Now, the five-step Tianzun on the sixth floor has been unable to stop the frenzied army, so that many six-step Tianzun rushed to the sixth floor support, and the battle situation has reached a feverish level.

On the side of the frosty face, the five-step Tianzun has already died more than ten, that is, the six-step Tianzun also has a fall, which is a huge loss.

This is very bad, although it still stands still, but in case one day the frenzied army suddenly changes the direction of an offensive, such as the seventh floor space, then a large number of six-step Tianzun ran to the sixth floor support, where the defense is not Will it fall for a moment?

Even if you can kill the frenzied army, but the defense line is lost, it is lost, never recovered.

How far will this be pushed by the frenzy?

In history, there is no such thing as a birth. Every time it is a headache for the face of the cream, one carelessness will cost the loss of a large number of territories.

This time... no one knows what the outcome is.

Ling Han can't help, so he can only concentrate on accompanying his wife and quietly waiting for the birth of the child.

Soon, 60 million years later, when the Queen finally arrived at the time of the birth, Ling Han was anxious to turn around and slammed around the door.

This pregnancy is for nearly 100 million years. Of course, this child will not be born overnight. It took seven days to complete, and this little baby finally came to the ground.

It’s a girl. Although she was born, she has a beautiful silhouette, like a Queen.

Ling Han holding his first daughter, could not help but laugh at the face.

Beautiful, this is his daughter.

Yu Huang and others all came to hear the news. They saw Ling Han holding the newly born child and expressed congratulations to him.

"Good little girl, not as good as this one, give Zhou Heng's grandson." Black scorpion said his head.

Ling Han almost kicked out, this daughter has just been born, you just got the idea?

Do not marry, do not marry, and then do not marry.

Everyone sent a meeting to meet, Xian Wang Da Yao, Xian Jin is countless, Ling Han is also welcome, one by one smile.

"Ling brother, your daughter seems to be extremely extraordinary!" Ji Wuming said, his momentum is more and more stable, not far from the breakthrough two steps.

Ling Han smiled, holding his daughter like a baby, not letting others touch it. He is very clear. This baby daughter is a fairy **** in his life. Can it be extraordinary?

No way, parents are Tianzun, and they are all condensed with countless planes. Such a child is born with a unique and extraordinary descendant of Heaven.

He extracted the small world from the body and integrated the core of the plane into his daughter's body. As long as her daughter is in this small world, she has the strength of the quasi-tianzun.


His style is too strong, even if it is not suitable for celebrations in the field battlefield, there are still many people who can hear the news. Everyone is given a gift and is worth a lot.

Some gifts have been collected in the cold, and some have not. This person can't take it naturally. He is a person.

Just here, it was a big event.

It’s a big deal, no one thought of it.

Boom, the sky is cracked, the force of the plane is soaring, you can annihilate everything.

"Not good!" Ling Han immediately changed his face. He wanted to see the situation. Now he has no hesitation. He has taken all the females into the cyclamen and then ran.

I saw a terrible energy storm in the distance that was being swept up, just as the small world was ruined in the small world.

This is the energy storm formed by the collision of the two high-level planes. It is attacked by invincibility. Not to mention one step, it is that the six-step Tianzun does not dare to swear.

Hey, a scene of the scene appeared around the cold, joined him in the rushing team.

Fortunately, although the energy storm is terrible, but the degree can not catch up with God.

After running out of a few million miles, the talents finally stopped.

They have now completely withdrawn from the extraterritorial battlefield.

What exactly is going on?

I haven't waited for them to study what happened, but I saw you, and more people broke the space, but they are not the Tianzun of the second space, but the strong people of all levels.

Two steps, three steps, four steps, five steps, six steps, all the strong are exiting the field battlefield except seven steps.

Everyone is more curious, what happened to him?

Zhou Heng, Chu Hao, and Lin Xiaoyang are all there. There are also several six-step Tianzun. The audience is respected by them. They are entrusted to the center of the crowd, scattered and suppressing all the hegemonic momentum. No one can disrespect.

Ling Han counted a few times, the number of six-step Tianzun is almost two hundred, nearly three hundred look, this average to the higher plane, then almost one plane two to three.

The six steps of Tianzun were all frowning, and soon they showed the color of listening. Soon after, they showed amazement.

Lin Xiaoyang said: "The deity just received the voice of several adults in the eighth floor space, saying that the fierce battle led to the turbulence and collision of two planes. Now there is an energy frenzy, except for seven steps. No one can stand above this."

Everyone is nodding, it turned out to be the case.

and many more?

Everyone is suddenly reacting, energy is raging, and only seven steps can stop. This does not mean that

"Yes." Chu Hao nodded. "This energy frenzy is soaring, maybe... never disappears. This means that we have no tasks for the time being, and we don't need to fight here anymore. We can completely go where we want to go." Where to go."


Although everyone has already thought of this, they really have to confirm the news, but they are somewhat unsuitable.

In the past few years, they have fought here, they have grown up here, and they have long been regarded as homes. Now they suddenly say that their homes are gone, they don’t need to be stationed again, and they will be born with a kind of ignorance.

But it was only a moment, and many people already thought about what they were going to do.

Go back to your own plane and be a one-of-a-kind overlord.

Zhou Heng said: "Where you can go where you want to go, if the energy frenzy shows signs of disappearing, I will inform you one by one and come back to fight."

Everyone is nodding.

But after playing for so long, it is said that if a word is scattered, it will be scattered.

Everyone did not leave the first time, but planned to look at the situation.

Ling Han is looking for an opportunity to seek to see Zhou Heng, just as Lin Xiaoyang and Chu Hao are also, they have seen Ling Han together.

"Boy, you are very good." Chu Hao smiled, he had decided that Ling Han could only give up the original plan, take the road of ordinary Tianzun, did not expect Ling Han but gave him a surprise.

"Thank you for your predecessors." Ling Han was slightly stunned. "Dare to ask three seniors, how do you think about this incident?"

"You are skeptical, this is a frenzied conspiracy?" Zhou Heng said the suspicion of Ling Han, he indulged. "This kind of incident has not appeared in the long history, but the energy frenzy did not have this violent ""

"I can be sure that this is not a false one... the seven-step adults have confirmed this."

(End of this chapter)

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