Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2690: 斩九重天

The people who can see this scene underneath are completely stupid.

Although Ling Han had an example of a resurgence of the Nine Emperors in the past, it may be that the King of the Kings did not do his best. But now it is different, everyone knows the enchanting of Ling Han, but it is still hit by the cold, which means that the strength of Ling Han is strong and perverted.

However, more than 30 celestial kings have been catching up and formed a situation of encirclement.

"This is over, and falling into such a heavy encirclement, it is impossible for Ling Han to escape."

"Unless he is a quasi-nature!"

Ten Jiuzhong Tianfeng Fengxian Wang can only win a quasi-tianzun, barely tie a tie, but if you really want to bury a quasi-tianzun, then it’s impossible to do a hundred-nine-day of. Therefore, it is easy and easy for the quasi-tianzun to break through such encirclement, but what about Ling Han?

It is impossible to think about it.

"Unless the two masters of the martial arts are in the office."

"Impossible, these nine heavenly kings dare to openly shot, obviously have already said hello."

"As long as you don't hit the cold, you can do it."

Underneath, Yun Aokong and other young people are sneer and sneer, and they will finally see the price of the demon who has tortured themselves.

Ah Mu, Du XI, and the waning moon look at each other. They are all slightly frowning. They are thinking, if they are replaced by them, how should they resolve such a dilemma? Hard cockroaches are surely not eaten with good fruits, even if they can fight a few celestial kings, they will eventually be overwhelmed.

What about Ling Han?


He shouted and slammed his hands, no scruples.

Oh, it’s too embarrassing. Isn’t this just adding your own defeat?


The nine-fold Tianxian Wang Qiqi shot, the rules turn, the road roars, the power is soaring, even if it is the quasi-tianzun to frown, right?

Ling Han slammed his fists, but the attack was too much. Some of the attacks were resolved by him, but some did not, and they hit him. However, the terrible things appeared. These attacks hit the body of Ling Han. They just splashed a ray of light, but they could not break his defense.

"What, what!"

All the kings are moving, this is too amazing, what kind of defense is this kid, it is almost God.

The immortal king does not destroy the body!

To repair such a body, it is that the Qiu Tian Xian Wang Qi Bong is not hurt, only the quasi-tianzun can destroy.

So, what is the fear of Ling Han?

He is rampant in the Xianwang group, and he does not need to take care of defense.

Underneath, everyone is stunned.

Actually have such a perverted body? I am afraid it is not much worse than being born.

Perhaps the natural defense is to be a little stronger, but the question is, can the strength of the cold can be torn apart by the inherent strength of the present?

It is enough.

Ling Han shouting, double fists anger, these forces are not grateful for his contribution, forget it, and actually blame the cemetery of the cemetery on his head, which makes him angry.

In his view, these people should be thrown into the battlefield outside the field, let them fend for themselves.

Then, it is up to him to clean up now!

Ling Han shot without hesitation, but the time of a column of incense was not enough, there were more than a dozen Xian Wang was bombarded by him. However, because the cold can not always run the nine-dimensional or the five elements of lightning, therefore, these fairy kings are only minor injuries.

He was not very satisfied and originally wanted to kill a few.

But such a record falls in the eyes of others, but it is all dumbfounded.

Is this a quasi-thousand?

Was besieged by more than 30 Jiu Tian Tian Wang, not only was not suppressed, but also injured more than a dozen Xian Wang, such a force is no one.

"The tricks!" Those fairy kings were furious and angry. They also felt that their faces were burning. So many kings joined forces to besiege an eight-eight-day king who had no face on his face, but he was actually injured by the other side. Which one of them could still Can you lift your head?

More than a dozen Xian Wang continued to entangle the cold, and other Xian Wang began to accumulate big moves, to smash the cold in one fell swoop.

This is shameless but very effective.

More than a dozen fairy kings can be entangled in the sacred Tianzun. It is also possible to block the cold. Therefore, Ling Han can only watch the fairy kings start to make big moves, but they can't stop it.


Seven Xian Wang took the lead in completing the momentum and provoked a terrible attack.

boom! boom! boom!

More Xian Wang took out a big move and went to Ling cold.

Endless brilliance and flash, like fireworks, but all the people watching the battle have the same idea, such a fierce attack can not kill Ling Han, then things can be big, maybe Lin Jia Will appear.

What is Lin Family? There are seven steps to sit in the town, even if Lin Luo does not come out, it is Zhou Heng, Lin Xiaoyang, Chu Hao, who can easily go out and sweep the world into a ninety-nine. Who can get it?

The brilliance of the attack dissipated, and only at the center of the battle group, there was a golden light that became a sphere.

Ling Han!

He opened up the invincible scriptures and hardly blocked the big kings of the great kings, almost without hurting.

He was still hurt, and there were wounds on his arms and lower abdomen, but they were all small injuries. After all, it was the 30-year-old Jiuzhong Tianfeng Fengxian magnifying enrollment, even if it did not destroy the scriptures, he would not let him not hurt at all. But such an injury is naturally a trivial matter, and it is impossible to affect his combat power.


All the kings are only aware of the scalp, so the defensive power is desperate and completely unsolvable.

Ling Han murderous as blazing, he finally sacrificed the fairy magic sword, to break through the defense line of these fairy kings, the words of the killing, it is impossible to do with his own strength.

Then use the supreme treasure.

"Ha ha ha!" When seeing Ling Han offering such a weapon, those nine-day angels are laughing.

Are you taking such a tattered thing to make it fun?

They don't use fairy tools. First, they are rare. They don't make people feel one. Second, they want to win the cold. Naturally, they don't use the fairy. Otherwise, they will die and hurt. The original intention does not match.

Just now they were shocked by the big move being blocked by Ling Han, but now they are not holding their stomachs.

Ling Han also laughed, and now these people, although they laughed, waited for them to cry.

His feet are down, his body is exploding, and his temper is fast. He has come to a person and throws his sword out.

Now these fairy kings know that his body skills are amazing, so they are all in pairs, one person is attacked, and the other person will help to resolve it together. Therefore, the two great kings shot at the same time and went back to Ling Han.


The glory of the cold light, the nine heavy tremors.

Although the two great kings blasted the attack, they could be swayed in the cold, and they were smashed into two breaks without any suspense.

Waist and broken, like grass mustard.

This is this, what is the situation?

Even if the broken sword is a fairy, the nine-day king is standing at the end of the rule. Under the entanglement, the fairy can't be broken.

Can be a sword down, the two kings are all waisted, this is too exaggerated, right?

"Heaven, Heavenly Treasure!"

After a long time, someone said it in a tough tone.

(End of this chapter)

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