Run cold, chasing the moon.

The two men used their means of exhibition, and the wild moon continually exerted a spiritual shock, and turned into a variety of weapons with black gas, and rushed toward Ling Han. Ling Han is not afraid, attacking the classics with innocence, and counterattacking with five elements of lightning.

After the five-row thunder, the barren month almost ate a big loss, but he was the super-star of the Nine Heavens Peak. The fighting power was much higher than that of Ling Han, and he also mastered the Jiuhua Tianjing. Tianzunbao, at the expense of eating a small loss, still resolved.

After this attack, the moon has certainly become more cautious, and no longer regards Ling Han as the Seventh Heavenly King, but the same existence as his realm.

But he is so cautious, although Ling Han can no longer hurt him, but invisible also makes him a small threat to Ling Han.

Hey, the two great kings are constantly moving through the space, and the speed is fast and outrageous.

Of course, many people have seen them all the way, but how can they dare to intervene and ask them what is going on?

The ridiculous month can be sent out by the frenzy to preside over the overall situation. Of course, not only is the Super Emperor of the Nine Heavens Peak so simple, he can't catch up with Ling Han for a long time, and his eyes flashed in the stern color, and three fine needles were sacrificed.

This was given to him by the madness. Of course, it was not the treasure of his own refining, but it was obtained from the hands of the **** of war and death in the long war.

This is... Tianzun treasure!

Of course, the three fine needles have been seriously damaged, far from the power of the Tianzun level, but still beyond the level of the nine heavens, infinitely close to the power of the quasi-tianzun.

The key is that in his hands, the power of these three fine needles can be fully exerted.

"go with!"

He snorted and under full force, the three fine needles were completely recovered, but there was no rune, and only endless power was moving.

Tian Zun can not rule.

Hey, three fine needles volleyed, chasing away toward the cold, the speed is too fast to describe.

Ling Han couldn't help but feel a strong vigilance. The gods swept away and found three fine needles, but when he discovered it, he was less than a hundred feet away, and he was still approaching quickly.

Ninety feet, eighty feet, seventy feet, this speed is far above the cold.

He mobilized the space rules to move himself to another position, and the fine needles turned automatically, as if they were self-conscious.

If the Tianzun treasure can be so easy to dodge, it is too expensive, is it?

Ling Han re-shows the time rule, wants to delay the approach of the three fine needles, but it also has no effect, it seems to be untouchable.

"Tianzun treasure!" Ling Han said in his heart, only Tianzun treasure has such power!

Can only be hardened!

Ling Han a sharp turn, the fairy magic sword has been waved, squatting to three fine needles.

Ding! Ding!

Two fragile sounds, the fairy magic sword has picked up two fine needles, and cut it off with invincibility, but the third fine needle broke through the defense line of the fairy magic sword and struck the body of Ling Han.

Ling Han is already running the immortal, but this time it does not kill the classics but it does not work. The fine needle breaks through his skin and enters his blood vessels.

The ridiculous moon can not help but sigh, time is falling, it is the treasure of Tianzun refining is also ruined. Otherwise, the fine needle is not a sacred gold, but it should not be broken.

But there is still a fine needle into the body of Ling Han, this is enough, the power of the quasi-tianzun level erupts, that is, Jiuzhong Tianfeng Fengxian Wang has only one dead end!

Ling Han received the sword and turned back to continue running. He knew it was not right, but he only tried to find a way while running.


He only felt that the blood in his body seemed to be burning, and he was very uncomfortable.

This is by no means an illusion. He clearly sees the heat on his skin and the water is quickly draining.

This is a big killer, and he will burn him into a dead body.

Ling Han snorted, grabbed his left hand, and extracted a lot of water elements from the heavens and the earth into the body to ease the crisis in the body. He will not be able to run the scriptures, trying to force the fine needle out.

But the fine needle moves along the blood, still amazingly fast, and can't be captured at all.

"Don't be in vain, it is a weapon that has been tempered by thousands of people in the past. Although he has done it with his own hands and has not used precious materials, it is still not a small seven-day king of the king who can fight." "The moon is said later."

Ling Han naturally will not pay attention to it. He has experienced countless dangers in his life. How can he give up because his opponent has spoken a few words?

However, there is nothing wrong with the ridiculous month. He really has no way to push the fine needle out of the body.

Then -

Ling Han suddenly showed a twilight, and his fingers were slamming against his fingers.

Hey, the blood was splashed, and a finger was immediately smashed down, but the boiling of the human life in the body disappeared.

Because the fine needle just happened to run to the finger, he was smashed with his finger with his sword.

The strong man broke his wrist, not caring about this hand, but cherishing his life.

Ling Han even did not wrinkle his eyebrows. Before the body continually burst, what is it now?

The barren moon was shocked. I didn’t expect Ling Han to be not only wonderful to himself, but also the insight was so amazing that it eliminated a big murder at the least cost.

In his eyes, he is murderous, and this is to let Ling Han escape from birth. This future will become a peerless powerhouse and become one of the main forces to resist frenzy.

Can't stay.

He struggled to catch up and destroy this hidden danger.

Ling Han is not angry and not shocked. His goal is extremely clear. Now he has the opportunity to kill the wild moon. He will not shoot, because it is the most important thing to stop the nine kings in the Yuan Tomb.

Chasing, fleeing, chasing, fleeing, ten years, twenty years, thirty years, time flies, almost fifty years later, the mountain where the first martial arts institute is located is already in sight.

As a former disciple of the martial arts, how can you not know that this is the world’s first military court?

He screamed, but he had to stop the pursuit and step away.

If he leads out the Tianzun in the martial arts, then he is definitely a part of the spike. He sells himself to frenzied, even if he is the son of the seven-step Tianzun, he will be immediately smashed.

"Damn! Damn!" he muttered. "Only when you start the backup plan, you can't let a small **** break the plan of a frantic adult."

Ling Han has been in the air for a while, and it has entered the sphere of influence of the First Military Academy in the world. There is no guard here. If you can stop all the unqualified people, why should you guard?

He quickly passed the big array, then shouted in the sky, making a loud noise like a thunder.

"What is the ghost?" There were a lot of Xian Wang rushing out and screaming at Ling Han. Here they are all from the countless planes of Tianjiao, which have invincible capital.

Ling Han did not care to step on, loudly: "Black 驴 predecessors can be?"

"Hey!" The black shadow flashed, and a black skull suddenly appeared. His face was full of shock. "How did you run out of the kid? Who put you out?"

Ling Hanzheng said: "Predecessors, something big!"

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