Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2349: You can also use weapons (four more)

Listening to Hu Niu said, Qishuang and Yuan are both shocked and quickly stopped, for fear that Ling Han really has a hot heart, and the beast eggs are cooked and eaten.

As long as it hatches, it will become a ancestor level in the future, which can be said to be equivalent to a self-conscious artifact!

How precious?

Ling Han couldn't help laughing, even if he didn't stop the seven frosts and the bones, he wouldn't take the beast eggs out to the tiger girl.

"Oh, this egg is not good."

After several persuasion, Hu Niu was reluctant to dispel the thought of eating eggs.

They go back and, after a little preparation, they have to start off.

Ling Han is in the name of traveling to the world, to the seven frosts and the Yuan leave.

This made the two people very embarrassed, Ling Han won the top of the list of masters, this is a great glory for the College of War, of course, after going back, of course, Daqing special celebration, they are led by the two, naturally also related to the face, With great glory, if the cold does not go back, the effect will be greatly reduced.

They persuaded them all, but Ling Han was making up his mind. Anyway, his strength is there. Even if the seven frosts and the glory are thick, he can break free.

Ling Han did not hatch the beast eggs, but first closed the meditation, completely digested the understanding of the battle with the sword, three days later, he went to the sunset mountain to go to the appointment.

In the middle of the month has been waiting for it, one person and one sword, the wind is perfect.

The nearby mountains are also full of people, and some even have no place to stand, can only fly in the air.

"You are late!" Seeing Ling Hanyu came, and Zhong Zhongyue said dissatisfied.

"Now people are too red, too many people come to say hello all the way, not to go back and I am embarrassed, afraid of being said that I became famous, the shelf is big, so it is late." Ling Han smiled.

In the middle of the month, the face is black, this guy is really a mouthful of nonsense, and she clearly sees it. Ling Han has come all the way to say hello, it is clear that she is getting her.

She snorted and slammed the sword. "My sword is a treasure of Jiulian level. You can also use weapons, lest I say that I bully people."

"Well, wow." Ling Han nodded, unceremoniously took out the fairy magic sword, gently swayed in his hand, suddenly the sword body rang, as if an invincible king was warning.

Suddenly, the glass sword in the hand of the well in the middle of the month twisted like a snake, as if he had encountered a horrible demon, fearing trembling.

In the middle of the month, she was shocked. This is her treasure. When she is connected with her heart, she feels that the sword in her hand is afraid, and the object of fear is the sword in the hands of Ling Han.

I am afraid that I have not started playing yet?

In the middle of the month, he was angry and shocked. He quickly spurred the sword and tried to force a battle.

Hey, I saw that the sword in her hand actually had a seam from the middle, and then quickly expanded, and then broke into two.


In the middle of the month, I couldn’t speak at all. Actually, because of the fear of Ling Han’s sword, her glass sword was broken!

I would rather be self-defeating than dare to fight. What is this suppression?

"Ancestral device!" She said with difficulty, only the ancestors could suppress the Jiulian treasures, and even the qualifications for a war were not.

Is this a wool?

She was not an opponent of Ling Han. She originally wanted to take the treasure back to the city, but the result was even worse. She had already lost first.

This guy is too lucky, actually has a family!

Ling Han gently swayed the sword and smiled: "Is it still playing?"

There is nothing to say in the middle of the month. When you turn around, you will leave your wings.

Unless she can get an artifact, she can't fight against the cold. The question is, what a precious existence is the artifact, let alone, who will lend it to her?

Still waiting for the achievement of the ancestors, let's talk about it, otherwise she will always be suppressed by Ling Han's artifacts, and she will not turn over.

Everyone in the mountains is speechless. Who can think of a long-awaited battle that would end in such a way.

Ling Han put away the fairy magic sword and slowly left.

Back to the residence, Ling Han decided to confess the blood of the beast egg first, and then let it slowly hatch, and then he would wave again in the foreign domain. After the accumulation was enough, he broke through the source.

Among the black towers, he held the beast egg in his left hand and bit the right index finger with his teeth. He suddenly dripped blood and sprinkled it on the beast egg.

In his heart, he muttered his blood with his fingers and drew it on the egg.

This is a character that can help him to contact this beast and form a master servant ritual with life.

When the symbol was drawn, there was a terrible fierce attack that came to the cold, as if a terrible beast opened his mouth to him.

Ling Han found himself in a dark space, not in the sky, not in the ground, only a piece of nothingness, but soon there was a huge monster in the front, the form of the beast, but only standing on the ground, these two The legs are long and strong, occupying more than half of its volume, but the two front paws are small and pitiful, shrinking to the chest.

However, its mouth is really huge, and the two rows of teeth that are exposed are cast by the blade and exude the light of the cold.

What is this monster?

Ling Han can only say that he knows too little about exotic species, but one thing is certain, this beast is not simple.

Hey, the monsters are moving their legs, as if they were humans. They rushed toward Ling Han, and their mouths were banging, and a terrible sound wave broke out, and they went toward the cold.

Ling Han’s heart was suddenly enlightened, and now he is only a spiritual body, and the opposite monster is also from the beast that has not hatched.

It is destined to be the existence of the ancestors, extremely fierce, and there is no peerless vigor before it is born.

It is not willing to be enslaved by Ling cold, so in this spiritual world, it is a fierce battle with Ling Han. If it can hit the cold, it can be anti-customer, Ling Han is the servant, it is the main!

This kind of signing of the master slave contract is originally two-way, the strong is the respect!

Ling Han could not help but laugh. This beast is indeed destined to become a ancestor, but he is to become a god.

He greeted without fear, and he burned an endless fierce flame. When it comes to killing, who is he afraid of?


One person and one beast, came a solid collision, and then bounced off.

This is a spiritual confrontation and has nothing to do with physical fitness.

The beast was born for the war, and mad for the war. Although it has not yet been born, it can be a savage sorrow. Immediately, it ran with two big feet and screamed back. The big mouth opened and biting toward Ling Han’s neck.

Ling Han's body is amazing, the soul is not inferior, the same shouting, back and back, the offensive is rain.

Hey, one person and one animal are fighting.

The beast is fierce, and the mouth is bitten, the claws are small, but the destructive power is extremely amazing. When you touch it, you can make the cold cold hurt.

This is a spiritual body, and there will be no obvious injuries, but it will make them weak.

Whoever weakens first to the extreme will reveal the core of the soul and be easily seeded with slavery.

Of course, Ling Han is not inferior, and the fists are swaying, and the same beast is screaming again and again, and the figure is rapidly blurring.

He is winning.

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