Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2698: Real battle

Ling Han stood in the air, he thought for a moment, said: "You are right."

"Ling Han, you can almost receive it." Yun Yanghao advised, "But eight days, it has achieved such a record, and your reputation will not be accessible to the second king! The field battlefield You need such a genius, the deity does not want to kill you, so don't force the deity!"

This is naturally a plan to slow down the troops. The Tianzun Tianzun forces were blocked by an eight-person Tianxian Wang. This is the humiliation of the Yun family.

Therefore, Yun Yanghao hopes to repel Ling Han, and when he completely consolidates the cultivation of Zhun Zun, or the family ancestors return, it is easy and pleasant to kill the cold.

Now, let this kid be happy and proud of it.

Ling Han show Yan Yixiao, said: "Yun Yang Hao, come to war, this time I will be good to meet you!"

He suddenly realized that every time Yun Yanghao zoomed in and hid him, this kind of battle would hurt him if he had some pressure, but he knew that he could never have a life threat. In this case, how can he squeeze his own potential and use the hand of Yun Yanghao to break through the nine heavens?

He needs real pressure, which can make him feel that life and death will be in the first line, and it will fall.

Therefore, he has to fight again, this time he will not hide the big move of Yun Yang.

Yun Yanghao is almost inflated, he has already put down his posture, so good words and persuasion, but Ling Han is still not oil and salt, iron heart to follow the cloud.

Is it worthless to have a quasi-tianzun?

His face is full of color, this time he is really angry.

"Since you are stubborn, the deity will let you taste the regret." He is almost literally.

Ling Han no longer nonsense, double fists, and attacked the past with Yun Yang.

He wants to put himself in an extremely dangerous place, and he will fall down and force himself to exert his potential.

"You are really arrogant!" Yun Yang is mad, without the help of Tianzun treasure, what is Ling Han fighting against himself?


Just a blow, Ling Han vomited blood, Xian Wang does not destroy the body can let him against the nine-day Tianfeng Fengxian Wang is also fearless, but on the words of the quasi-tianzun, but a blow made him seriously injured.

"Come back!" Ling Han was laughing, and he found his blood began to boil.

It turned out that he has been wrong, although he is challenging a quasi-tianzun, but he is always fighting, that is also called fighting?

The battle is going to be vigorous and vigorous, and it will be born and died.

"It's really looking for death!" Yun Yanghao sneered, he didn't know what madness had been mad, but Ling Han was willing to fight with him but it was his heart.

I only hope that this kid will not escape any more.

boom! boom! boom!

The two of them were in a hurry, and Ling Han was in an absolutely unfavorable situation. Every time he blew his blood, he blew his blood. After a dozen times, he was broken.

But Ling Han has never retired, nor has he taken out the magic sword.

He burned his fighting spirit, and he did not destroy the classics. The speed of recovery was amazing.

In the war, he is like a madman.

Yun Yanghao is a little shocked. Is a small Eight-Eight King of Heaven so hard to kill? Quasi-tianzun shots, have passed hundreds of strokes, but Ling Han is still biting his teeth, whoever looks at it must move.

What worries him even more is that under such a **** battle, Ling Han really has the possibility to break through the self and take the final step of the fairy kingdom.

If you change another person, then it is the nine-day Tianfeng Fengxian Wang. He has no fear at all, and he can suppress it with his hands. But the Linghan is different. This guy has such a strength in the Eight Heavens. Entering Jiuzhongtian may have been in court with him, and with the help of the fairy magic sword, it is possible to reverse him.

Never let this kid break through!

He went all out to kill the cold with the thunder.

The battle of Ling Han is extremely difficult. Even if Yun Yanghao does not use Tianzunbao, he can be allowed to shoot, how terrible is the power?

His injuries are getting heavier and heavier, but the fighting spirit that can be exuded is more and more vigorous, like a wolf smoke, and it has become a substance. His face has long been stained with blood, and it smells like a lone wolf. The counterattack will only become more intense.

It’s that Yun Yanghao doesn’t dare to care. Although Ling Han does not use the fairy magic sword, he can still play a considerable threat to him when he runs Tianzunbao. He does not want to be injured in the hands of an Eight Heavenly King, even if it is a minor injury. It’s not good, it will make him laughed at the world.

He screamed in his heart, and the mentality of the quasi-tianzun was unbalanced.

But Ling Han is not dead, stubborn and strenuous. After being suppressed, it immediately rebounds. Moreover, the more it is suppressed, the greater the rebound.

Yun Yanghao sighed and had to admit that he couldn’t help but chill with his regular strength.

He must make a big move.

He opened some distance with Ling Han, and his hands opened into a bow. Hey, a golden arrow quickly formed.

Such a big move is that he can't use it many times in a row, because it involves the unique power between heaven and earth. He could only extract it to quench his body, but he can't directly use it against the enemy, but through Tianzunbao. Yes, even if it is only a trace, a little bit, but this is the power above the rules.

Rolling everything down, destroying everything, the power of non-Tianzun is unstoppable.

Ling Han immediately chilled straight, his first reaction was to open, but he was forced to press.

If he wants to break through, he will push himself to a complete desperate situation, and then he will be born again and again.


He runs the Nine Heavens and enhances his power infinitely.

Not hiding?

Yun Yanghao is a glimpse, and then he is overjoyed. This is the heavenly sacred treasure. Even the quasi-tianzun is hard to pick up. You are a hard-hitting octopus, but you are really looking for a dead end.

However, it is exactly what he wants.

This time... I really have to die.

Hey, Yun Yanghao has a loose hand and a golden arrow.

Too fast, this arrow directly crushed the space, suddenly protruding, leaving behind a rule behind it, only a flash has appeared in front of Ling Han.

"Breaking!" Ling Han punches, nourishes, the fist is wrapped around the colorful thunder.

This punch, he also run two Tianzun treasures, and suddenly the flesh and blood on his entire arm were blown up at the same time.

Compared with the Seventh Heaven, his body has not improved, but the realm is high, and the combat power is of course strong. However, the force of counter-attack is also stronger, and the damage to his own body is greater.


This punch is on the golden arrow, and the endless brilliance flashes. At this moment, the heavens and the earth are eclipsed.

Countless stars were shaken down, as if it was raining.

Ling Han blocked the golden arrow?


Even if the two heavenly treasures are not the same, the whole arm of Ling Han now has only the skeleton, and it instantly turns into countless pieces of broken bones, which are beaten in all directions, and the energy of the golden arrow is only consumed. Part of it continues to blast into the cold.

Ling Han screamed, will not kill the Tian Jing to the extreme, the body has a golden rune.

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