Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2700: King's return

This is another long process.

Ling Han appeared in the mind of Tian Zun, which has no meaning for him, but it can make him more than a hundred times more efficient.

This is so, his entry is also slow.

After 30,000 years, Ling Han once again closed the retreat, his eyes opened, and two cold light shone to the heavens and earth, more like shooting through the frosty plane.

Then, his eyes became plain and unremarkable, leaving only a warm brilliance, and the momentum of the whole body also converges as much as an ordinary person.

Returning to the truth, the situation is great!

Ling Han haha ​​laughed, grew up, and arbitrarily agitated his arms, bang, horrible blood, such as the Yangtze River.

"Small Hanzi, you finally got out!" The **** dog jumped out. "The flowers of the dog's family are thankful, and the bottom of the **** is sitting on the floor."

Ling Han is just a huh, I don’t know if he is retreating. This dead dog is very incomparable. It may be calm and calm, and definitely go everywhere, just at this time it has not gone out.

"Life index ... 14 thousand five hundred and seventy-four." Warri eyes green, scanning against Ling Han.

"Hey, your boy's strength is really not lost." The **** dog is excited and excited. This is amazing. The Nine Heavenly Kings have the power of the quasi-tianzun. If it is the achievement of the quasi-tianzun, isn’t it even one step? Can you fall?

Ling Han knows that he is not so fierce.

Because he seems to be in the early days of the Nine Heavens, he can already reach the level of quasi-tianzun in his physical skills. This is that he will not change after he truly becomes a quasi-tianzun, so then he can only improve the power of the rules, which is of course Small.

Of course, because the body is tempered by the virtual energy, his strength is far stronger than most of the quasi-celestial respect.

"Fortunately, at least you can hurt someone." He laughed.

In terms of physical skills, he is only the beginning of the quasi-nature, but because of the relationship between the virtual energy, his life index can be compared with the late Tianzun period, which is enough to let him suppress the cloud.

"Great, the dog can't wait!" The **** dog is also screaming, copying something, it likes it the most.

They left the sea and killed back to the cloud family.

More than 200,000 years later, the cloud family has returned to normal.

At first, they did worry that Ling Han was making a comeback, but after careful years and years, but they never saw the cold, they gradually let go of their hearts.

Ling Han should have died.

This is normal. It is not a normal injury to be a big move by Zhun Zun.

A cloud family asked Yun Yanghao, and after careful consideration, Yun Yanghao also said that Ling Han should have died.

At that time, Ling Han was seriously injured, and he was chased by him. The injury continued to increase and the probability of falling was very high.

He was not sure before, but after tens of thousands of years, Ling Han still had no news, and he was sure that Ling Han must have died.

He is a pity that Ling Han’s body is so tyrannical, he must have cultivated a Tianzun method, and now it has disappeared with the death of Ling Han, which makes him feel very pity.

Before being overwhelmed by Ling Han, the Yun family completely lost face. Therefore, although the body of Ling Han has not been found, Yun Yanghao has affirmed that Ling Han’s death will be dead, and they will begin to release Ling Han’s home. The news that Zhun Zun Zhai slaughtered to save the reputation of the Yun family.

"But a small eight-day, how could it be possible to shake the cloud home?"

"The quasi-tianzun shot, the younger generation only gave the death."

"This is the end of the angered cloud home."

They boasted, completely forgetting the old things that had been blocked by the cold, and even the quasi-thousands had nothing to do.

However, after all, history is in the hands of the winners, and Ling Han has not jumped out to refute, and many people have gradually accepted the "facts" that Ling Han has died.

Now the cloud family is singing and dancing.

Even, because the cold and the noise was too big, it was too legendary. It was also specially run to pay respect and condolence. The Yun family could not be banned. Over time, there was a small town, and there were a lot of daily The warrior is here to cherish, the last battle of the generation of enchanting Ling Han, fallen here.

When Ling Han three arrived, it was also shocked by the sudden emergence of the small town below. It was a bit embarrassing. What is the situation?

"Go and see." Ling Han said.

They changed their image. Ling Han is now returning to the truth. In fact, there is no need to cover up. If you are not familiar with it, it is impossible to connect him with his former self. The **** dog is transformed into a human figure, but it is an upright seven. The big man of the ruler is very mighty, but his eyes are extremely wretched and cannot change its essence.

Warri didn't have to change anything, he didn't show up at all.

Three "people" entered the town, and now it is really lively, there are restaurants, gambling houses, and even brothels, people go in and out, shuttle.

"Come on, come on, this is the stone that has the blood of the cold man." Someone called at the side of the road. He put a stall, all of them a piece of stone, and indeed dyed red blood.

This call suddenly attracted the attention of many people on the road and surrounded the past.

“Really?” Some people say that there are too many people who are playing the banner of the relics of the cold, and the results prove that most of the things are fake.

"Of course it is true. Didn't you feel the blood pressure on this stone?" The person who set up the stall immediately said proudly. "Although the cold man is fallen, he died in the hands of a quasi-tianzun but fundamentally Do not damage his enchanting name. Imagine if you can get his martial heritage from the ancient blood of Ling Han adults, and maybe you can become the second cold man in the future!"

This statement is not false. The blood of the immortal king contains the martial arts will of the immortal king. Under the circumstance, the secret of the cultivation of the immortal king can be seen. The question is, is the blood on this stone really cold?

The onlookers were agitated by the people who set up the stalls and became the second chill. What an amazing temptation.

"how much is it?"

They asked one after another.

"One million stars!" said the stall man.

Everyone is hesitant. One million stars are not a small number. Most of them are just small people in the dusty world. It is not easy to take out a million stars.

"What is the cold man, just a slag." At this moment, an abrupt voice suddenly inserted.

Everyone is annoyed. People who come here are not listening to the legend of Ling Han. They regard him as their idol. Now someone actually devalues ​​their idols and naturally makes them angry.

They turned their heads and looked at it. I saw that it was a teenager. When I saw it, I was born out of a big force. How can the arrogance not cover up?

"What are you, dare to smash the cold man?" Someone was angry.

The teenager’s gaze was cold, and he rushed to the man’s hand: “Bold, dare to insult the book, you are really impatient.”

(End of this chapter)

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