Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2790: Water level retreat

Everyone was shocked again.

A four-step was stepped under the feet of Ling Han, and the other was blocked without words. Ling Han really wants to go against the sky.

Of course, everything has to be limited, that is in the second floor space.

"Right!" He Liqun gritted his teeth, his eyes stunned, as if to spurt out the fire.

"Not yet honest." Ling Han slammed a foot, let He Liqun out of the boring, painful bones into the bones.

Everyone is feeling, who is the opponent of Ling Han here?

They looked at Xuan Dan, this is the seventh-ranked strongman on the second-tier current list, and then look at Cheng Guangqi, which is the ninth-ranked Tianjiao, and Shi Yuyuan, the tenth.

There are also strong players on the third and fourth levels of the current list, many of which are ranked within the top five hundred.

These people are all blinking. They are calculating in their hearts the chances of winning with Ling Han. Under the pressure of suppression, the possibility of winning them is less than 10%.

In the same battle, only 10% of the odds, and they are already the strongest on the current list.

In contrast, the strength of Ling Han will be on the paper.

"Honest?" Ling Han bowed to He Liqun.

He Liqun doesn't talk when he bites his teeth. He is a four-step Tianzun. How can he not even have this bone? Others can be defeated, but the momentum can not be weak, dignity can not be lost, as long as they go out... He will let Ling Han know regret.

"Not honest, then you will be honest." Ling Han began to groan again, he does not matter, anyway, the person being beaten is not him.

He Liqun was miserable, and he was quickly scarred. The self-healing ability of Tianzun is too strong. Even if he is not specialized in defense, the four-step Tianzun does not know how many times he is stronger than the one step. The self-healing ability is of course strong. .

He was continually wounded and wounded, and then he recovered quickly, and he continued to cycle, so that he had a feeling of being inferior to death.

"This kid, a bit of the style of the original." The black man stood up and smiled.

" are only one step now. Why did you say that in the past?" The **** dog did not carelessly dismantled the road. "This kid is like a dog, and the dog is a big one."

The original Ying Long felt dizzy, his feet were swaying, and he was not stable.

He was really scared. He thought that he would find a strong support, but the result was a disaster star.

He Liqun is hard-pressed, and he is not willing to beg for mercy. This is his bottom line. If he asks for mercy in public, then he will not be a man in the future.

Ling Han is also idle, while waiting to wait for the water level to fall.

No one persuaded them to be the opponents of Ling Han. Secondly, they did not have any friendship with He Liqun. Why not ask for this?

After four days of this, the water level has fallen to an invisible place.

Everyone jumped into the lake, and now it has become a huge pit.

Ling Han also kicked He Liqun on his own foot. He couldn't kill the other side. Otherwise, he would not have to go back to the battlefield outside the field.

He is not afraid of He Liqun looking for revenge. In the second space, he is invincible, and he will not be trapped here forever. When he moves into two steps, the four steps of the battle are definitely not a problem.

"Go!" He nodded to the Queen and others.

Everyone jumped into the original lake and went down.

"Boss, what do we do?" Lai Guang asked.

Yuan Yinglong bit his teeth: "We have been on the thief boat, and now we can't come down, so this time we will follow Ling Han! After we leave, we will find a way to clear the relationship."

"Yeah." Lai Guang and others are nodding.

Ling Han took the lead and stepped on the lake wall. His strength was fast and his speed was fast.

Only after a small half day, everyone came to the lake again.

The lake was not exhausted, and the vortex had disappeared and the water level stopped falling.

However, it is already possible to see the bottom of the lake here, but around Wanzhang, this distance is nothing at all.

Therefore, some people are eager to try, and it will be impossible to reach the unbearable level.


Hey, hey, many people immediately jumped into the bottom of the lake, and it also included several four-step Tianzun.

Ling Han and the Queen looked at each other and jumped into the lake. They all had the strength above the stage and could be swept here.

After entering the lake, Ling Han and the Queen immediately felt the pressure hit, but both of them opened a shield to exclude the water pressure, and now these pressures are small for them.

Others jumped into the lake one by one, and then everyone can see the strength of everyone.

Some talents can only hold a thousand feet or so, and the shield is broken. The skin under the pressure of water pressure is broken immediately. The blood is stained with red water and has to float upwards. Otherwise, it is self-seeking. road.

Some people went up to two thousand feet before they went up, and some people supported it to three thousand feet. This is the most intuitive embodiment of hard power.

At the depth of five thousand feet, there are less than one hundred left.

On the side of Ling Han, in addition to Yuan Sheng Tian Zun and Yu Huang, other people have long been unable to hold it, and Yuan Sheng and Yu Huang are also very embarrassed, and the shield is crumbling.

However, if you are here, you can see the Tianzun symbol underneath more clearly. Although there is no more revealing, but because the lake is no longer fluctuating, the refractive index is further reduced, and naturally it is more realistic.

The two stopped here and watched the symbol.

Ling Han and the Queen continue to go down, they are far from reaching the limit.

Six thousand feet, seven thousand feet, so Ling Han was surprised that there are still other people at this depth.

Yan Xuan Dan, Cheng Guangqi, Shi Yuyuan, Shi Zhonghe, Shi Mengyu, etc., are the top figures on the current list of each level. On the contrary, the big names on the fifth floor are gone.

The suppression of cultivation here, the ability to see the same level of war, is definitely not stronger when it is high.

For example, Ling Han, such as the Queen, and such as Yu Xuan Dan and others.

These people have been very low-key, until this time only broke the strength, but they are also very surprised, I did not expect that there are so many people like themselves.

They glanced at each other and continued to dive.

Ling Han saw that nowadays it is the Eight Immortals crossing the sea and showing all the magical powers. Most of the people are wrapped in vague symbols to resist the pressure of the lake. There are also a few who are like Ling Han and the Empress. They are very calm and support. Open a shield and resist it with its own strength.

Those who manifested the symbols obviously have mastered the Tianzun characters, and they are not the seven that were handed down. They are obtained from other channels and have stronger power to support them.

But what makes Ling Han more concerned is those who do not have manifestation symbols.

Can you support this without the Tianzun symbol?


Ling Han looked at the Queen, and the Queen nodded to Ling Han. I am afraid that these people have mastered the unique strength of several planes, otherwise they cannot explain.

Like the Queen, her evolutionary index is the same as that of the eleventh, but she can accommodate the power of one hundred planes. Although there is Warri’s theory and the help of Ling Han, it is still said that this difficulty is not High enough to be copied.

(End of this chapter)

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