and copied it. It was a blink of an eye. The position of the two sides was changed.

"Which way do you choose?" Ling Han smiled. "If you first submit a beacon, I can make it lighter."

The ten people were speechless, but they took out their beacons and threw them to Ling Han.

Ling Han counts, these people's harvest is not bad, there are more than 70 beacons, he smiled and smiled: "Enter the second round."

The four men slammed the shots and taught the ten people a lesson. Then they let them go, then they swayed and swayed, looking for the next object of robbery. The other side was waiting for someone to send it. Come to the door.

Their luck was good, and they soon met another team. They saw that they had folded from a distance and took the initiative and cooperated.

"Look at you so much, we will only rob you half of the beacons." Ling Hanhe laughed, after all, just opened, the other party is so active, a 50% discount.

"I don't know how high the earth is." The ten people sneered across and immediately launched an attack.

It’s only two minutes, and the battle is over.

Ten people are all swollen and sullen, and they are left in a dejected manner. It is a regret in my heart.

It is really stupid that they actually took the initiative to meet these four gods.

Fortunately, these four people are quite principled, saying that they only grab half of their beacons and give them some hope.

But they have just come out not long after, they saw a woman in front of the team, the angel family, the beauty is amazing, the feet are red, the white as jade, the head is blue and windless, let her float away from the wind Go, the fairy girl's ten child **** **** out of the beacon. "The woman said faintly, but there is a domineering **** in the tone.

The team of ten people are all annoyed. Even before they were robbed by the four-member team, there are still people who are going to rob them alone. Is it good to bully them?

"Take her!" Ten people shot together, it is good to take this woman down and grab a bet.

The woman snorted, ten fingers flicked, oh, a sword swelled, hey, ten people were nailed to the ground, the rule became a sword of light, terrible.

After they ransacked them, the woman floated away.

The ten people face each other and are extremely depressed.

After being robbed by Ling Han, they were lucky. They left half of their beacons, but then they met a female comet and washed them out, letting them return to the primitive society of a poor white.

"This woman goes in the same direction as the previous four, maybe they will meet." One suddenly said.

"Oh, that's fun!"

"God bless, you must let them meet!" Some even got up and prayed to a god.


The outside world, because the four people in the cold have succeeded in robbery, and the scores of the War College have begun to be arrogant, and the rankings are also going up.

It was only half a day, and it has risen from more than 700 to more than 400.

This change is too big and has attracted the attention of many people.

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