The wind and the sea are screaming, and the spirits are all falling.

He has already cultivated the human body secrets, but now he is being blown up by Ling Han, naturally making him suffer serious.

"What is the ghost, are you not very hard?" Ling Han threw him on the ground, then stepped on it with a force, only to listen to the card, the wind and the sea suddenly screamed, the left leg is already Being broken by the students, the broken bones came out, red and white.

"How is the feeling of being bullied?" Ling Han stepped on his foot again, and Feng Hu's right leg was also stepped off. The knees collapsed directly. Only some minced meat connected the calves.

"Silly?" Ling smiled coldly and raised his legs high. This time he aimed at the stalls of Fenghai.

Feng Haiyan must be insane, and was injured by the strong class of Ling Han. It will fall into a very serious sequela, such as this broken bone. If there is no Tianzun or Zuzu shot, he will have at least several thousand years. Well cultivated.

And if the stalls are smashed, the few thousand years can not use the little brothers or small things, the key is the physical and psychological humiliation, will make him live in the shadows for a lifetime.

On the other hand, the four wild clouds were also thrown down by the little fear, biting the buttocks, and he was soaked on the ground, constantly kicking his legs, the same as a life-like death.

This person is a beast, a master and a servant are too fierce!

"Oh, it is the first in the list of thousands of colleges and great masters, great!" The applause sounded, and only a demon girl appeared. The facial features are actually very beautiful, but with the appearance of the demon, it is not how In line with Ling Han's aesthetics.

However, the eyes of the market star immediately lit up, but he was a real demon.

Ling Han stepped on the wind and sea, his eyes looked at the devil's girl, and his eyes could not help but tighten.

This is a strong nine-leaf two-leaf!

"Purple cream." This demon girl pointed to herself, she has a **** body, **********, although still twisting a tail, but it does not have a style.

"Baby brother, you don't really want to kill my younger brother here?" She muttered, and seemed to have no plans to save the wind and the four clouds.

Feng Haiyan and the four desert clouds are well-informed. The competition between them is extremely fierce, especially in the same realm. Because the cultivation resources are the same, it is sure to win you.

This is also the intention of the Everlasting Tianzun, just like raising a beggar, only the strongest can stand out.

Ling Han smiled lightly and said: "This person has the meaning of killing me, why can't I kill him?"

"This is my younger brother. If you kill him, then I have to kill you." Purple frost sighed and seemed to be a pity.

This person is very interesting. She does not say that she wants to save the wind, but only says revenge. It is simply saying that this younger brother does not care at all. It is just because she is the same as the constant, how can she have the meaning and the murderer? Give the shovel.

"And, even if I am not your opponent, there are seven brothers and two sisters here, seven of whom are Jiulian and Sanye, and the two have become ancestors."

"Baby brother, do you still want to kill?" She looked at Ling Han with her big eyes, and she had a different color.

In her demon family's view, Ling Han is very handsome.

Ling Han looks cold, his body skills have surpassed the realm, but at most it can rival the early days of Jiulian and Sanye, and one more point is extravagant. Not to mention the ancestors, that is, the stars of Jiulian and Sanye can let him drink a pot.

But he is not accustomed to the threatened person, his feet are slightly exerted, the wind and sea rushing to dance his limbs, his throat is slammed by the cold, and there is terrible pressure, let him feel that death is close at hand. .

"Baby brother!" Purple cream changed another expression, smiles and smiles. "In the future, everyone is a family. Of course, the family must be harmonious. Do you say it?"

Ling Han’s face slowly opened his smile and said: “What the sister said is.”

He slowly retracted his foot and whispered again. The little terror immediately released his mouth, slammed it, and reached his foot, arching his leg, a look of cute pets.

The purple frost reveals a touch of jealous color. Linghan is not only strong enough to resist the sky, but also can bend and stretch, without the arrogance of the ordinary emperor.

If such a person is enemies with it, it will be very very troublesome.

"This is a sensible approach." She laughed and laughed. Under the door of the eternal Tianzun, there were 19 disciples in the Jiulian class. They were in a competitive relationship with each other, but if they were alone, they would be easily targeted.

Therefore, she also wants to find an ally, so the same as the demon family, the strength and tyranny of the cold is naturally a good candidate.

Ling Han also laughed: "Thank you for the praise of the sister."

"I will go up the mountain with me." Purple cream did not look at the wind and the four wild clouds, as long as she did not die, she was too lazy to pay attention.

She led the way in front, and the two little buttocks twisted out the touching style. Even the angels, sacred beasts, and zergs had to admit that the woman's body was really hot.

Not to mention the market star, the eyes have not been able to leave.

It is no wonder that he is tempted, and he is worthy of being worthy of his emperor. It is of course more difficult to find a beautiful woman who is also a demon.

Feng Haiyan and the four desert clouds were ignored. After a while, they barely climbed up. One was bitten all over the other, the other broke their legs, broke their lower abdomen, and lost half of their heads. .

"This hatred is not reported, swears no one!"

"Must let this child be broken!"

Both of them said that they gritted their teeth and looked at each other and they showed a sneer.

It is said that the people of Ling Han went up the mountain with the purple frost. After a long time, the fog finally faded, and everyone also received the letter.

Like the purple frost, it is not necessary. The constant sacred veins have cultivated special exercises. They can not be affected by this fog. Otherwise, even if the ancestors of the Eighteen Lotus came, they would be dizzy.

Because this is the means of heaven!

"Come on, first drink tea, the deity of the Master is always suffering, leaving a thought outside the gods, and should be able to come back in a few days." Purple frost smiled and greeted everyone.

This is a living room, not how to be brilliant, but it has an atmosphere.

In the living room, all the furniture is made of stone. At first glance, it is an amazing year, with a sense of quaintness.

"On the tea!" Purple cream lightly sighed, and soon after, a servant came over with a tea tray.

The people of Ling Han are all exposed to the color of surprise. It is not that this servant has an amazing appearance, or that it is highly exaggerated, but this person is actually a human race.


In the exotic site four, there is a human race!

This is a man who looks like he is in his thirties, his eyebrows are pleasing to the eye, and he is a loyal slave.

Ling Han’s heart could not help but tighten. He never imagined that he would see a Terran here, and looking at the other side’s appearance, it seems that he had long forgotten the hatred of foreign countries and enslaved.

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