Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2715: Ling Han has great merits (six finishes)

"Do not"

Ma Feng was out of anger, and all blacks were flying, and there was a crazy lion.

There was anger in his eyes, he was such a son, and this son is also very good, and the future is not without a chance to catch himself.

However, just in front of him, his son was murdered.

He wants to kill, he wants to kill, he wants to kill!

"You don't want to die so easily. The deity wants you to suffer from an epoch, and then kill you into a slag!" Ma Feng yelled, and he shot in anger and took Ling Han down.

"Oh, I want to be beautiful." Ling Han did not fear to meet.

boom! boom! boom!

The strength of the two quasi-tianzun levels has caused tremendous damage in an instant.

"God war!" Ling Han took the lead in the sky.

"Where to run!" Ma Feng quickly caught up.

In the middle of the sky, the two strong players continue to fight against each other, so they don't have to leave any more power, they can let go of all restrictions and fight.

However, the longer they fight, the more shocked the people underneath.

Ling Han is just a nine-day king.

"Nine-Heaven Emperor King will be able to compete against Zhun Zun, my God, this is really unbelievable."

"How did he cultivate it?"

"From ancient times to the present, he should be the strongest nine heavens."

However, some people are gloating and full of sorrows and sorrows: "Hey, what about enchanting, and it is a crime to murder the disciples of the martial arts. If you are not good enough, you will also be thrown into the cemetery of the cemetery, and you will be old."

"Not necessarily, to the enchanting enchanting, may you let the martial arts network open one side?" Some people said.

"I feel that Ling Han is too arrogant, why not wait, as long as you leave the martial arts, or even kill people outside the martial arts, you don't have to worry about this."

"That is, killing people in the martial arts, and still in front of Ma Feng, this hurdle is too difficult to cross."

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, and the sky was fiercely fierce.

Hey, after a series of fierce confrontations, Ling Han was slammed seventeen times in a row, and the whole person was also shaken out.

I have to say that Ma Feng is an old-fashioned quasi-tianzun. It has been **** in the field battlefield for countless years. The combat power is indeed very powerful. It is ten times stronger than He Yufeng and Yun Yanghao.

It was only after Ling Han’s stable body shape that he saw more than a dozen holes in his body, but like a child throwing a punch on the flour group, it was only concave and not broken, and naturally there would be no blood. Seep out.

It was almost a moment, and the pits bulged and recovered quickly.

Ma Feng was originally very determined, but after seeing this scene, he almost gave his eyes.

What is this metamorphosis?

Everyone under the bottom is also stupid, is this the second born?

Ling Han smiled faintly: "I want to kill me, it is not so easy!"

Everyone is speechless. Is this an easy and not easy thing, but can you really kill him?

Ma Feng took a deep breath, his son's bones were not cold, and the murderer was standing in front of him. Can he stop at this time?

"The deity can't believe it, you can always stay in this state!" He thinks that this is a kind of secret law that runs through the cold, and it can never be resident.

"That's to try." Ling Han smiled.

Ma Feng stopped talking and killed again.

Hey, the two men fight, it is true that Ma Feng is strong, will suppress Ling Han, and constantly give him a blow, can face the cold level of the metamorphosis defense, but he has no solution.

If the strength of Ling Han is not so strong, then he can calm down after the cold, with strong power and rules to slowly refine, then it is also a fairy gold can not help.

The problem is that Ling Han’s combat power has reached the quasi-tianzun, and it is still very strong, which makes him helpless. How can he slowly refine?

Moreover, Ling Han has not yet sacrificed the fairy magic sword, otherwise the Tianzun treasure once the power, then who is better and who is worse will have to say another.

Everyone under the numbness has been numb. I only know that I am staring at the sky, and I am shocked by how cold and resilience can be so powerful.

One day, two days, three days, the battle between the two strong men has not ended.

"Almost as good as it is." A sound rang, but with a supreme majesty.

Tianzun, who was stationed in the martial arts, spoke up.

"Yulong adults, this son publicly killed the same door in the martial arts, and asked the adults to take the shot, take this son down, will give me down!" Ma Feng stopped the attack, said to the bottom.

A two-step Tianzun spoke, he did not dare to be the ear.

For Ma Feng, this is actually very shameful. The quasi-tianzun still can't take a Nine-Heaven Emperor. When he says it, he must laugh at the big teeth, but actually need other people to help?

But whoever let death is his son, he can never let Ling Han live and leave.

Underneath, everyone is also shaking their heads and sighing, to know that the martial arts have the rules of the martial arts, even if the enchanting enchanting, the top is to spare a life, or to be sent to the fairy cemetery to ruin it does not matter, can rebuild.

Who asked Ling Han to kill Ma Yuhai, but also in the martial arts, but in front of everyone!

At this level, Ling Han will never go.

Ling Han did not speak, but just fell from the sky.

Yulong Tianzun did not speak and kept silent.

Ma Feng is anxious. What is the situation? Does the other party want to cover up the cold? He quickly said: "Adult, I am **** in the battlefield outside the field, I don't know how many times I am seriously injured, but it is almost degenerate. But my son is killed in person. If this is happening, it is not cold, all in the front line. Human heart?"

This is a bitter card, but at the same time it is also threatening. If this matter is not fair, let the strong people who are fighting in front of the blood have any thoughts to fight?

"Ma Feng, you really sweat for the Yuan world, and more blood." Yulong Tianzun said, "However, it is only the case. Ling Han has made great efforts in the Yuan world, your son humiliated him, this is bigger, Great sin."

"Even if Ling Han kills your son now, the credit is still far greater than the crimes committed. The deity will not shoot him, but also other Tianzun."


Everyone was shocked to hear the words of Yulong Tianzun.

What kind of credit does Ling Han have in the end, can I get such treatment?

Can you kill a son of Zhunzun?

This is natural, Ling Han solved tens of thousands of quasi-tianzun, this is a Ma Feng can get it, but this news has not been spread, otherwise, the entire martial arts will promote the reputation of Ling Han.

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it!" After Ma Feng stunned, he immediately yelled at his neck. "Any nine-day king can make any great achievements? Even if he has the strength of the quasi-tianzun, he can stand more than me." What credit? You know, I have been in the field battlefield for hundreds of billions of years!"

"You are not satisfied with the service, and have nothing to do with the deity. If you don't give up, the deity will take you down and throw it out of the martial arts." Yu Long Tian Zun's voice sounded, he still did not show up, but he was domineering.

How can the Quasi-Zeng Zun be in the face of the true Tianzun?

(End of this chapter)

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