Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2669: Attitude change

Ling Han nodded, Yan Yan smiled: "Not bad."

The Wang family is big, the ancestors are even three-step Tianzun, so the difficulty of the Wang family to obtain Xianjin is far below him. If this is not the case, why should Ling Han cooperate with the Wang family and make his own alchemy? The profits are all his own.

Wang Qianyang considered it and said: "Good!"

But he immediately said: "Xin Jin is too precious, but a small friend needs to refine many medicinal herbs to get a piece."

"I know." Ling Han nodded. "You will send the materials tomorrow."

Wang Qianyang laughed, and Ling Han’s style of resoluteness was very appetizing for him. He had an idea in his heart, but hesitated, and he said in his heart: “Wait a few pots of medicinal herbs, look at this. Let's talk about Dan's rate and quality."

"Farewell." Ling Han arched his hand, since the business has been fixed, he did not have to stay.

"Little friends, don't you drink two glasses?" Wang Qianyang stayed.

Ling Han didn't talk, just slammed his mouth toward the mountain.

Wang Qianyang thought that the following Dongfu had been destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between Ling Han and Ma Yuhai. He had to smile a bit and bowed to Ling Handao: "Small friends please."

When Ling Han drifted away, Wang Jiayue came out.

"Grandpa, why are you so polite to the madman?" she spoke.

Wang Qianyang showed a kind smile. He always liked this granddaughter: "If people have real skills, then of course they can be mad."

Wang Jiayue whispered: "But you can play some."

"Ha ha ha!" Wang Qianyang laughed. He caressed his granddaughter's head. Suddenly, "You are not too small, but now you have broken into the king of the king. Should you consider lifelong events?"

Wang Jiayue was shy and squatted: "You don't want to marry people, you have to accompany your grandfather!"

"Stupid girl, who grew up not married?"


Ling Han returned to his own Dongfu, and said what happened to the girls, and also let the girls shake their heads again and again. This husband is really unpleasant, and wherever he goes, he gets rid of it.

Early the next morning, sure enough, the Wang family sent a heavyweight to come over and **** the alchemy materials.

It is Wang Yangming.

These materials are too precious, what if the road is robbed?

The ninth heaven prince escorts, even if you meet someone who can't beat it, it is easy and pleasant to leave.

Wang Yangming obviously didn't like the cold. After coming here, he threw a space artifact to Ling Han and hurriedly ran. It seems that watching Ling Han will be troublesome.

Ling Han naturally does not care, Wang Yang name does not want to see him, he also has no goodwill for Wang Yangming.

For Xianjin, Ling Han began to refine Dan.

He first looked at the materials sent by Wang Jia, and he couldn't help but raise his emotions. It turned out to be a wealthy man.

These materials are enough to refine the seven furnaces, and according to Wang Yangming, this is only a negligible part.

The power that exists in the era of the epoch is too extraordinary.

Ling Han running physique, time flow accelerated, only a few hours, he refining the first medicinal herbs.

"Perfect." Ling Han smiled, as his cultivation is improved, refining the Xianwang Dadan is also easy, not only can guarantee the rate of Cheng Dan, Cheng Dan's quality is not the top grade is the best.

He continued to work hard, and all the seven furnaces were made in one day.

Then, he informed Wang Yangming to take the drug.

It didn't take long for Wang Yangming to come, but his face was a bit dark.

"What are you looking for?" He was impatient.

"The medicinal preparation of medicinal herbs is good, take it." Ling Han threw out the space artifact.

Wang Yangming sneered, what a joke, just after a day, you have refining the medicinal herbs? Do you think that I will only take medicine and I don’t know Dandao at all?

"Kid, be a man!"

He just wanted to educate him about the truth of being a cold man, but when he became immersed in the space artifact, he was exclaimed because there were indeed seven bottles of medicinal herbs.

Not fake, right?

He quickly took out a bottle of medicinal herbs, and after unplugging the cork, his face suddenly moved.

Real medicine!

He changed another bottle, it was still a real medicine, and seven bottles were all.

Niubi, one day, he refines the seven furnaces of the king.

and many more!

He was shocked by the color of the seven furnaces. It was only a theoretical value. Isn't it a normal thing to make a sizzling blast? Especially the fairy king Dadan, it is naturally more difficult to refine, and the explosion is a rare thing.

It must be said that even the seven furnaces, furnaces and furnaces are not exploding in the storm shed, is there such a clever thing?

Wang Yangming took a deep breath and nodded: "Ling Xiaoyou, before this is a small look at you!" He bowed slightly toward Ling Han and performed a ceremony.

Ling Han could not help but make a big difference to this person. It is worthy of being born, but although it will inevitably have arrogance, but it can also be afforded, and the temperament is extraordinary. He nodded: "Well."

"This seat should go to see the owner immediately, huh, I hope that there will be deeper contact in the future." Wang Yangming laughed.

Ling Han licked his lower teeth, and the old man changed his face to become too fast, so that he could not adapt at all, and he always felt that he had no useful meaning.

Wang Yangming went quickly and came again. This time he brought more materials and he could refine the twenty furnaces.

Ling Han continued to refine alchemy, only three days later, he also informed Wang Yangming.

Although there is already psychological preparation, Wang Yangming is still scared.

Twenty furnaces, a lot, reached the theoretical maximum.

He was so stunned that he took the remedy and left again.

One day later, Wang Qianyang personally came over... and Wang Jiayue, she has already passed through the nine annihilation and became the official student of the martial arts.

"Little friends, although the old man has been very high-estimated, I did not expect to look down on you." Wang Qianyang sighed.

He thought that when he talked with Ling Han a few days ago, when the other party was lightly saying what Dan would refine, he still didn't take it for granted. He thought that Ling Han was a young man and he was inevitably exaggerated. He did not expect Ling Han to be honest. It is still modest.

Wang Jiayue was a beautiful woman, and looked at Ling Han with amazement. In the past few days, she also learned about the many deeds of Ling Han, and finally knows how powerful this guy is.

In contrast, Ma Yuhai is simply slag.

"Little friends, there are three pieces of fairy gold here." Wang Qianyang handed out a space artifact.

Ling Han naturally wouldn't be polite. He reached out and took over. The gods swept away and immediately smiled.

It is a royal family. It is really rich and rich. Even the precious things like Xianjin can come out with three pieces at a time.

"More." Ling Han was happy to be happy, but still said.

Although he refines nearly thirty pots of medicinal herbs, on the premise of half-profit, a piece of immortal gold is enough to deal with his remuneration.

Wang Qianyang laughed: "There are two remaining pieces, and it is an advance."

Is there such a good thing?

Ling Han smiled and said: "Can the Wang family have something else?"

Wang Qianyang is pleased, this kid is really smelling the sound of the string and knowing the elegance: "My family is not too big, I want to find a dragon."

He hasn't finished a sentence yet, Ling Han has an interface, saying: "I have a brother, the martial arts talent is amazing, but it is not yet married."

Wang Qianyang suddenly black face.

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