Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2662: Born to fight

Ling Han did not move, but only for a while, then I heard a lot of movement from outside, obviously I have already played with Zhu Hongxuan.

The battle did not last long, and it quickly became calm, and then I saw a big step and walked in.

“What do you want to do naturally?” Yan Xianlu couldn’t help but ask.

He took a deep breath and said: "He sent a battle to Ling Han, and he fought in Qianfenglin three days later."

Natural challenge?

Ling Han thought for a moment and said: "What is it that is born now?"

"He has made amazing progress, it is already seven heavens!" said Yuhuang.

If it is not enough for 100 million years, he will break through two heavens. This is as fast as it is. To know that the higher the realm, the slower it will be.

Ling Han has a smile: "Seven heavens? Well, promise him, three days later, Qianfeng Lin fight!"

Rain Emperor, Different, and Yanxian Road were discolored at the same time, and they were persuaded.

"Ling Han, don't be impulsive, born this person's combat power is far beyond the realm, the level of enchantment is not under you! He once challenged the strongest of the nine!"

"And, this body is barely like the fairy gold, this is the most terrible thing, that is, the strong king of the king can only suppress him, and can not get rid of it."

"He was born in an invincible position, too bad to deal with."

Ling Han just smiled, and then let go of the realm. Suddenly, seven colorful entanglements were entangled in him, and the screaming, breathtaking atmosphere of the three people was horrified.

"Four brothers, you actually broke through the seven heavens!" After the shock, the face of the rain emperor was all happy.

Ling Han nodded, although he had already tied himself in the realm, but there was not much happiness on his face. Because in his plan, but to break through to Jiuzhongtian in 100 million years, now it is enough to have two realms, which is much different from the expected value.

"The same level of the first battle, the strength of the four brothers will never lose!" Rain King nodded.

"But, the most powerful thing is not his strength, but his body, like immortality, not bad!" Yanxian Road is still worried.

Ling Han smiled and said: "No problem, I want to try this guy's quality when I come back this time, that is, he will not fight with me, I will fight with him."

"That... I will reply to him."

Soon, an amazing big news came out, it was born to fight the cold, three days later, the thousand winds in the forest.

Suddenly the entire military court was a sensation.

Who is Ling Han, it is estimated that there are nine out of ten people who don’t know, but they are born with almost no one knows, no one knows. He walked over and didn’t know how many powerful students were challenged. Most of them were In order to win the game, and occasionally win, but also ended in a draw.

Because no one can get his body, tyrannical, like fairy gold!

The Nine Heavenly Kings can refine the fairy gold, but still can't destroy the fairy gold, then how can it really hurt to be born?

This is a monster!

Now this monster actually wants to challenge a person who is not known, how does this make people accept?

"Is it a very low-key person in Ling Han, is it actually the Emperor of the Nine Heavens Peak?"

"Yeah, yeah, if it is not, then it is worthy of a natural challenge. He has always challenged people who are higher than him. If he fights with the realm, he is as strong as Xiao Hero, Miaohua and so on."

"Wrong, you are all wrong, this cold...just seven days."


"Is it natural to challenge the same king?"

"Oh, it is said that this cold and natural is from the same plane. It used to be an old rival. Although he was born with the upper hand, he could not kill him. Therefore, this time they did not know how many times they decided to fight. ”

"I have heard that they are because a woman is grudged!"

"Hey, how do I hear that it is a natural pursuit of cold, but Ling Han does not like to break the sleeves, and the result is born to love and hate, completely anti-eyes?"

"You are not right. You can still remember, Zhang San and Li Si, who are named on the ancient stone?"

"Of course, remember, it is absolutely fierce!"

"Ling Han is Zhang San, it is Li Si!"


"The battle between the two will be worth seeing. Ling Han is definitely not weak."

"How about that, don't forget the natural body, comparable to Xianjin, without fear of any fairy king."

"Also, it should still be a natural winner."

The trainees have been talking about each other, and they have become very gossip. Many of the big forces are also moving in the wind. Those who can be challenged by nature are bound to be extraordinary people. They want to get acquainted with Ling Han.

The entire college is looking forward to how exciting the three days after the dragon fight.

Ling Han is a sense of tension without fighting. He is living quietly with the ladies. It seems that he is not going to fight after three days.

"French, are you sure?" Liu Yutong asked all the girls.

Ling Han smiled slightly: "By this person, only from the point of view of defense, has reached the peak of Xian Wang, can really destroy Xianjin, and only the power of Tianzun."

"What should I do?" Everyone was anxious, especially the soft demon girl. She had seen her innate power. At the beginning, it was the cold, the rainy emperor, the no name, the fire hibiscus and so on. It was not his enemy.

"No matter, your husband is not vegetarian." Ling Han smiled. After tens of thousands of years, he also mastered the Jiuhua Classic. One person holds three heavenly treasures. Is this still not qualified to be born?

When the girls saw Ling Han so confident, they only believed in the husband.

Three days, I will pass.

Because both sides of the decisive battle are very famous, coupled with the help of the people, when the decisive battle is coming, not only will the participants of this session come to watch the battle, but they will also come out in the past few years.

Ah Mu, Zao Yue, Du Shi, but the characters who have been named on the ancient stone have already reached the peak of Jiuzhong Tian, ​​but this step is too difficult to cross. They are still struggling at this level.

Even the three of them have arrived, showing how much attention has been paid to this decisive battle.

The three student giants held their hands in the sky, out of reach, nine different colors, but they seemed to be merged into one, and they were uncertain.

This is because they are about to step into the quasi-nature, and once they step out of this step, they will be separated from the scope of the king.

Born to have been born, he is like a star to the moon, there is a large group of people around him, he is holding hands and standing, seven colorful entangled, sharp and revealing.

Seeing that time has passed, but Ling Han has never seen the figure, everyone is starting to worry.

"Ling cold?"

"Can't you fight?"

"Hey, if you promised a battle, but you are still escaping, will he still have a face to stay in the military court?"

"It’s really a stigma!"

Among the people watching the battle, it is most depressing to count Zhuo Kai. He was repaired by Ling Han, and he wanted to take revenge. But he had limited energy in the martial arts, and his ancestors fought in the battlefield outside the field. It is impossible to come back. I can only keep my breath.

Later, Ling Han quietly went to the Xian Wang Cemetery, and he even had no possibility of revenge.

Finally, waiting for this opportunity, he is extremely eager to see the natural violent chills, how can it not come cold?

Just then, I saw a figure suddenly appearing in the distance.

It is Ling Han.

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