"What's wrong with you?" Zhuo Kai laughed, and the three-dimensional Tianxian Wang would be so embarrassed, it was really a laugh.

The young man in the purple coat coughed and kept talking. He couldn’t speak, just pointing his finger behind Zhuo Kai.

Zhuo Kai was strange. He turned his head and looked at it. Suddenly, he only felt a chill coming from behind, and he almost screamed out.

Suddenly there was a face at the window, wasn't he just ridiculed?

Hell, I was rushed up silently and wanted to scare people.

Moreover, the carriage is obviously still advancing at a high speed. This person actually keeps up, and is stable and scary. What kind of monster is this?

"Country, oh, fast!" Zhuo Kai shouted, some angry and angry, he was actually scared.

In the frosty plane, there are actually many people who have a strong resentment against outsiders, thinking that they have taken away too many opportunities that should belong to them. This is a big contradiction. If there are not many big people to suppress, I am afraid that a fierce civil war will break out.

Zhuo Kai is a "local" and can't look forward to the outsiders, so he just sneered at the face after the cold.

He thought that Ling Han would be overtaken by a horse-drawn carriage, and the speed would definitely not be as good as himself. Who thought that it was not the full use of Ling Han.

Ling Han snorted and said: "Apologize to me!"

He is actually a very good person. He doesn't come to provoke him, and he won't provoke others.

But who can make Zhuo Kai guilty, do you have to provoke?

Then let the other side see what is called temper.

"Roll!" Zhuo Kai calmed down and immediately raised his arm and made a strong effort.

He is also the Triple Emperor, the attack is very amazing, with terrible power.

Ling Han casually punches, bangs, this temper is immediately annihilated, easy.


The young man in the purple coat was also shocked. I didn’t expect the strength of Ling Han to be so strong. I quickly followed the shot, and I shot it out and slammed it to the shoulder of Ling Han.

Hey, Ling Han’s figure flashed and disappeared from the window.

Zhuo Kai two people sighed, this is who, how powerful is so terrible.

Fortunately, I finally got rid of it.

At this moment, they only felt that the carriage was shocked and then they flew up.

what happened?

Hey, the carriage fell to the ground, and a loud bang was heard. At the same time, it had a strong impact. After all, at such a high speed, the impact of the rollover was certainly terrible.

Hey, Zhuo Kai two people bumped into the car in the car, but fortunately, after all, it is the king of the fairy, under the rules of their own operation, they have floated up in the air, and they are covered with a layer of light shield to resist the impact. power.

When the carriage stopped completely, they also opened the door and walked out. They immediately started to be shocked, because the dragon that served as the foot was lying on the ground with four feet, and a big bag was bulging on the head. It was obviously The person stunned.

The murderer is... Ling Han!

They saw a man standing on the side of the carriage, his hands behind him, full of pretentious taste.

"Bold!" Zhuo Kai angered, "I can't even move with my ride, are you impatient?"

This is the pride of a "local man" who always looks down on outsiders.

Ling Han could not help but be amazed. How disappointed this person is, has not been taught, dare to be so arrogant? He touched his chin and said, "Have anyone ever said that you are lacking?"

The young man in purple nodded in his heart. He didn't know Zhuo Kai for two days. Of course, he knew that this person was short of heart. He set up many enemies in peace, but in fact it was unnecessary.

If Zhuo Kai had a ancestral ancestor, this kid didn't know how many times he would be shackled, and he might have died long ago.

Zhuo Kai has no self-knowledge in this respect. He is too proud. He has a ancestors who are quasi-tianzun. See who is not in the eye. He snorted: "Give me a sin, or I will make you die!"

Ling Hanhe smiled, this kind of realistic is lack of mind, talking with him is simply insulting his IQ. He shot directly, and the big hand came out, one by one.

After completing the rules of the frosty plane, his combat power has been straightforward, almost no less than physical skills. Moreover, physical surgery is limited to the big realm. As long as it does not enter the four heavens, it can only be limited to this, but the rules are different. He is still only in the early days of the triple sky, and there is room for improvement.

According to Ling Han’s estimation, in the end, his physical and legal powers should be on the same page.

The young man in purple and Zhuo Kai fought back at the same time. One was the emperor, but Zhuo Kai was only the emperor. He was sure to have the ancestors of his family when he entered the martial arts. Otherwise, the break might not appear here.

In fact, the same is true. Zhuo Kai is the ancestors of his ancestors who have never been recognized by the martial arts. Therefore, he does not have his own Dongfu, nor does he have the cultivation resources issued by the martial arts. If you can't get in, you are purely deceiving yourself.

What is the use of their counterattacks?

Ling Han’s big hand fell unstoppable. Hey, Zhuo Kai’s two bodies were shocked at the same time, and they could not help but feel uncomfortable.

Zhuo Kai two people know that they have encountered a hard scorpion, but they are all green.

Ling Han touched his chin: "How to deal with you?"

There is Tianzun sitting here, killing is not enough, and some rules must be observed.

Well, just do it.

Once Ling Han is angry, it will not easily settle down.

He smiled and smiled, and Zhuo Kai and the young man in purple clothes were smashed at the same time, and then they slammed hard, and the clothes on both of them were turned into fly ash.

"You, what do you want to do!" Both were shocked, even if it was the fairy king, it still scared a cold sweat.

Ling Han’s eyes are too evil. Shouldn’t he be the metamorphosis that specializes in corrupting men’s chrysanthemums?

"Reassured, rest assured, I don't have such a heavy taste." Ling Han smiled.

Zhuo Kai two people just breathed a sigh of relief, but I don’t think so. You don’t have a heavy taste. What do you take off our clothes?

Ling Han left the young man in purple clothes on the ground and then stacked Zhuo Kai.

This time, the two kings are green at the same time.

Ling Hanhe smiled and pointed a finger on the two of them.

"Ah!" Zhuo Kai both screamed at the same time, only to feel that the heart was torn, generally unspeakable, and the body was swaying slightly.

However, whoever sees this scene will have a heart.

The two men are doing shameless things, and they are not shameless!

Ling Han is extremely satisfied, and he seems to have made progress in the accomplishment of the whole person.

It is worth celebrating.

He walked to the side of the dragon and took a light shot on the other's head. A force shocked and immediately awakened the dragon.

Dalong regained consciousness and couldn’t help but be furious after seeing Ling Han. It was this guy who knocked himself out.

It knows that it is not the opponent of Ling Han, but he has to complain to the master, but he has seen a scene that makes it unshameable.

Rely on, my golden dragon eye!

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